You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

268 lines
11 KiB

use czkawka_core::duplicate::Info;
use czkawka_core::{duplicate, empty_folder};
use std::{env, process};
fn main() {
// Parse argument
let mut all_arguments: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let mut commands_arguments: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
// println!("{:?}", all_arguments);
all_arguments.remove(0); // Removing program name from arguments
// No arguments, so we print help to allow user to learn more about program
if all_arguments.is_empty() {
// Assigning commands with arguments
let mut arguments: Vec<ArgumentsPair> = Vec::new();
for argument in all_arguments {
if argument.starts_with("--") {
} else if argument.starts_with('-') {
let a: ArgumentsPair = ArgumentsPair { command: argument, argument: Option::None };
} else {
if arguments.is_empty() {
println!("FATAL ERROR: Trying to use {} without any arguments(like -i -e -delete)", argument);
if arguments[arguments.len() - 1].argument != Option::None {
println!("FATAL ERROR: Trying set second parameter {}, but only one is supported", argument); // This may be changed in future to support 2 or more attributes with space
let last_element = arguments.len() - 1;
arguments[last_element].argument = Option::from(argument);
// for a in &arguments {
// println!(
// "Argument number {} - {}",
// a.command,
// match &a.argument {
// Some(t) => t.clone(),
// None => "MISSING_ARGUMENT".to_string(),
// }
// );
// }
if commands_arguments.is_empty() {
println! {"FATAL ERROR: Missing type of app which you want to run, please read help for more info."};
match commands_arguments[0].as_ref() {
"--d" => {
let mut df = duplicate::DuplicateFinder::new();
let mut check_method: duplicate::CheckingMethod = duplicate::CheckingMethod::HASH;
if ArgumentsPair::has_command(&arguments, "-i") {
if !df.set_include_directory(ArgumentsPair::get_argument(&arguments, "-i", false)) {
} else {
println!("FATAL ERROR: Parameter -i with set of included files is required.");
if ArgumentsPair::has_command(&arguments, "-e") {
df.set_exclude_directory(ArgumentsPair::get_argument(&arguments, "-e", false));
if ArgumentsPair::has_command(&arguments, "-s") {
let min_size = match ArgumentsPair::get_argument(&arguments, "-s", false).parse::<u64>() {
Ok(t) => {
if t == 0 {
println!("ERROR: Minimum file size must be at least 1 byte.");
} else {
Err(_) => {
println!("FATAL ERROR: \"{}\" is not valid file size(allowed range <1,u64::max>)", ArgumentsPair::get_argument(&arguments, "-s", false));
if ArgumentsPair::has_command(&arguments, "-x") {
df.set_allowed_extensions(ArgumentsPair::get_argument(&arguments, "-x", false));
if ArgumentsPair::has_command(&arguments, "-k") {
df.set_excluded_items(ArgumentsPair::get_argument(&arguments, "-k", false));
if ArgumentsPair::has_command(&arguments, "-o") {
if ArgumentsPair::has_command(&arguments, "-l") {
let argument_name = ArgumentsPair::get_argument(&arguments, "-l", false).to_lowercase();
if argument_name == "size" {
check_method = duplicate::CheckingMethod::SIZE;
} else if argument_name == "hash" {
check_method = duplicate::CheckingMethod::HASH;
} else {
println!("-l can only have values hash or size");
let mut delete_method: duplicate::DeleteMethod = duplicate::DeleteMethod::None;
if ArgumentsPair::has_command(&arguments, "-delete") {
delete_method = duplicate::DeleteMethod::AllExceptOldest;
let argument_name = ArgumentsPair::get_argument(&arguments, "-delete", true).to_lowercase();
if argument_name == "aen" {
delete_method = duplicate::DeleteMethod::AllExceptNewest;
} else if argument_name == "aeo" {
delete_method = duplicate::DeleteMethod::AllExceptOldest;
} else if argument_name == "on" {
delete_method = duplicate::DeleteMethod::OneNewest;
} else if argument_name == "oo" {
delete_method = duplicate::DeleteMethod::OneOldest;
} else if argument_name == "" {
// Nothing to do choosing default one
} else {
"Invalid argument {} for command -delete, available arguments - aen(All except newest one), aeo(All except oldest one), on(Only one newest), oo(Only one oldest)",
df.find_duplicates(&check_method, &delete_method);
"--h" | "--help" => {
"--e" => {
let mut ef = empty_folder::EmptyFolder::new();
let mut delete_folders: bool = false;
if ArgumentsPair::has_command(&arguments, "-i") {
ef.set_include_directory(ArgumentsPair::get_argument(&arguments, "-i", false));
} else {
println!("FATAL ERROR: Parameter -i with set of included files is required.");
if ArgumentsPair::has_command(&arguments, "-e") {
ef.set_exclude_directory(ArgumentsPair::get_argument(&arguments, "-e", false));
if ArgumentsPair::has_command(&arguments, "-delete") {
delete_folders = true;
argum => {
println!("FATAL ERROR: \"{}\" argument is not supported, check help for more info.", argum);
fn print_help() {
Usage of Czkawka:
## Main arguments:
--h / --help - prints help, also works without any arguments
Usage example:
czkawka --help
--d <-i directory_to_search> [-e exclude_directories = ""] [-k excluded_items = ""] [-s min_size = 1024] [-x allowed_extension = ""] [-l type_of_search = "hash"] [-o] [-delete = "aeo"] - search for duplicates files
-i directory_to_search - list of directories which should will be searched like /home/rafal
-e exclude_directories - list of directories which will be excluded from search.
-k excluded_items - list of excluded items which contains * wildcard(may be slow)
-o non_recursive - this options prevents from recursive check of folders
-s min_size - minimum size of checked files in bytes, assigning bigger value may speed up searching.
-x allowed_extension - list of checked extension, e.g. "jpg,mp4" will allow to check "book.jpg" and "car.mp4" but not roman.png. There are also helpful macros which allow to easy use a typcal extension like IMAGE("jpg,kra,gif,png,bmp,tiff,webp,hdr,svg") or TEXT("txt,doc,docx,odt,rtf")
-l type_of_search - allows to use fastest which takes into account only size, and more accurate which check if file contnet is same(hashes).
-delete - delete found files, by default remove all except the most oldest one, it can take arguments: aen(All except newest one), aeo(All except oldest one), on(Only one newest), oo(Only one oldest)
Usage example:
czkawka --d -i "/home/rafal/,/home/szczekacz" -e "/home/rafal/Pulpit,/home/rafal/Obrazy" -s 25 -x "7z,rar,IMAGE" -l "size" -delete
czkawka --d -i "/etc/,/mnt/Miecz" -s 1000 -x "VIDEO" -l "hash" -o
czkawka --d -i "/var/" -k "/var/l*b/,/var/lo*,*tmp"
czkawka --d -i "/etc/" -delete "aeo"
--e <-i directory_to_search> [-e exclude_directories = ""] [-delete] - option to find and delete empty folders
-i directory_to_search - list of directories which should will be searched like /home/rafal
-e exclude_directories - list of directories which will be excluded from search.
-delete - delete found empty folders
czkawka --e -i "/home/rafal/rr, /home/gateway" -e "/home/rafal/rr/2" -delete
/// Printing infos about warnings, messages and errors
fn print_infos(infos: &Info) {
if !infos.messages.is_empty() {
for i in &infos.messages {
println!("{}", i);
if !infos.messages.is_empty() {
println!("---------------------------END OF MESSAGES-----------------------------");
if !infos.warnings.is_empty() {
for i in &infos.warnings {
println!("{}", i);
if !infos.warnings.is_empty() {
println!("---------------------------END OF WARNINGS-----------------------------");
if !infos.errors.is_empty() {
for i in &infos.errors {
println!("{}", i);
if !infos.errors.is_empty() {
println!("----------------------------END OF ERRORS------------------------------");
struct ArgumentsPair {
command: String,
argument: Option<String>,
impl ArgumentsPair {
pub fn has_command(ar: &[ArgumentsPair], command: &str) -> bool {
for a in ar {
if a.command == command {
return true;
pub fn get_argument(ar: &[ArgumentsPair], command: &str, can_be_empty: bool) -> String {
for a in ar {
if a.command == command {
if !can_be_empty && a.argument == Option::None {
println!("FATAL ERROR: {} commands should have argument passed", command);
return match &a.argument {
Some(t) => t.clone(),
None => "".to_string(),
panic!("INTERNAL ERROR: Get argument should always return value");