diff --git a/instructions/Installation.md b/instructions/Installation.md index df4e1d0..9ecaa25 100644 --- a/instructions/Installation.md +++ b/instructions/Installation.md @@ -1,56 +1,72 @@ # Installation This instruction is outdated and will be removed in one of next version, please look at README.md files in each module folder for more up to date instructions. + - [Czkawka GUI (GTK frontend)](../czkawka_gui/README.md)
- [Czkawka CLI](../czkawka_cli/README.md)
- [Czkawka Core](../czkawka_core/README.md)
- [Krokiet GUI (Slint frontend)](../krokiet/README.md)
## Requirements + ### Linux + If you use Snap, Flatpak or Appimage, you need to only install ffmpeg if you want to use Similar Videos tool. -For Czkawka GUI the lowest supported version of GTK is `3.24` which is the only required dependency(of course on Ubuntu, different distributions will probably require a little different set of dependences). -In app exists Similar Video tool which require `FFmpeg` to work, but is completely optional and without it, only warning would be printed when trying to use this tool without installed ffmpeg. +For Czkawka GUI the lowest supported version of GTK is `3.24` which is the only required dependency(of course on Ubuntu, different distributions will probably require a little different set of dependences). +In app exists Similar Video tool which require `FFmpeg` to work, but is completely optional and without it, only warning would be printed when trying to use this tool without installed ffmpeg. Broken files finder by default don't check for music files, but it is possible to enable this feature and that require to have alsa lib installed(on Ubuntu this is `libasound2-dev` package) **Warning** Main Czkawka GUI dependency - GTK 4 is only available on newer systems like e.g. Ubuntu 22.04, so if you have problems with running app on older systems, you may like to use older Czkawka versions, upgrade OS or install flatpak package which use its own set of dependencies. #### Ubuntu/Debian/Linux Mint + ``` sudo apt install libgtk-4-dev ffmpeg ``` + #### Fedora/Rocky Linux + ``` sudo yum install gtk4-devel glib2-devel sudo dnf -y install https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm sudo dnf -y install https://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm sudo dnf -y install ffmpeg ``` + #### Void Linux (CLI only) + ``` sudo xbps-install gcc pkg-config ffmpeg ``` ### macOS -Currently, you need to manually install `GTK 4` libraries, `FFmpeg` and the Adwaita theme, because they are dynamically loaded from the OS. -One very straight-forward way to do this is by using [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/). + +Currently, you need to manually install `GTK 4` libraries, `FFmpeg` and the Adwaita theme, because they are dynamically loaded from the OS. +One very straight-forward way to do this is by using [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/). Installation in the terminal: + ```shell /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" brew install gtk4 adwaita-icon-theme ffmpeg librsvg libheif pkg-config ``` + After that, go to the location where you downloaded Czkawka and add the `executable` permission to this file. + ```shell chmod +x mac_czkawka_gui ``` + At the end execute it: + ```shell ./mac_czkawka_gui ``` + #### Compiling on Apple Silicon -Prebuilt binaries are available only for x86_64, so if you use ARM e.g. Mac M1/M2, you must compile the app manually. + +Prebuilt binaries are available only for x86_64, so if you use ARM e.g. Mac M1/M2, you must compile the app manually. **Compilation is simple, and takes less than 10 minutes on an M1/M2 mac.** @@ -60,32 +76,50 @@ brew install rustup rustup-init brew install gtk4 adwaita-icon-theme librsvg libheif pkg-config ``` + ``` # Clone and Build git clone https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka.git cd czkawka cargo run --release --bin czkawka_gui ``` + Credit to User [@bauchdj](https://github.com/bauchdj) #### x86 on ARM + There is also a way to use x86_64 binaries on ARM, but this requires to install special version of required libraries probably via: + ```shell arch -x86_64 /usr/local/bin/brew install gtk4 adwaita-icon-theme ffmpeg librsvg libheif ``` -Sadly this doesn't work for all users, so feel free to update this part of documentation(look at https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka/issues/689 and https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka/issues/637 for more info) +Sadly this doesn't work for all users, so feel free to update this part of documentation(look at and for more info) + +#### Generate App Bundle (macOS) + +To generate an app bundle on macOS, you can use the provided script `./misc/create_app_bundle.sh`. This script will create an `.app` bundle with the necessary structure and copy the executable and icon files into the correct locations. + +1. Install `librsvg` with Homebrew: `brew install librsvg` +2. Run the script: `./misc/create_app_bundle.sh` +3. The `.app` bundle will be in `./target/release` +4. Move the bundle to Applications: `mv ./target/release/Czkawka.app /Applications` + +Now, you can launch Czkawka from your Applications folder or via Spotlight search. ### Windows + By default, all needed libraries are bundled with the app except libheif library which allows to scan/use heif files, inside `windows_czkawka_gui.zip`, but if you compile the app or just move `czkawka_gui.exe`, then you will need to install the `GTK 4` runtime from [**here**](https://github.com/tschoonj/GTK-for-Windows-Runtime-Environment-Installer/releases). FFmpeg to be able to use Similar Videos, you can download and install from this [**link**](https://ffmpeg.org/). ## Installation + ### Precompiled binaries -Ready-to-go executables for Linux, Windows and macOS are available [**here**](https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka/releases/). -If the app does not run when clicking the launcher, run it through a terminal. + +Ready-to-go executables for Linux, Windows and macOS are available [**here**](https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka/releases/). +If the app does not run when clicking the launcher, run it through a terminal. You don't need to have any additional libraries for CLI Czkawka. Install the GUI version on Linux: @@ -102,27 +136,35 @@ linux_czkawka_gui >**Note** This requires that the `$PATH` environment variable contains `~/.local/bin/`. ### Nightly Builds + Artifacts from each commit can be downloaded [**here**](https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka/actions) ### Appimage -Appimage files are available in release page - [**GitHub releases**](https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka/releases/) + +Appimage files are available in release page - [**GitHub releases**](https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka/releases/) Available are 2 versions of Appimage: + - default - which bundle gtk theme - alternative - which don't include any gtk specific libraries ### Cargo + The easiest method to install Czkawka is using the `cargo` command. To compile it, you need to get all the requirements from the [compilation section](Compilation.md). + ``` cargo install czkawka_gui cargo install czkawka_cli ``` + You can update the package with the same command. ### Snap + ``` sudo snap install czkawka ``` + By default, Snap can only access the files in your home directory. You have to allow Czkawka access to all the drives: ``` @@ -134,17 +176,21 @@ The Snap store entry can be found [**here**](https://snapcraft.io/czkawka). Fresh builds are available in edge branch, but they may be a little unstable. ### Flatpak + ``` flatpak install flathub com.github.qarmin.czkawka ``` + Flathub page with Czkawka can be found [**here**](https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.github.qarmin.czkawka) # + # **Unofficial packages, which may not always provide the latest version of Czkawka.** ### PPA - Debian/Ubuntu (unofficial) + ``` sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xtradeb/apps sudo apt update @@ -154,12 +200,16 @@ sudo apt-get install czkawka alternatively you can use instruction from this [xtradeb site](https://xtradeb.net/wiki/how-to-install-applications-from-this-web-site/) ### AUR - Arch Linux Package (unofficial) + Czkawka is also available in Arch Linux's AUR from which it can be easily installed. + ``` yay -Syu czkawka-gui yay -Syu czkawka-cli ``` + or + ``` yay -Syu czkawka-gui-bin yay -Syu czkawka-cli-bin @@ -168,7 +218,9 @@ yay -Syu czkawka-cli-bin [**Packages info**](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?O=0&SeB=nd&K=czkawka&outdated=&SB=n&SO=a&PP=50&do_Search=Go) ### Docker image (unofficial) + Czkawka docker image is available [**here**](https://github.com/jlesage/docker-czkawka) ### Chocolatey (unofficial) + Windows Chocolatey binaries are available [**here**](https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/czkawka) diff --git a/misc/create_app_bundle.sh b/misc/create_app_bundle.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..409d20b --- /dev/null +++ b/misc/create_app_bundle.sh @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +# Define bundle ID and paths +BUNDLE_ID="com.github.qarmin.czkawka" +DIR="$(dirname "$0")" +PARENT_DIR="$(dirname "$DIR")" +BUNDLE_NAME="Czkawka.app" +BUNDLE_PATH="$PARENT_DIR/target/release/$BUNDLE_NAME" +BINARY_NAME="czkawka_gui" +VERSION=$(grep '^version = ' "$PARENT_DIR/$BINARY_NAME/Cargo.toml" | head -n 1 | cut -d '"' -f 2) +SVG_PATH="$PARENT_DIR/data/icons/${BUNDLE_ID}.svg" +ICONSET_DIR="${PARENT_DIR}/data/icons/${BUNDLE_ID}.iconset" +ICON_SIZES="16 32 64 128 256 512" +SRC_ICON="$SVG_PATH" + +# Build the project +cargo build --release --manifest-path="$DIR/../Cargo.toml" --bin $BINARY_NAME + +# Create the application bundle structure and copy the binary +mkdir -p "$BUNDLE_PATH/Contents/MacOS" "$BUNDLE_PATH/Contents/Resources" +cp "$PARENT_DIR/target/release/$BINARY_NAME" "$BUNDLE_PATH/Contents/MacOS/" + +# Create iconset directory and generate icon sizes +mkdir -p "$ICONSET_DIR" +for SIZE in $ICON_SIZES; do + rsvg-convert -w $SIZE -h $SIZE $SRC_ICON -o "${ICONSET_DIR}/icon_${SIZE}x${SIZE}.png" + [ $SIZE -ne 512 ] && rsvg-convert -w $((SIZE*2)) -h $((SIZE*2)) $SRC_ICON -o "${ICONSET_DIR}/icon_${SIZE}x${SIZE}@2x.png" +done + +# Convert the iconset to an icns file and clean up the iconset directory +iconutil -c icns "$ICONSET_DIR" -o "$BUNDLE_PATH/Contents/Resources/${BUNDLE_ID}.icns" + +rm -rf "$ICONSET_DIR" + +# Create the Info.plist file +cat <"$BUNDLE_PATH/Contents/Info.plist" + + + + + CFBundleExecutable + $BINARY_NAME + CFBundleIconFile + ${BUNDLE_ID}.icns + CFBundleIdentifier + ${BUNDLE_ID} + CFBundleName + Czkawka + CFBundleVersion + $VERSION + CFBundlePackageType + APPL + + +EOF + +echo "Application bundle created at: $BUNDLE_PATH" \ No newline at end of file