You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

33 lines
857 B

'use strict';
(function () {
const indexCfg = {{ with i18n "bookSearchConfig" }}
{{ . }};
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
indexCfg.doc = {
id: 'id',
field: ['title', 'content'],
store: ['title', 'href', 'section'],
const index = FlexSearch.create('balance', indexCfg);
window.bookSearchIndex = index;
{{- $pages := where .Site.Pages "Kind" "in" (slice "page" "section") -}}
{{- $pages = where $pages "Params.booksearchexclude" "!=" true -}}
{{- $pages = where $pages "Content" "not in" (slice nil "") -}}
{{ range $index, $page := $pages }}
'id': {{ $index }},
'href': '{{ $page.RelPermalink }}',
'title': {{ (partial "docs/title" $page) | jsonify }},
'section': {{ (partial "docs/title" $page.Parent) | jsonify }},
'content': {{ $page.Plain | jsonify }}
{{- end -}}