To find invalid symlinks we must to find first a symlnks.
After searching for them you should check at which element it points to and if it does not exist, add this symlinks into the list of invalid symlinks, pointing to a non-existent path.
The second mode is to detect recursive symlink. Unfortunately, this mode does not work and it display when using it, an error of a non-existent target element, but it is implemented by counting the jumps of the symlink and after exceeding a certain number (e.g. 20) it is considered that the given symlink is recursive.
### Same Music
This is a mode to find identical music files through tags.
The number of tags to choose from is limited by an external library.
First, music files with one of the extensions `[".mp3", ".flac", ".m4a"]` are collected.
Then for each music file its tags are read.
Then, for each selected tag by which we want to search for duplicates, we perform the following steps
- For each input file we read the value of the currently checked tag
- If it is empty, we ignore the file, if it has a value, we throw it into an array whose key is this value
- After checking all files, arrays containing only one element are deleted
- The remaining files are used as initial data for checking the next tag selected by the user
- After checking all tags, the results are displayed in groups
### Similar Images
It is a tool for finding similar images that differ e.g. in watermark, size etc.
The tool first collects images with specific extensions that can be checked - `[".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".bmp", ".tiff", ".tif", ".pnm", ".tga", ".ff", ".gif", ".jif", ".jfi", ".ico", ".webp", ".avif"]`.
Computed hash data is then thrown into a special tree that allows to compare hashes using [Hamming distance](
Next this hashes are saved to file, to be able to opens images without needing to hash it more times.
Finally, each hash is compared with the others and if the distance between them is less than the maximum distance specified by the user, the images are considered similar and thrown from the pool of images to be searched.
Only some file extensions are supported, because I rely on external crates. Also some false positives may be shown(e.g. so always open file to check if it is really broken.
-`cache_similar_image.txt` - stores cache data and hashes which may be used later without needing to compute image hash again - editing this file may cause app crashes.
-`cache_duplicates_Blake3.txt` - stores cache data of duplicated files, to not get too big performance hit when saving/loading file, only already fully hashed files bigger than 5MB are stored. Similar files with replaced `Blake3` to e.g. `SHA256` may be shown, when support for new hashes will be introduced in Czkawka.
- Red - Program settings, contains info about included/excluded directories which user may want to check. Also there is a tab with allowed extensions, which allow user to choose which type of files want to check. Next category is Excluded items, which allow to discard specific path with use of `*` wildcard - `/home/*` means that e.g. `/home/rafal/` will be ignored but no `/home/czkawka/`. The last one is settings tab which allow to save configuration of program, reset it and load it when needed.
- Green - This allow to choose which tool we want to use.
- Blue - Here are settings to current tool, which we want/need to configure
- Pink - Window in which result of searching are printed
- Yellow - Box with buttons like `Search`(starts searching with current selected tool), `Hide Text View`(hide text box at the bottom with white overlay), `Symlink`(create symlink to selected file), `Select`(shows options to select specific rows), `Delete`(deletes selected records), `Save`(save to file result of searching) - some buttons are only visible when at least one result is visible.
- Brown - Small informative field to show informations e.g. about number of found duplicates files
- White - Text window to show possible errors/warnings e.g. when failed to delete folder due no permissions etc.
There is also an option to see image previews in Similar Images tool.
There are several buttons which do different actions:
- Search - starts searching and shows progress dialog
- Stop - button in progress dialog, allows to easily stop current task. Sometimes it may take a few seconds until all atomic operations ends and GUI will be able to use again
- Select - allows selecting multiple entries at once
It is possible to open selected files by double clicking at them.
To open multiple file just select desired files with CTRL key pressed and still when clicking this key, double click at selected items with left mouse button.
To open folder containing selected file, just click twice at it with right mouse button.
By default all tools only write about results to console, but it is possible with specific arguments to delete some files/arguments or save it to file.
If you checked before a big amount of images(several tens of thousands) and them still exists on disk, then information's about it are loaded from cache and save to it, even if you have check now only a few images. You can rename cache file `cache_similar_image.txt`(to be able to use it again) or delete it - cache will regenerate but with lower amount of entries it should load and save a lot of faster.