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8 years ago
(ns dactyl-keyboard.dactyl
(:refer-clojure :exclude [use import])
(:require [scad-clj.scad :refer :all]
[scad-clj.model :refer :all]
[unicode-math.core :refer :all]
[clojure.core.matrix.operators :refer [+ - / *]]))
;; Switch Hole ;;
(def plate-thickness 4) ; was 4
(def keyswitch-height 14.4) ;; Was 14.1, then 14.25
(def keyswitch-width 14.4)
(def key-height 10.4) ; was 12.7, then 10.4
(def dsa-profile-key-height 7.4)
(def key-z (+ plate-thickness 3)) ; 3 is pressed, 7 is released
(def mount-width (+ keyswitch-width 3))
(def mount-height (+ keyswitch-height 3))
(def single-plate
(let [top-wall (->> (cube (+ keyswitch-width 3) 1.5 plate-thickness)
(translate [0
(+ (/ 1.5 2) (/ keyswitch-height 2))
(/ plate-thickness 2)]))
left-wall (->> (cube 1.5 (+ keyswitch-height 3) plate-thickness)
(translate [(+ (/ 1.5 2) (/ keyswitch-width 2))
(/ plate-thickness 2)]))
side-nub (->> (binding [*fn* 30] (cylinder 1 2.75)) ; spec says 5.7
(rotate (/ π 2) [1 0 0])
(translate [(+ (/ keyswitch-width 2)) 0 1])
(hull (->> (cube 1.5 2.75 plate-thickness)
(translate [(+ (/ 1.5 2) (/ keyswitch-width 2))
(/ plate-thickness 2)]))))
plate-half (union top-wall left-wall (with-fn 100 side-nub))]
(union plate-half
(->> plate-half
(mirror [1 0 0])
(mirror [0 1 0])))))
;; SA Keycaps ;;
(def sa-length 18.5)
(def sa-double-length 37.5)
(def sa-cap {1 (let [bl2 (/ sa-length 2)
m (/ dsa-profile-key-height 2)
key-cap (hull (->> (polygon [[bl2 bl2] [bl2 (- bl2)] [(- bl2) (- bl2)] [(- bl2) bl2]])
(extrude-linear {:height 0.1 :twist 0 :convexity 0})
(translate [0 0 0.05]))
(->> (polygon [[m m] [m (- m)] [(- m) (- m)] [(- m) m]])
(extrude-linear {:height 0.1 :twist 0 :convexity 0})
(translate [0 0 6]))
(->> (polygon [[6 6] [6 -6] [-6 -6] [-6 6]])
(extrude-linear {:height 0.1 :twist 0 :convexity 0})
(translate [0 0 dsa-profile-key-height])))]
(->> key-cap
(translate [0 0 key-z])
(color [220/255 163/255 163/255 1])))
2 (let [bl2 (/ sa-double-length 2)
bw2 (/ 18.25 2)
key-cap (hull (->> (polygon [[bw2 bl2] [bw2 (- bl2)] [(- bw2) (- bl2)] [(- bw2) bl2]])
(extrude-linear {:height 0.1 :twist 0 :convexity 0})
(translate [0 0 0.05]))
(->> (polygon [[6 16] [6 -16] [-6 -16] [-6 16]])
(extrude-linear {:height 0.1 :twist 0 :convexity 0})
(translate [0 0 dsa-profile-key-height])))]
(->> key-cap
(translate [0 0 key-z])
(color [127/255 159/255 127/255 1])))
1.5 (let [bl2 (/ 18.25 2)
bw2 (/ 28 2)
key-cap (hull (->> (polygon [[bw2 bl2] [bw2 (- bl2)] [(- bw2) (- bl2)] [(- bw2) bl2]])
(extrude-linear {:height 0.1 :twist 0 :convexity 0})
(translate [0 0 0.05]))
(->> (polygon [[11 6] [-11 6] [-11 -6] [11 -6]])
(extrude-linear {:height 0.1 :twist 0 :convexity 0})
(translate [0 0 dsa-profile-key-height])))]
(->> key-cap
(translate [0 0 key-z])
(color [240/255 223/255 175/255 1])))})
;; Placement Functions ;;
(def columns (range 0 6))
(def rows (range 0 5))
(def α (/ π 12))
(def β (/ π 36))
(def cap-top-height (+ plate-thickness key-height))
(def row-radius (+ (/ (/ (+ mount-height 1/2) 2)
(Math/sin (/ α 2)))
(def column-radius (+ (/ (/ (+ mount-width 2.0) 2)
(Math/sin (/ β 2)))
(defn key-place [column row shape]
(let [row-placed-shape (->> shape
(translate [0 0 (- row-radius)])
(rotate (* α (- 2 row)) [1 0 0])
(translate [0 0 row-radius]))
column-row-offset (cond
(= column 2) [0 2.4 -4.5]
(= column 4) [0 -5.8 5.64]
(and (= column 5) (not= row 4)) [5.2 -5.8 7.01]
(and (= column 5) (= row 4)) [0.5 -5.8 5.7]
(and (= column 6) (= row 4)) [8.9 -5.8 8] ; extended connector
(= column 6) [9 -5.8 8] ; extended connector
:else [0 0 0])
column-angle (* β (- 2 column))
placed-shape (->> row-placed-shape
(translate [0 0 (- column-radius)])
(rotate column-angle [0 1 0])
(translate [0 0 column-radius])
(translate column-row-offset))]
(->> placed-shape
(rotate (/ π 12) [0 1 0])
(translate [0 0 14.5]))))
(defn case-place [column row shape]
(let [row-placed-shape (->> shape
(translate [0 0 (- row-radius)])
(rotate (* α (- 2 row)) [1 0 0])
(translate [0 0 row-radius]))
column-offset (if (= column 6)
[-7.25 -5.8 2.1]
[0 -3.35 4.9])
row-offset (if (= row 0)
[0 -2.3 0]
[0 0 0])
column-row-offset (if (and (= row 0) (= column 6))
[0 2.25 0]
[0 0 0])
column-angle (* β (- 2 column))
placed-shape (->> row-placed-shape
(translate [0 0 (- column-radius)])
(rotate column-angle [0 1 0])
(translate [0 0 column-radius])
(translate column-row-offset)
(translate column-offset)
(translate row-offset))]
(->> placed-shape
(rotate (/ π 12) [0 1 0])
(translate [0 0 14.5]))))
(defn bottom-place [column row shape]
(let [row-placed-shape (->> shape
(translate [0 0 (- row-radius)])
(rotate (* α (- 2 row)) [1 0 0])
(translate [0 0 row-radius]))
column-offset (cond (< column 1.5) [-1 0 0]
:else [0 0 0])
column-row-offset (if (not= column 6) [0 -4.35 4.8]
(if (not= row 4) [-7.25 -5.8 2.1]
[-7.89 -5.8 3.6]))
column-angle (* β (- 2 column))
placed-shape (->> row-placed-shape
(translate [0 0 (- column-radius)])
(rotate column-angle [0 1 0])
(translate [0 0 column-radius])
(translate column-row-offset)
(translate column-offset))]
(->> placed-shape
(rotate (/ π 12) [0 1 0])
(translate [0 0 13]))))
(def key-holes
(apply union
(for [column columns
row rows
:when (or (not= column 0)
(not= row 4))]
(->> single-plate
(key-place column row)))))
(def caps
(apply union
(for [column columns
row rows
:when (or (not= column 0)
(not= row 4))]
(->> (sa-cap (if (and (= column 5) (not= row 4)) 1.5 1))
(key-place column row)))))
(defn prism [w l h taper-1 taper-2]
(let [t1 taper-1
t2 taper-2
wt (- w taper-1)
lt (- l taper-2)]
(polyhedron [[0 0 0]
[t1 t1 h]
[wt t1 h]
[w 0 0]
[0 l 0]
[t1 lt h]
[wt lt h]
[w l 0]]
[[0 1 2] [2 3 0]
[3 2 6] [6 7 3]
[7 6 5] [5 4 7]
[4 5 1] [1 0 4]
[1 5 2] [2 5 6]
[4 0 3] [7 4 3]])))
;; Web Connectors ;;
(def web-thickness plate-thickness) ; was 3.5
(def post-size 0.1)
(def web-post (->> (cube post-size post-size web-thickness)
(translate [0 0 (+ (/ web-thickness -2)
(def post-adj (/ post-size 2))
(def web-post-tr (translate [(- (/ mount-width 2) post-adj) (- (/ mount-height 2) post-adj) 0] web-post))
(def web-post-tl (translate [(+ (/ mount-width -2) post-adj) (- (/ mount-height 2) post-adj) 0] web-post))
(def web-post-bl (translate [(+ (/ mount-width -2) post-adj) (+ (/ mount-height -2) post-adj) 0] web-post))
(def web-post-br (translate [(- (/ mount-width 2) post-adj) (+ (/ mount-height -2) post-adj) 0] web-post))
(defn triangle-hulls [& shapes]
(apply union
(map (partial apply hull)
(partition 3 1 shapes))))
(def connectors
(apply union
;; Row connections
(for [column columns ;(drop-last columns)
row rows
:when (or (not= column 0)
(not= row 4))]
(key-place (inc column) row web-post-tl)
(key-place column row web-post-tr)
(key-place (inc column) row web-post-bl)
(key-place column row web-post-br)))
;; Column connections
(for [column columns
row (drop-last rows)
:when (or (not= column 0)
(not= row 3))]
(key-place column row web-post-bl)
(key-place column row web-post-br)
(key-place column (inc row) web-post-tl)
(key-place column (inc row) web-post-tr)))
;; Diagonal connections
(for [column columns;(drop-last columns)
row (drop-last rows)
:when (or (not= column 0)
(not= row 3))]
(key-place column row web-post-br)
(key-place column (inc row) web-post-tr)
(key-place (inc column) row web-post-bl)
(key-place (inc column) (inc row) web-post-tl))))))
;; Thumbs ;;
(defn thumb-place [column row shape]
(let [cap-top-height (+ plate-thickness key-height)
α (/ π 12)
row-radius (+ (/ (/ (+ mount-height 1) 2)
(Math/sin (/ α 2)))
β (/ π 36)
column-radius (+ (/ (/ (+ mount-width 2) 2)
(Math/sin (/ β 2)))
#_(+ (/ (/ (+ pillar-width 5) 2)
(Math/sin (/ β 2)))
(->> shape
(translate [0 0 (- row-radius)])
(rotate (* α row) [1 0 0])
(translate [0 0 row-radius])
(translate [0 0 (- column-radius)])
(rotate (* column β) [0 1 0])
(translate [0 0 column-radius])
(translate [mount-width 0 0])
(rotate (* π (- 1/4 3/16)) [0 0 1])
(rotate (/ π 12) [1 1 0])
(translate [-52 -45 40]))))
(defn thumb-2x-column [shape]
(thumb-place 0 -1/2 shape))
(defn thumb-2x+1-column [shape]
(union (thumb-place 1 -1/2 shape)
(thumb-place 1 1 shape)))
(defn thumb-1x-column [shape]
(union (thumb-place 2 -1 shape)
(thumb-place 2 0 shape)
(thumb-place 2 1 shape)))
(defn thumb-layout [shape]
(thumb-2x-column shape)
(thumb-2x+1-column shape)
(thumb-1x-column shape)))
(def double-plates
(let [plate-height (/ (- sa-double-length mount-height) 2)
top-plate (->> (cube mount-width plate-height web-thickness)
(translate [0 (/ (+ plate-height mount-height) 2)
(- plate-thickness (/ web-thickness 2))]))
; Costar or WASD stabilizers
stabilizer-cutout (union (->> (cube 14.2 3.5 web-thickness)
(translate [0.5 12 (- plate-thickness (/ web-thickness 2))])
(color [1 0 0 1/2]))
(->> (cube 16 3.5 web-thickness)
(translate [0.5 12 (- plate-thickness (/ web-thickness 2) 1.4)])
(color [1 0 0 1/2])))
top-plate (difference top-plate stabilizer-cutout)]
(union top-plate (mirror [0 1 0] top-plate))))
(def thumbcaps
(thumb-2x-column (sa-cap 2))
(thumb-place 1 -1/2 (sa-cap 2))
(thumb-place 1 1 (sa-cap 1))
(thumb-1x-column (sa-cap 1))))
(def thumb-connectors
(apply union
(for [column [2] row [1]]
(triangle-hulls (thumb-place column row web-post-br)
(thumb-place column row web-post-tr)
(thumb-place (dec column) row web-post-bl)
(thumb-place (dec column) row web-post-tl)))
(for [column [2] row [0 1]]
(thumb-place column row web-post-bl)
(thumb-place column row web-post-br)
(thumb-place column (dec row) web-post-tl)
(thumb-place column (dec row) web-post-tr)))))
(let [plate-height (/ (- sa-double-length mount-height) 2)
thumb-tl (->> web-post-tl
(translate [0 plate-height 0]))
thumb-bl (->> web-post-bl
(translate [0 (- plate-height) 0]))
thumb-tr (->> web-post-tr
(translate [0 plate-height 0]))
thumb-br (->> web-post-br
(translate [0 (- plate-height) 0]))]
;;Connecting the two doubles
(triangle-hulls (thumb-place 0 -1/2 thumb-tl)
(thumb-place 0 -1/2 thumb-bl)
(thumb-place 1 -1/2 thumb-tr)
(thumb-place 1 -1/2 thumb-br))
;;Connecting the double to the one above it
(triangle-hulls (thumb-place 1 -1/2 thumb-tr)
(thumb-place 1 -1/2 thumb-tl)
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-br)
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-bl))
;;Connecting the 4 with the double in the bottom left
(triangle-hulls (thumb-place 1 1 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 1 -1/2 thumb-tl)
(thumb-place 2 1 web-post-br)
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-tr))
;;Connecting the two singles with the middle double
(hull (thumb-place 1 -1/2 thumb-tl)
(thumb-place 1 -1/2 thumb-bl)
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-br)
(thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-tr))
(hull (thumb-place 1 -1/2 thumb-tl)
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-tr)
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-br))
(hull (thumb-place 1 -1/2 thumb-bl)
(thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-tr)
(thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-br))
;;Connecting the thumb to everything
(triangle-hulls (thumb-place 0 -1/2 thumb-br)
(key-place 1 4 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 0 -1/2 thumb-tr)
(key-place 1 4 web-post-tl)
(key-place 1 3 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 0 -1/2 thumb-tr)
(key-place 0 3 web-post-br)
(key-place 0 3 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 0 -1/2 thumb-tr)
(thumb-place 0 -1/2 thumb-tl)
(key-place 0 3 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 1 -1/2 thumb-tr)
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-br)
(key-place 0 3 web-post-bl)
(key-place 0 3 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-br)
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-tr))
(hull (thumb-place 0 -1/2 web-post-tr)
(thumb-place 0 -1/2 thumb-tr)
(key-place 1 4 web-post-bl)
(key-place 1 4 web-post-tl))))))
(def thumb
(thumb-layout (rotate (/ π 2) [0 0 1] single-plate))
(thumb-place 0 -1/2 double-plates)
(thumb-place 1 -1/2 double-plates)))
;; Case ;;
;; In column units
(def right-wall-column (+ (last columns) 1.1))
(def left-wall-column (- (first columns) 1/2))
(def thumb-back-y 0.93)
(def thumb-case-z 3)
(def thumb-right-wall (- -1/2 0.05))
(def thumb-front-row (+ -1 0.07))
(def thumb-left-wall-column (+ 5/2 0.05))
(def back-y 0.02)
(defn range-inclusive [start end step]
(concat (range start end step) [end]))
(def wall-step 0.2)
(def wall-sphere-n 20) ;;20 Sphere resolution, lower for faster renders
(defn wall-cube-at [coords]
(->> (cube 3 3 3)
(translate coords)))
(defn scale-to-range [start end x]
(+ start (* (- end start) x)))
(defn wall-cube-bottom [front-to-back-scale]
(wall-cube-at [0
(+ (/ mount-height -2) -3.5)
(+ (/ mount-height 2) 5.0)
-6])) ; was -6, then 2
(defn wall-cube-top [front-to-back-scale]
(wall-cube-at [0
(+ (/ mount-height -2) -3.5)
(+ (/ mount-height 2) 3.5)
4])) ; case height
(def wall-cube-top-back (wall-cube-top 1))
(def wall-cube-bottom-back (wall-cube-bottom 1))
(def wall-cube-bottom-front (wall-cube-bottom 0))
(def wall-cube-top-front (wall-cube-top 0))
(defn top-case-cover [place-fn sphere
x-start x-end
y-start y-end
(apply union
(for [x (range-inclusive x-start (- x-end step) step)
y (range-inclusive y-start (- y-end step) step)]
(hull (place-fn x y sphere)
(place-fn (+ x step) y sphere)
(place-fn x (+ y step) sphere)
(place-fn (+ x step) (+ y step) sphere)))))
(def case-back-cutout
(let [a (+ mount-width 8)]
(->> (prism a a a 0 6)
(rotate π [0 0 1])
(rotate (/ π 15) [1 0 0])
(translate [(/ a 2) (+ a 9.3) -15.25])
(key-place 2 0))))
(def case-inside-cutout
(let [a (+ mount-width 8)
b (+ mount-width 3.8)
c 6]
(->> (prism b b c 2 2)
(rotate π [1 0 0])
(translate [(- (/ b 2)) 10.5 (+ c 4)])
(key-place 2 0)))))
(def front-wall
(let [step wall-step ;;0.1
wall-step 0.05 ;;0.05
place case-place
top-cover (fn [x-start x-end y-start y-end]
(top-case-cover place wall-cube-top-front
x-start x-end y-start y-end
(apply union
(for [x (range 2 5)]
(hull (place (- x 1/2) 4 (translate [0 1 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(place (+ x 1/2) 4 (translate [0 1 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place x 4 web-post-bl)
(key-place x 4 web-post-br))
(hull (place (- x 1/2) 4 (translate [0 1 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place x 4 web-post-bl)
(key-place (- x 1) 4 web-post-br)))))
(hull (place right-wall-column 4 (translate [-1 1 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(place (- right-wall-column 1) 4 (translate [0 1 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place 5 4 web-post-bl)
(key-place 5 4 web-post-br))
(hull (place right-wall-column 4 (translate [-1 1 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(place (- right-wall-column 1) 4 (translate [0 1 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place 6 4 web-post-bl)
(key-place 5 4 web-post-br))
(hull (place (+ 4 1/2) 4 (translate [0 1 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(place (- right-wall-column 1) 4 (translate [0 1 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place 4 4 web-post-br)
(key-place 5 4 web-post-bl))
(hull (place 0.721 4 (translate [0 1 -1.4] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(place 1.5 4 (translate [0 1 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place 1 4 web-post-bl)
(key-place 1 4 web-post-br)))))
(def back-wall
(let [step wall-step
wall-cube-top-backtep 0.05
place case-place]
(hull (place left-wall-column 0 (translate [1 -1 1] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(place (+ left-wall-column 1) 0 (translate [0 -1 1] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(key-place 0 0 web-post-tl)
(key-place 0 0 web-post-tr))
(hull (place 5 0 (translate [0 -0.91 1.32] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(place right-wall-column 0 (translate [-1.2 -1.52 0.91] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(key-place 5 0 web-post-tl)
(key-place 5 0 (translate [5.6 0 0.05] web-post-tr)))
(apply union
(for [x (range 1 5)]
(hull (place (- x 1/2) 0 (translate [0 -1 1] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(place (+ x 1/2) 0 (translate [0 -1 1] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(key-place x 0 web-post-tl)
(key-place x 0 web-post-tr))
(hull (place (- x 1/2) 0 (translate [0 -1 1] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(key-place x 0 web-post-tl)
(key-place (- x 1) 0 web-post-tr))))))
(hull (place (- 5 1/2) 0 (translate [0 -1 1] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(place 5 0 (translate [0 -0.91 1.32] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(key-place 4 0 web-post-tr)
(key-place 5 0 web-post-tl)))
(union case-back-cutout
(def right-wall
(let [place case-place]
(apply union
(for [x (range 0 5)]
(hull (place right-wall-column x (translate [-1 -1 1] (wall-cube-bottom 1/2)))
(place 6 x web-post-br)
(place 6 x web-post-tr))))
(for [x (range 0 4)]
(hull (place right-wall-column x (translate [-1 -1 1] (wall-cube-bottom 1/2)))
(place right-wall-column (inc x) (translate [-1 -1 1] (wall-cube-bottom 1/2)))
(place 6 x web-post-br)
(place 6 (inc x) web-post-tr))))
(hull (place right-wall-column 0 (translate [-1 -1 1] (wall-cube-bottom 1/2)))
(place right-wall-column 0 (translate [-1.2 -1.5 0.9] (wall-cube-bottom 1)))
(place 6 0 web-post-tr))
(hull (place right-wall-column 4 (translate [-1 -1 1] (wall-cube-bottom 1/2)))
(place right-wall-column 4 (translate [-1 1 1] (wall-cube-bottom 0)))
(place 6 4 web-post-br)))])))))
(def left-wall
(let [place case-place]
(hull (place left-wall-column 0 (translate [1 -1.5 1] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(place left-wall-column 1 (translate [1 0 1] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(key-place 0 0 web-post-tl)
(key-place 0 0 web-post-bl))
(hull (place left-wall-column 1 (translate [1 0 1] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(place left-wall-column 2 (translate [1 0 1] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(key-place 0 0 web-post-bl)
(key-place 0 1 web-post-bl))
(hull (place left-wall-column 2 (translate [1 0 1] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(place left-wall-column 1.71 (translate [1 0 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place 0 1 web-post-bl)
(key-place 0 2 web-post-bl)))))
(def left-inside-wall
(let [place case-place]
(hull (place left-wall-column 1.71 (translate [1 0 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place 0 2 web-post-bl)
(key-place 0 3 web-post-tl))
(hull (place left-wall-column 1.71 (translate [2 0 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-tr)
(key-place 0 3 web-post-tl)
(place left-wall-column 1.71 (translate [1 0 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-tr)
(thumb-place 1/2 thumb-back-y (translate [0 -1.7 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 1/2 thumb-back-y (translate [1 -1.7 (- thumb-case-z 2.9)] wall-cube-bottom-back))))))
(def thumb-back-wall
(let [step wall-step
top-step 0.05
back-y thumb-back-y]
(thumb-place 1/2 thumb-back-y (translate [0 -1.7 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-tr)
(thumb-place 3/2 thumb-back-y (translate [0 -1.7 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-tl))
(thumb-place (+ 5/2 0.05) thumb-back-y (translate [1.5 -1.7 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 3/2 thumb-back-y (translate [0 -1.7 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 2 1 web-post-tl)))))
(def thumb-left-wall
(let [step wall-step
place thumb-place
wall (+ thumb-left-wall-column 0.001)]
(thumb-place wall thumb-back-y (translate [1.5 -1.7 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place wall 0 (translate [1.5 0 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 2 1 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 2 1 web-post-bl))
(thumb-place wall 0 (translate [1.5 0 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 2 1 web-post-bl))
(thumb-place wall 0 (translate [1.5 0 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place wall -1 (translate [1.5 0 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-bl))
(thumb-place wall -1 (translate [1.5 0 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-bl))
(thumb-place wall -1 (translate [1.5 0 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place wall (+ -1 0.07) (translate [1.5 0.6 (+ thumb-case-z 0.2)] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-bl)))))
(def thumb-front-wall
(let [step wall-step
wall-cube-top-front 0.05
place thumb-place
wall (- thumb-front-row 0.04)
plate-height (/ (- sa-double-length mount-height) 2)
thumb-tl (->> web-post-tl
(translate [0 plate-height 0]))
thumb-bl (->> web-post-bl
(translate [0 (- plate-height) 0]))
thumb-tr (->> web-post-tr
(translate [-0 plate-height 0]))
thumb-br (->> web-post-br
(translate [-0 (- plate-height) 0]))]
(hull (place (+ 5/2 0.05) wall (translate [1.5 1.5 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(place (+ 3/2 0.05) wall (translate [0 1.5 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(place 2 -1 web-post-bl)
(place 2 -1 web-post-br))
(hull (place thumb-right-wall wall (translate [-1 1.5 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(place (+ 1/2 0.05) wall (translate [0 1.5 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(place 0 -1/2 thumb-bl)
(place 0 -1/2 thumb-br))
(hull (place (+ 1/2 0.05) wall (translate [0 1.5 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(place (+ 3/2 0.05) wall (translate [0 1.5 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(place 0 -1/2 thumb-bl)
(place 1 -1/2 thumb-bl)
(place 1 -1/2 thumb-br)
(place 2 -1 web-post-br)))))
(def thumb-inside-wall
(let [place thumb-place
wall (- thumb-front-row 0.04)
plate-height (/ (- sa-double-length mount-height) 2)
thumb-bl (->> web-post-bl
(translate [0 (- plate-height) 0]))
thumb-br (->> web-post-br
(translate [-0 (- plate-height) 0]))
thumb-bottom (->> (cube 3 3 0.001)
(translate [13.6 -15 -8]))
thumb-top (->> (cube 1 1 1)
(translate [13 -11.7 -5.4]))]
(hull (place thumb-right-wall wall (translate [-1 1.5 thumb-case-z] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place 1 4 web-post-bl)
(place 0 -1/2 thumb-br)
(case-place 0 4 thumb-top)
(case-place 0 4 (translate [-1 10 0] thumb-bottom)))))
(def new-case
(union front-wall
;; Bottom ;;
(defn bottom [height & p]
(->> (project p)
(extrude-linear {:height height :twist 0 :convexity 0})
(translate [0 0 (/ height 2)])))
(defn bottom-hull [& p]
(hull p (bottom 1 p)))
(def bottom-key-guard (->> (cube mount-width mount-height web-thickness)
(translate [0 0 (+ (- (/ web-thickness 2)) -5)])))
(def bottom-front-key-guard (->> (cube mount-width (/ mount-height 2) web-thickness)
(translate [0 (/ mount-height 4) (+ (- (/ web-thickness 2)) -5)])))
(defn stand-at [diameter placement]
(let [bumper-radius (/ diameter 2)
stand-diameter (+ diameter 2)
stand-radius (/ stand-diameter 2)]
(difference (->> (sphere stand-radius)
(translate [0 0 (+ (/ stand-radius -2) -4.5)])
(->> (cube stand-diameter stand-diameter stand-radius)
(translate [0 0 (/ stand-radius -2)])
(->> (sphere bumper-radius)
(translate [0 0 (+ (/ stand-radius -2) -4.5)])
(bottom 1.5)))))
(def bottom-plate
; (apply union
; (for [column columns
; row (drop-last rows) ;;
; :when (or (not= column 0)
; (not= row 4))]
; (->> bottom-key-guard
; (key-place column row))))
; (thumb-layout (rotate (/ π 2) [0 0 1] bottom-key-guard))
; (apply union
; (for [column columns
; row [(last rows)] ;;
; :when (or (not= column 0)
; (not= row 4))]
; (->> bottom-front-key-guard
; (key-place column row))))
(let [shift #(translate [0 0 (+ (- web-thickness) -5)] %)
thumb-ridge-height 1
thumb-back-offset -1.28
thumb-left-offset 1.13
thumb-front-offset 0.56
front-offset 0.63
left-offset 0.9
right-offset -0.73
back-offset -0.85
web-post-tl (shift web-post-tl)
web-post-tr (shift web-post-tr)
web-post-br (shift web-post-br)
web-post-bl (shift web-post-bl)
half-shift-correction #(translate [0 (/ mount-height 2) 0] %)
half-post-br (half-shift-correction web-post-br)
half-post-bl (half-shift-correction web-post-bl)
row-connections (concat
(for [column (drop-last columns)
row (drop-last rows)
:when (or (not= column 0)
(not= row 4))]
(key-place (inc column) row web-post-tl)
(key-place column row web-post-tr)
(key-place (inc column) row web-post-bl)
(key-place column row web-post-br)))
(for [column (drop-last columns)
row [(last rows)]
:when (or (not= column 0)
(not= row 4))]
(key-place (inc column) row web-post-tl)
(key-place column row web-post-tr)
(key-place (inc column) row half-post-bl)
(key-place column row half-post-br))))
column-connections (for [column columns
row (drop-last rows)
:when (or (not= column 0)
(not= row 3))]
(key-place column row web-post-bl)
(key-place column row web-post-br)
(key-place column (inc row) web-post-tl)
(key-place column (inc row) web-post-tr)))
diagonal-connections (for [column (drop-last columns)
row (drop-last rows)
:when (or (not= column 0)
(not= row 3))]
(key-place column row web-post-br)
(key-place column (inc row) web-post-tr)
(key-place (inc column) row web-post-bl)
(key-place (inc column) (inc row) web-post-tl)))
main-keys-bottom (concat row-connections
front-wall (concat
(for [x (range 2 5)]
(hull (bottom-place (- x 1/2) 4 (translate [0 front-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(bottom-place (+ x 1/2) 4 (translate [0 front-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place x 4 half-post-bl)
(key-place x 4 half-post-br))
(bottom-place (- x 1/2) 4 (translate [0 front-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(bottom-place (+ x 1/2) 4 (translate [0 front-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-front)))
(hull (bottom-place (- x 1/2) 4 (translate [0 front-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place x 4 half-post-bl)
(key-place (- x 1) 4 half-post-br))))
[(hull (bottom-place right-wall-column 4 (translate [right-offset front-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(bottom-place (- right-wall-column 1) 4 (translate [0 front-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place 5 4 half-post-bl)
(key-place 5 4 half-post-br))
(bottom-hull (bottom-place right-wall-column 4 (translate [right-offset front-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(bottom-place (- right-wall-column 1) 4 (translate [0 front-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-front)))
(bottom-hull (bottom-place (+ 4 1/2) 4 (translate [0 front-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(bottom-place (- right-wall-column 1) 4 (translate [0 front-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-front)))
(hull (bottom-place (+ 4 1/2) 4 (translate [0 front-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(bottom-place (- right-wall-column 1) 4 (translate [0 front-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place 4 4 half-post-br)
(key-place 5 4 half-post-bl))])
right-wall (concat
(for [x (range 0 4)]
(bottom-hull (bottom-place right-wall-column x (translate [right-offset 0 1] (wall-cube-bottom 1/2)))
(key-place 5 x web-post-br)
(key-place 5 x web-post-tr)))
(for [x (range 0 4)]
(bottom-hull (bottom-place right-wall-column x (translate [right-offset 0 1] (wall-cube-bottom 1/2)))
(bottom-place right-wall-column (inc x) (translate [right-offset 0 1] (wall-cube-bottom 1/2)))
(key-place 5 x web-post-br)
(key-place 5 (inc x) web-post-tr)))
(bottom-hull (bottom-place right-wall-column 0 (translate [right-offset 0 1] (wall-cube-bottom 1/2)))
(bottom-place right-wall-column 0.017 (translate [(- right-offset 0.29) -1 1.15] (wall-cube-bottom 1)))
(key-place 5 0 web-post-tr))
(bottom-hull (bottom-place right-wall-column 4 (translate [right-offset 0 1] (wall-cube-bottom 1/2)))
(bottom-place right-wall-column 4 (translate [right-offset front-offset 1] (wall-cube-bottom 0)))
(key-place 5 4 half-post-br))
(bottom-hull (bottom-place right-wall-column 4 (translate [right-offset 0 1] (wall-cube-bottom 1/2)))
(key-place 5 4 half-post-br)
(key-place 5 4 web-post-tr)))])
back-wall (concat
(for [x (range 1 6)]
((if (and (>= x 1) (<= x 3)) hull bottom-hull) ; We need a little extra space in the hull on these keys
(do (bottom-place (- x 1/2) 0 (translate [0 back-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-back)))
(if (= x 5)
(do (bottom-place (+ x 1/2) 0 (translate [10.6 (- back-offset 0.35) 1.30] wall-cube-bottom-back)))
(do (bottom-place (+ x 1/2) 0 (translate [0 back-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-back))))
(key-place x 0 web-post-tl)
(key-place x 0 web-post-tr))
(key-place x 0 web-post-tl)
(key-place x 0 web-post-tr))
(key-place x 0 web-post-tl)
(key-place (- x 1) 0 web-post-tr))
((if (= x 4) bottom-hull hull)
(bottom-place (- x 1/2) 0 (translate [0 back-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(key-place x 0 web-post-tl)
(key-place (- x 1) 0 web-post-tr))))
[(bottom-hull (bottom-place left-wall-column 0 (translate [left-offset back-offset 1.2] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(bottom-place (+ left-wall-column 1) 0 (translate [0 back-offset 1.2] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(key-place 0 0 web-post-tl)
(key-place 0 0 web-post-tr))]
left-wall (let [place bottom-place]
(bottom-hull (place left-wall-column 0 (translate [left-offset back-offset 1.2] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(place left-wall-column 1 (translate [left-offset 1.5 1/2] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(key-place 0 0 web-post-tl)
(key-place 0 0 web-post-bl))
(bottom-hull (place left-wall-column 1 (translate [left-offset 0 1/2] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(place left-wall-column 2 (translate [left-offset 1.5 0.7] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(key-place 0 0 web-post-bl)
(key-place 0 1 web-post-bl))
(bottom-hull (place left-wall-column 2 (translate [left-offset 0 0.7] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(place left-wall-column 1.6666 (translate [left-offset 0 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place 0 1 web-post-bl)
(key-place 0 2 web-post-bl))
(bottom-hull (place left-wall-column 1.6666 (translate [left-offset 0 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place 0 2 web-post-bl)
(key-place 0 3 web-post-tl))
thumbs [(hull (thumb-place 0 -1/2 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 0 -1/2 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 1 -1/2 web-post-tr)
(thumb-place 1 -1/2 web-post-br))
(hull (thumb-place 1 -1/2 web-post-tr)
(thumb-place 1 -1/2 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-br))
(hull (thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-tr)
(thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-br))
(hull (thumb-place 2 0 web-post-tr)
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 2 1 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 2 1 web-post-br))
(triangle-hulls (thumb-place 2 1 web-post-tr)
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 2 1 web-post-br)
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-tr)
(thumb-place 1 -1/2 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-br)
(thumb-place 1 -1/2 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-tr)
(thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-br))
(hull (thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-br)
(thumb-place 1 -1/2 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 1 -1 web-post-bl))
(hull (thumb-place 1 -1/2 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 1 -1 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 1 -1/2 web-post-br)
(thumb-place 1 -1 web-post-br))
(hull (thumb-place 0 -1/2 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 0 -1 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 0 -1/2 web-post-br)
(thumb-place 0 -1 web-post-br))
(hull (thumb-place 0 -1/2 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 0 -1 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 1 -1/2 web-post-br)
(thumb-place 1 -1 web-post-br))]
thumb-back-wall [
(thumb-place 1/2 thumb-back-y (translate [-0.2 thumb-back-offset thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-tr)
(thumb-place 3/2 thumb-back-y (translate [-0.2 thumb-back-offset thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-tl))
(thumb-place (+ 5/2 0.05) thumb-back-y (translate [thumb-left-offset thumb-back-offset thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 3/2 thumb-back-y (translate [-0.2 thumb-back-offset thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 2 1 web-post-tl))
(thumb-place 1/2 thumb-back-y (translate [-0.2 thumb-back-offset thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(bottom-place left-wall-column 1.6666 (translate [left-offset 0 thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place 0 3 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 1 1 web-post-tr))
thumb-left-wall [(bottom-hull
(thumb-place thumb-left-wall-column thumb-back-y (translate [thumb-left-offset thumb-back-offset thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place thumb-left-wall-column 0 (translate [thumb-left-offset 0 thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 2 1 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 2 1 web-post-bl))
(thumb-place thumb-left-wall-column 0 (translate [thumb-left-offset 0 thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 2 1 web-post-bl))
(thumb-place thumb-left-wall-column 0 (translate [thumb-left-offset 0 thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place thumb-left-wall-column -1 (translate [thumb-left-offset 0 thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-bl))
(thumb-place thumb-left-wall-column -1 (translate [thumb-left-offset 0 thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 2 0 web-post-bl))
(thumb-place thumb-left-wall-column -1 (translate [thumb-left-offset 0 thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-back))
(thumb-place thumb-left-wall-column (+ -1 0.07) (translate [thumb-left-offset 1 thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-tl)
(thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-bl))]
thumb-front-wall [(bottom-hull (thumb-place (+ 5/2 0.05) thumb-front-row (translate [thumb-left-offset thumb-front-offset thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(thumb-place (+ 3/2 0.05) thumb-front-row (translate [0 thumb-front-offset thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-br))
(bottom-hull (thumb-place (+ 1/2 0.05) thumb-front-row (translate [0 thumb-front-offset thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(thumb-place (+ 3/2 0.05) thumb-front-row (translate [0 thumb-front-offset thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(thumb-place 0 -1 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 1 -1 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 1 -1 web-post-br)
(thumb-place 2 -1 web-post-br))
(bottom-hull (thumb-place thumb-right-wall thumb-front-row (translate [-1.12 thumb-front-offset thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(thumb-place (+ 1/2 0.05) thumb-front-row (translate [0 thumb-front-offset thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(thumb-place 0 -1 web-post-bl)
(thumb-place 0 -1 web-post-br))]
thumb-inside [
; (triangle-hulls
; (thumb-place 1 1 web-post-tr)
; (key-place 0 3 web-post-tl)
; (thumb-place 1 1 web-post-br)
; (key-place 0 3 web-post-bl)
; (thumb-place 1 -1/2 web-post-tr)
; (thumb-place 0 -1/2 web-post-tl)
; (key-place 0 3 web-post-bl)
; (thumb-place 0 -1/2 web-post-tr)
; (key-place 0 3 web-post-br)
; (key-place 1 3 web-post-bl)
; (thumb-place 0 -1/2 web-post-tr)
; (key-place 1 4 web-post-tl)
; (key-place 1 4 half-post-bl))
; (bottom-hull
; (thumb-place 0 -1/2 web-post-tr)
; (thumb-place 0 -1/2 web-post-br)
; (key-place 1 4 half-post-bl))
(key-place 1 4 half-post-bl)
(key-place 1 4 half-post-br)
(bottom-place (- 2 1/2) 4 (translate [0 front-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(bottom-place 0.75 4 (translate [0 front-offset 0] wall-cube-bottom-front)))
(bottom-place (- 2 1/2) 4 (translate [0 front-offset 1] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(bottom-place 0.75 4 (translate [0 front-offset 0] wall-cube-bottom-front)))
(thumb-place 0 -1 web-post-br)
(thumb-place 0 -1/2 web-post-br)
(thumb-place thumb-right-wall thumb-front-row (translate [-1.12 thumb-front-offset thumb-ridge-height] wall-cube-bottom-front))
(key-place 1 4 (translate [2.5 -2 -0.8] web-post-bl))
(key-place 1 4 (translate [1.23 -4 0] web-post-bl))
(key-place 1 4 half-post-bl))]
stands (let [bumper-diameter 9.6] ; 3/8 = 9.6 1/2 = 12.7
[(stand-at bumper-diameter #(key-place 0 1 %))
(stand-at bumper-diameter #(thumb-place 1 -1/2 %))
(stand-at bumper-diameter #(key-place 5 0 %))
(stand-at bumper-diameter #(key-place 5 3 %) )])]
(apply union
(def screw-hole (->> (cylinder 1.5 60)
(translate [0 0 3/2])
(with-fn wall-sphere-n)))
(def screw-holes
(key-place (+ 4.7) 1/2 screw-hole)
(key-place (+ 4.7) (+ 3 1/2) screw-hole)
(thumb-place 2 -1/2 screw-hole)))
(defn circuit-cover [width length height]
(let [cover-sphere-radius 1
cover-sphere (->> (sphere cover-sphere-radius)
(with-fn 20))
cover-sphere-z (+ (- height) (- cover-sphere-radius))
cover-sphere-x (+ (/ width 2) cover-sphere-radius)
cover-sphere-y (+ (/ length 2) (+ cover-sphere-radius))
cover-sphere-tl (->> cover-sphere
(translate [(- cover-sphere-x) (- cover-sphere-y) cover-sphere-z])
(key-place 1/2 3/2))
cover-sphere-tr (->> cover-sphere
(translate [cover-sphere-x (- cover-sphere-y) cover-sphere-z])
(key-place 1/2 3/2))
cover-sphere-br (->> cover-sphere
(translate [cover-sphere-x cover-sphere-y cover-sphere-z])
(key-place 1/2 3/2))
cover-sphere-bl (->> cover-sphere
(translate [(- cover-sphere-x) cover-sphere-y cover-sphere-z])
(key-place 1/2 3/2))
lower-to-bottom #(translate [0 0 (+ (- cover-sphere-radius) -5.5)] %)
bl (->> cover-sphere lower-to-bottom (key-place 0 1/2))
br (->> cover-sphere lower-to-bottom (key-place 1 1/2))
tl (->> cover-sphere lower-to-bottom (key-place 0 5/2))
tr (->> cover-sphere lower-to-bottom (key-place 1 5/2))
mlb (->> cover-sphere
(translate [(- cover-sphere-x) 0 (+ (- height) -1)])
(key-place 1/2 3/2))
mrb (->> cover-sphere
(translate [cover-sphere-x 0 (+ (- height) -1)])
(key-place 1/2 3/2))
mlt (->> cover-sphere
(translate [(+ (- cover-sphere-x) -4) 0 -6])
(key-place 1/2 3/2))
mrt (->> cover-sphere
(translate [(+ cover-sphere-x 4) 0 -6])
(key-place 1/2 3/2))]
(hull cover-sphere-bl cover-sphere-br cover-sphere-tl cover-sphere-tr)
(hull cover-sphere-br cover-sphere-bl bl br)
(hull cover-sphere-tr cover-sphere-tl tl tr)
(hull cover-sphere-tl tl mlb mlt)
(hull cover-sphere-bl bl mlb mlt)
(hull cover-sphere-tr tr mrb mrt)
(hull cover-sphere-br br mrb mrt))))
(def io-exp-width 10)
(def io-exp-height 8)
(def io-exp-length 36)
(def teensy-width 20)
(def teensy-height 12)
(def teensy-length 33)
(def io-exp-cover (circuit-cover io-exp-width io-exp-length io-exp-height))
(def teensy-cover (circuit-cover teensy-width teensy-length teensy-height))
(def trrs-diameter 6.6)
(def trrs-radius (/ trrs-diameter 2))
(def trrs-hole-depth 10)
(def trrs-hole (->> (union (cylinder trrs-radius trrs-hole-depth)
(->> (cube trrs-diameter (+ trrs-radius 5) trrs-hole-depth)
(translate [0 (/ (+ trrs-radius 5) 2) 0])))
(rotate (/ π 2) [1 0 0])
(translate [0 (+ (/ mount-height 2) 4) (- trrs-radius)])
(with-fn 50)))
(def trrs-hole-just-circle
(->> (cylinder trrs-radius trrs-hole-depth)
(rotate (/ π 2) [1 0 0])
(translate [0 (+ (/ mount-height 2) 4) (- trrs-radius)])
(with-fn 50)
(key-place 1/2 0)))
(def trrs-box-hole (->> (cube 14 14 7 )
(translate [0 1 -2])))
(def trrs-cutout
(->> (union trrs-hole
(key-place 1/2 0)))
(def teensy-pcb-thickness 1.6)
(def teensy-offset-height 5)
(def teensy-pcb (->> (cube 18 30.5 teensy-pcb-thickness)
(translate [0 0 (+ (/ teensy-pcb-thickness -2) (- teensy-offset-height))])
(key-place 1/2 3/2)
(color [1 0 0])))
(def teensy-support
(->> (cube 5 5 9)
(translate [0 0 -2])
(key-place 1/2 3/2)
(color [0 1 0]))
(hull (->> (cube 5 6 9)
(translate [0 0 -2])
(key-place 1/2 2)
(color [0 0 1]))
(->> (cube 5 5 (+ teensy-pcb-thickness 5))
(translate [0 (/ 30.5 -2) (+ (- teensy-offset-height)
#_(/ (+ teensy-pcb-thickness 5) -2)
(key-place 1/2 3/2)
(color [0 0 1]))
(->> (cube 18 31 (+ teensy-pcb-thickness 1))
(translate [0 1.5 (+ (/ teensy-pcb-thickness -2) (- teensy-offset-height) -1.5)])
(key-place 1/2 3/2)
(color [1 0 0]))
(def usb-cutout
(let [hole-height 5.2
side-radius (/ hole-height 2)
hole-width 10.75
side-cylinder (->> (cylinder side-radius teensy-length)
(with-fn 20)
(translate [(/ (- hole-width hole-height) 2) 0 0]))]
(->> (hull side-cylinder
(mirror [-1 0 0] side-cylinder))
(rotate (/ π 2) [1 0 0])
(translate [-29 50 4]))))
(def hdmi-cutout
(let [hole-height 6.2
side-radius (/ hole-height 2)
hole-width 16
side-cylinder (->> (cylinder side-radius teensy-length)
(with-fn 20)
(translate [(/ (- hole-width hole-height) 2) 0 0]))]
(->> (hull side-cylinder
(mirror [-1 0 0] side-cylinder))
(rotate (/ π 2) [1 0 0])
(rotate (/ π 14) [0 0 1])
(translate [-70 -15 4]))))
;; Tolerances ;;
(def tolerance 0.3)
(defn offset-case-place [offset block]
(->> block
(translate [0 0 1])
(translate offset)))
(def case-tolerance
(let [place offset-case-place
t tolerance
-t (- tolerance)
th (/ t 2)
-th (/ -t 2)
-tq (/ -t 4)
t2 (* t 2)
-t2 (* -t 2)]
(place [0 0 0] case-inside-cutout)
(place [0 0 0] new-case)
(place [0 0 -t] new-case)
(place [t2 -t -tq] front-wall)
(place [t t -th] front-wall)
(place [0 -t -th] front-wall)
(place [-t 0 -t] right-wall)
(place [t 0 -t] right-wall)
(place [0 th -th] back-wall)
(place [0 -th -th] back-wall)
(place [-45 50 54.3] (rotate (/ π 5.5) [1 0 0] (cube 10 10 10)))
(place [80 49 29.83] (rotate (/ π 5.5) [1 0 0] (cube 10 10 10)))
(place [-t -t -t] left-wall)
(place [t 0 -t2] left-wall)
(place [-t 0 0] left-inside-wall)
(place [-t 0 -t] left-inside-wall)
(place [-t -t -t] left-inside-wall)
(place [0 -t -t2] thumb-back-wall)
(place [-t t -th] thumb-back-wall)
(place [0 t -t] thumb-back-wall)
(place [t 0 (* -t 1.5)] thumb-left-wall)
(place [-t 0 -t] thumb-left-wall)
(place [t t -t] thumb-inside-wall)
(place [-t 0 -t] thumb-inside-wall)
(place [-t t -t] thumb-front-wall)
(place [t 0 -t] thumb-front-wall)
(place [0 (* 2 -t) -t] thumb-front-wall))))
;; Palm Rests ;;
(defn bezier-conic [p0 p1 p2 steps]
(let [step1 (/ (- p1 p0) steps)
step2 (/ (- p2 p1) steps)]
(for [i (range steps)]
(let [point1 (+ p0 (* step1 i))
point2 (+ p1 (* step2 i))
point3 (+ p0 (* step1 (+ i 1)))
point4 (+ p1 (* step2 (+ i 1)))
bpoint1 (+ point1 (* (- point2 point1) (/ i steps)))
bpoint2 (+ point3 (* (- point4 point3) (/ (+ i 1) steps)))]
(polygon [bpoint1 bpoint2 p1])))))
(defn bezier-cone [d h curve steps & {:keys [curve2] :or {curve2 (/ h 2)}}]
(let [p0 [(/ d 2) 0]
p1 [(+ curve (/ d 4)) curve2]
p2 [0 h]]
(< (nth p1 0) (/ d 4)) ; concave
(do (->> (union (polygon [[0 0] p0 p1 p2 [0 h]])
(bezier-conic p0 p1 p2 steps))
(extrude-rotate {:fn steps})))
(> (nth p1 0) (/ d 4)) ; convex
(do (->> (difference (polygon [[0 0] p0 p1 p2 [0 h]])
(bezier-conic p0 p1 p2 steps))
(extrude-rotate {:fn steps}))))))
(def palm-rest
(let [p0 [15 0]
p1 [25 14]
p2 [7 30]
stand-diameter 9.6
rest-sphere-n 180 ; 30 for faster renders, 170 for printing
profile-sphere-n (* rest-sphere-n 2)
floor (->> (cube 300 300 50)
(translate [0 0 -25]))
profile-cyl (->> (cylinder 200 50)
(with-fn profile-sphere-n))
rest-place #(->> % (rotate (/ π 40) [0 1 1])
(rotate (/ π 11) [1 0 0])
(rotate (/ π 12) [0 1 0])
(translate [22 -100 7]))
front-profile (->> (difference profile-cyl
(scale [1.4 0.81 1.1] profile-cyl))
(scale [1 1.4 1])
(translate [0 -225 55])
(rotate (/ π 3.2) [-1 -0.2 -0.2]))
bottom-profile (->> (cylinder 100 200)
(with-fn profile-sphere-n)
(rotate (/ π 2.3) [0 1 0])
(translate [0 0 -65])
(scale [1 1.1 1]))
base-shape (->> (bezier-cone 80 100 43 rest-sphere-n :curve2 43)
(rotate (/ π 2) [-1 0 0])
(translate [0 -10 0])
(scale [1.1 1 1]))
base-rest-shape (difference
(difference base-shape
(scale [0.93 0.93 0.93] base-shape)))
shape-profile (->> (project base-rest-shape)
(extrude-linear {:height 20}))
side-profile (->> (difference (scale [1.1 1.1 1] shape-profile)
(translate [3 -12 0]
(scale [0.97 0.97 1.2] shape-profile)))
(rotate (/ π 26) [0 1 0])
(translate [-2 9 50]))
rest-shape (difference base-rest-shape
inner-rest #(intersection
% (intersection
(rest-place base-shape)
(->> (project rest-shape)
(extrude-linear {:height 100})
(translate [0 0 (/ 100 2)]))))
stand-place #(translate [24 -60 0] %)
front-rect (->> (prism 15 7 50 5 -2)
(rotate (/ π 1) [1 0 0])
(rotate (/ π 2) [0 0 1])
(rotate (/ π 4) [-1 0 0])
(rotate (/ π 6.8) [0 1 0])
(translate [17.5 15 35])
front-rect-diff (->> (cube 100 30 30)
(rotate (/ π 4) [1 0 0])
(rotate (/ π 20) [0 0 -1])
(translate [0 -37 31]))
back-neg-rect (->> (prism 20.3 8 43 3 1)
(rotate (/ π 3.5) [1 0 0])
(translate [-10.15 -35 -5])
back-neg-rect-diff (->> (cube 30 30 30)
(rotate (/ π 6) [-1 0 0])
(translate [-7.3 -80.6 28])
back-pos-rect-1 (->> (prism 12 10 60 3 4)
(rotate (/ π 2) [0 0 1])
(rotate (/ π 9) [-1 0 0])
(translate [5 -56 11.8])
back-pos-rect-2 (->> (prism 15 5 31 3 -2)
(rotate (/ π 6.8) [-1 0 0])
(translate [-7.5 -66 23.5])
inner-support (->> (bezier-cone 90 12 -10 rest-sphere-n)
(rotate (/ π 1.01) [-1 0 0])
(rotate (/ π 20) [0 1 0])
(translate [3 -57 54])
bottom-rect (->> (cube 30 20 7)
(rotate (/ π 2) [0 0 1])
(translate [0 -19.3 1])
stands (difference (union front-rect
(translate [48 0 0] (mirror [-1 0 0] front-rect))
(translate [0 (- tolerance) 0] bottom-plate)
(union stands
(defn rest-alignment-shapes [d h]
(let [shape (difference
(->> (cylinder d h)
(rotate (/ π 2) [0 0 1])
(rotate (/ π 4) [-1 0 0])
(translate [14.5 0 0])
(with-fn 20))
(->> (cube 10 10 10)
(rotate (/ π 5) [-1 0 0])
(translate [14.5 2 7.5])))]
(translate [24 -51 19]
(translate [-0.8 -1.75 -1.75] shape)
(mirror [-1 0 0] shape)))))
(def case-alignment-male (rest-alignment-shapes 1 2))
(def case-alignment-female (rest-alignment-shapes (+ tolerance 1) 3))
;; Final Export ;;
(def dactyl-bottom-right
(def dactyl-bottom-left
(mirror [-1 0 0]
(def dactyl-top-right
(offset-case-place [0 0 0] (union
; thumbcaps
; caps
(union key-holes
(def dactyl-top-left
(mirror [-1 0 0]
(offset-case-place [0 0 0] (union
; caps
(union key-holes
(def dactyl-rest-left
(mirror [-1 0 0]
(union palm-rest
(def dactyl-rest-right
(union palm-rest
(def dactyl-combined-left
(union dactyl-top-left
(def dactyl-combined-right
(union dactyl-top-right
(spit "things/dactyl-top-right.scad"
(write-scad dactyl-top-right))
(spit "things/dactyl-bottom-right.scad"
(write-scad dactyl-bottom-right))
(spit "things/dactyl-rest-right.scad"
(write-scad dactyl-rest-right))
(spit "things/dactyl-combined-right.scad"
(write-scad dactyl-combined-right))
(spit "things/dactyl-top-left.scad"
(write-scad dactyl-top-left))
(spit "things/dactyl-bottom-left.scad"
(write-scad dactyl-bottom-left))
(spit "things/dactyl-rest-left.scad"
(write-scad dactyl-rest-left))
(spit "things/dactyl-combined-left.scad"
(write-scad dactyl-combined-left))