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Alex Tsariounov <>
v1.5.3, February 2010
cset-proc - manage processes running in cpusets
'cset' [cset options] 'proc' [proc options] [args]
'cset' proc --help
'cset' proc
'cset' proc my_set my_other_set
'cset' proc --list --set my_set
'cset' proc --exec my_set /opt/software/my_code --my_opt_1
'cset' proc --set my_set --exec /opt/software/my_code --my_opt_1
'cset' proc --move 2442,3000-3200 my_set
'cset' proc --move --pid=2442,3000-3200 --toset=my_set
'cset' proc --move --fromset=my_set_1 --toset=my_set_2
'cset' proc --move --pid=42 --fromset=/group1/myset --toset=/group2/yourset
-h, --help::
prints the list of options for this command
-l, --list::
list processes in the specified cpuset
-e, --exec::
execute arguments in the specified cpuset
-u USER, --user=USER::
use this USER to --exec (id or name)
-g GROUP, --group=GROUP::
use this GROUP to --exec (id or name)
-m, --move::
move specified tasks to specified cpuset; to move a PIDSPEC to a
cpuset, use -m PIDSPEC cpuset; to move all tasks specify --fromset
and --toset
specify pid or tid specification
if specified, any processes found in the PIDSPEC to have multiple
threads will automatically have all their threads added to the
PIDSPEC (use to move all related threads to a cpuset)
-s CPUSET, --set=CPUSET::
specify name of immediate cpuset
-t TOSET, --toset=TOSET::
specify name of destination cpuset
-f FROMSET, --fromset=FROMSET::
specify name of origination cpuset
-k, --kthread::
move, or include moving, unbound kernel threads
force all processes and threads to be moved
-v, --verbose::
prints more detailed output, additive
This command is used to run and manage arbitrary processes on
specified cpusets. It is also used to move pre-existing processes and
threads to specified cpusets. You may note there is no "kill" or
"destroy" option -- use the standard OS ^C or kill commands for that.
To list which tasks are running in a particular cpuset, use the --list
For example:
*+# cset proc --list --set myset+*
This command will list all the tasks running in the cpuset called
Processes are created by specifying the path to the executable
and specifying the cpuset that the process is to be created in.
For example:
*+# cset proc --set=blazing_cpuset --exec /usr/bin/fast_code+*
This command will execute the /usr/bin/fast_code program on the
"blazing_cpuset" cpuset.
Note that if your command takes options, then use the traditional
"--" marker to separate cset's options from your command's options.
For example:
*+# cset proc --set myset --exec -- ls -l+*
This command will execute "ls -l" on the cpuset called "myset".
The PIDSPEC argument taken for the move command is a comma
separated list of PIDs or TIDs. The list can also include
brackets of PIDs or TIDs (i.e. tasks) that are inclusive of the
For example:
1,2,5 Means processes 1, 2 and 5
1,2,600-700 Means processes 1, 2 and from 600 to 700
NOTE: The range of PIDs or TIDs does not need to have every
position populated. In other words, for the example above, if
there is only one process, say PID 57, in the range of 50-65,
then only that process will be moved.
To move a PIDSPEC to a specific cpuset, you can either specify
the PIDSPEC with --pid and the destination cpuset with --toset,
or use the short hand and list the cpuset name after the PIDSPEC
for the --move arguments.
The move command accepts multiple common calling methods.
For example, the following commands are equivalent:
*+# cset proc --move 2442,3000-3200 reserved_set+*
*+# cset proc --move --pid=2442,3000-3200 --toset=reserved_set+*
These commands move the tasks defined as 2442 and any running task
between 3000 and 3200 inclusive of the ends to the cpuset called
Specifying the --fromset is not necessary since the tasks will be
moved to the destination cpuset no matter which cpuset they are
currently running on.
NOTE: However, if you do specify a cpuset with the --fromset
option, then only those tasks that are both in the PIDSPEC *and*
are running in the cpuset specified by --fromset will be moved.
I.e., if there is a task running on the system but not in
--fromset that is in PIDSPEC, it will not be moved.
If the --threads switch is used, then the proc command will
gather any threads of belonging to any processes or threads that
are specified in the PIDSPEC and move them. This provides an easy
way to move all related threads: just pick one TID from the set
and use the --threads option.
To move all userspace tasks from one cpuset to another, you need
to specify the source and destination cpuset by name.
For example:
*+# cset proc --move --fromset=comp1 --toset=comp42+*
This command specifies that all processes and threads
running on cpuset "comp1" be moved to cpuset "comp42".
NOTE: This move command will not move kernel threads unless
the -k/--kthread switch is specified. If it is, then all unbound
kernel threads will be added to the move. Unbound kernel threads
are those that can run on any CPU. If you *also specify* the
--force switch, then all tasks, kernel or not, bound or not,
will be moved.
CAUTION: Please be cautious with the --force switch, since moving
a kernel thread that is bound to a specific CPU to a cpuset that
does not include that CPU can cause a system hang.
You must specify unique cpuset names for the both exec and move
commands. If a simple name passed to the --fromset, --toset and
--set parameters is unique on the system then that command
executes. However, if there are multiple cpusets by that name,
then you will need to specify which one you mean with a full path
rooted at the base cpuset tree.
For example, suppose you have the following cpuset tree:
Then, to move a process from myset in group1 to yourset in
group2, you would have to issue the following command:
+# cset proc --move --pid=50 --fromset=/group1/myset --toset=/group2/yourset+
You do not have to worry about where in the Linux filesystem the
cpuset filesystem is mounted. The cset command takes care of that.
Any cpusets that are specified by path (such as above), are done with
respect to the root of the cpuset filesystem.
Cpuset is licensed under the GNU GPL V2 only.
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Novell Inc.
Written by Alex Tsariounov <\>.
cset(1), cset-set(1), cset-shield(1)
taskset(1), chrt(1)