# Dactyl Flexible PCB Rough Guide ![](workbench.jpg) For now, take a look at the images and try to figure things out, I know that's not great (it's better than nothing!) ## Making the PCB Get two sheets of 6in square Pyralux™. Use the Toner Transfer method to etch the Pyralux sheets as you would a usual PCB > NOTE: If you only have an Inkjet make photocopies of the print out, voilà Toner based copies! [Here's a handy toner transfer guide ... ](http://www.instructables.com/id/Toner-transfer-no-soak-high-quality-double-sided/) Print these PCB designs out... Left hand: ![](left-hand-pcb-pyralux.png) Right hand: ![](right-hand-pcb-pyralux.png) When you're done etching, you'll need to carefully cut the pcb into pieces... See the images below. ## This is Madness... The thumb cluster pcb for the left hand: ![](madness.jpg) Solder the MCP like so: ![](left-hand-mcp-1.jpg) ![](left-hand-mcp-2.jpg) Solder the Teensy 2.0 like so: ![](teensy-1.jpg) Some interesting pull up 10k resistor business here... (TODO add a small diagram and notes) ![](teensy-2-fuxor-reziztorrs.jpg) Each hand of the keyboard will wire up like so: ![](right-hand-pcb-1.jpg) Teensy goes here... note the rows soldered to the teensy via the Pyralux: ![](right-hand-pcb-with-teensy.jpg) Here the left hand: ![](hotglue-left-hand.jpg) That's all for now, this guide will improve over time! (TODO!)