You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

629 lines
16 KiB

package cointop
import (
log ""
// TODO: clean up and optimize codebase
// Views are all views in cointop
type Views struct {
Chart *ChartView
Table *TableView
TableHeader *TableHeaderView
Marketbar *MarketbarView
SearchField *SearchFieldView
Statusbar *StatusbarView
Menu *MenuView
Input *InputView
// State is the state preferences of cointop
type State struct {
allCoins []*Coin
allCoinsSlugMap sync.Map
cacheDir string
coins []*Coin
chartPoints [][]rune
currencyConversion string
coinsTableColumns []string
convertMenuVisible bool
defaultView string
defaultChartRange string
maxChartWidth int
// DEPRECATED: favorites by 'symbol' is deprecated because of collisions.
favoritesBySymbol map[string]bool
favorites map[string]bool
favoritesTableColumns []string
favoriteChar string
helpVisible bool
hideMarketbar bool
hideChart bool
hideTable bool
hideStatusbar bool
hidePortfolioBalances bool
keepRowFocusOnSort bool
lastSelectedRowIndex int
marketBarHeight int
maxPages int
page int
perPage int
portfolio *Portfolio
portfolioUpdateMenuVisible bool
portfolioTableColumns []string
refreshRate time.Duration
running bool
searchFieldVisible bool
selectedCoin *Coin
selectedChartRange string
selectedView string
lastSelectedView string
shortcutKeys map[string]string
sortDesc bool
sortBy string
tableOffsetX int
onlyTable bool
onlyChart bool
tableColumnWidths sync.Map
tableColumnAlignLeft sync.Map
chartHeight int
lastChartHeight int
priceAlerts *PriceAlerts
priceAlertEditID string
priceAlertNewID string
compactNotation bool
tableCompactNotation bool
favoritesCompactNotation bool
portfolioCompactNotation bool
// Cointop cointop
type Cointop struct {
g *gocui.Gui
ui *ui.UI
ActionsMap map[string]bool
apiKeys *APIKeys
cache *cache.Cache
colorsDir string
config ConfigFileConfig
configFilepath string
api api.Interface
apiChoice string
chartRanges []string
chartRangesMap map[string]time.Duration
colorschemeName string
colorscheme *Colorscheme
filecache *filecache.FileCache
logfile *os.File
forceRefresh chan bool
limiter <-chan time.Time
maxTableWidth int
refreshMux sync.Mutex
refreshTicker *time.Ticker
saveMux sync.Mutex
State *State
table *table.Table
Views *Views
// PortfolioEntry is portfolio entry
type PortfolioEntry struct {
Coin string
Holdings float64
// Portfolio is portfolio structure
type Portfolio struct {
Entries map[string]*PortfolioEntry
// PriceAlert is price alert structure
type PriceAlert struct {
ID string
CoinName string
TargetPrice float64
Operator string
Frequency string
CreatedAt string
Expired bool
// PriceAlerts is price alerts structure
type PriceAlerts struct {
Entries []*PriceAlert
SoundEnabled bool
// Config config options
type Config struct {
APIChoice string
CacheDir string
ColorsDir string
Colorscheme string
ConfigFilepath string
CoinMarketCapAPIKey string
NoPrompts bool
HideMarketbar bool
HideChart bool
HideTable bool
HideStatusbar bool
HidePortfolioBalances bool
NoCache bool
OnlyTable bool
OnlyChart bool
RefreshRate *uint
PerPage uint
MaxPages uint
// APIKeys is api keys structure
type APIKeys struct {
cmc string
// DefaultCurrency ...
var DefaultCurrency = "USD"
// DefaultChartRange ...
var DefaultChartRange = "1Y"
// DefaultCompactNotation ...
var DefaultCompactNotation = false
// DefaultMaxChartWidth ...
var DefaultMaxChartWidth = 175
// DefaultChartHeight ...
var DefaultChartHeight = 10
// DefaultSortBy ...
var DefaultSortBy = "rank"
// DefaultPerPage ...
var DefaultPerPage = uint(100)
// DefaultMaxPages ...
var DefaultMaxPages = uint(35)
// DefaultColorscheme ...
var DefaultColorscheme = "cointop"
// DefaultConfigFilepath ...
var DefaultConfigFilepath = pathutil.NormalizePath(":PREFERRED_CONFIG_HOME:/cointop/config.toml")
// DefaultCacheDir ...
var DefaultCacheDir = filecache.DefaultCacheDir
// DefaultColorsDir ...
var DefaultColorsDir = fmt.Sprintf("%s/colors", DefaultConfigFilepath)
// DefaultFavoriteChar ...
var DefaultFavoriteChar = "*"
// NewCointop initializes cointop
func NewCointop(config *Config) (*Cointop, error) {
if os.Getenv("DEBUG") != "" {
if config == nil {
config = &Config{}
configFilepath := DefaultConfigFilepath
if config.ConfigFilepath != "" {
configFilepath = config.ConfigFilepath
perPage := DefaultPerPage
if config.PerPage > 0 {
perPage = config.PerPage
maxPages := DefaultMaxPages
if config.MaxPages > 0 {
maxPages = config.MaxPages
ct := &Cointop{
// defaults
apiChoice: CoinGecko,
apiKeys: new(APIKeys),
forceRefresh: make(chan bool),
maxTableWidth: 175,
ActionsMap: ActionsMap(),
cache: cache.New(1*time.Minute, 2*time.Minute),
colorsDir: config.ColorsDir,
configFilepath: configFilepath,
chartRanges: ChartRanges(),
chartRangesMap: ChartRangesMap(),
limiter: time.NewTicker(2 * time.Second).C,
filecache: nil,
State: &State{
allCoins: []*Coin{},
cacheDir: DefaultCacheDir,
coinsTableColumns: DefaultCoinTableHeaders,
currencyConversion: DefaultCurrency,
defaultChartRange: DefaultChartRange,
maxChartWidth: DefaultMaxChartWidth,
// DEPRECATED: favorites by 'symbol' is deprecated because of collisions. Kept for backward compatibility.
favoritesBySymbol: make(map[string]bool),
favorites: make(map[string]bool),
favoritesTableColumns: DefaultCoinTableHeaders,
favoriteChar: DefaultFavoriteChar,
hideMarketbar: config.HideMarketbar,
hideChart: config.HideChart,
hideTable: config.HideTable,
hideStatusbar: config.HideStatusbar,
hidePortfolioBalances: config.HidePortfolioBalances,
keepRowFocusOnSort: false,
marketBarHeight: 1,
maxPages: int(maxPages),
onlyTable: config.OnlyTable,
onlyChart: config.OnlyChart,
refreshRate: 60 * time.Second,
selectedChartRange: DefaultChartRange,
shortcutKeys: DefaultShortcuts(),
sortBy: DefaultSortBy,
page: 0,
perPage: int(perPage),
portfolio: &Portfolio{
Entries: make(map[string]*PortfolioEntry),
portfolioTableColumns: DefaultPortfolioTableHeaders,
chartHeight: DefaultChartHeight,
lastChartHeight: DefaultChartHeight,
tableOffsetX: 0,
tableColumnWidths: sync.Map{},
tableColumnAlignLeft: sync.Map{},
priceAlerts: &PriceAlerts{
Entries: make([]*PriceAlert, 0),
SoundEnabled: true,
compactNotation: DefaultCompactNotation,
tableCompactNotation: DefaultCompactNotation,
favoritesCompactNotation: DefaultCompactNotation,
portfolioCompactNotation: DefaultCompactNotation,
Views: &Views{
Chart: NewChartView(),
Table: NewTableView(),
TableHeader: NewTableHeaderView(),
Marketbar: NewMarketbarView(),
SearchField: NewSearchFieldView(),
Statusbar: NewStatusbarView(),
Menu: NewMenuView(),
Input: NewInputView(),
err := ct.SetupConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ct.cache.Set("onlyTable", ct.State.onlyTable, cache.NoExpiration)
if ct.State.onlyTable && ct.State.onlyChart {
ct.State.onlyChart = false
ct.cache.Set("onlyChart", ct.State.onlyChart, cache.NoExpiration)
ct.cache.Set("hideMarketbar", ct.State.hideMarketbar, cache.NoExpiration)
ct.cache.Set("hideChart", ct.State.hideChart, cache.NoExpiration)
ct.cache.Set("hideTable", ct.State.hideTable, cache.NoExpiration)
ct.cache.Set("hideStatusbar", ct.State.hideStatusbar, cache.NoExpiration)
if config.RefreshRate != nil {
ct.State.refreshRate = time.Duration(*config.RefreshRate) * time.Second
if ct.State.refreshRate == 0 {
ct.refreshTicker = time.NewTicker(time.Duration(1))
} else {
ct.refreshTicker = time.NewTicker(ct.State.refreshRate)
if config.CacheDir != "" {
ct.State.cacheDir = pathutil.NormalizePath(config.CacheDir)
if err := ct.SaveConfig(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if !config.NoCache {
// each custom config file has it's own file cache
hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(ct.ConfigFilePath()))
fcache, err := filecache.NewFileCache(&filecache.Config{
CacheDir: ct.State.cacheDir,
Prefix: fmt.Sprintf("%x", hash[0:4]),
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: %s\nyou may change the cache directory with --cache-dir flag.\nproceeding without filecache.\n", err)
ct.filecache = fcache
// prompt for CoinMarketCap api key if not found
if config.CoinMarketCapAPIKey != "" {
ct.apiKeys.cmc = config.CoinMarketCapAPIKey
if err := ct.SaveConfig(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if config.Colorscheme != "" {
ct.colorschemeName = config.Colorscheme
colors, err := ct.GetColorschemeColors()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ct.colorscheme = NewColorscheme(colors)
if config.APIChoice != "" {
ct.apiChoice = config.APIChoice
if err := ct.SaveConfig(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if ct.apiChoice == CoinMarketCap && ct.apiKeys.cmc == "" {
apiKey := os.Getenv("CMC_PRO_API_KEY")
if apiKey == "" {
if !config.NoPrompts {
apiKey, err = ct.ReadAPIKeyFromStdin("CoinMarketCap Pro")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ct.apiKeys.cmc = apiKey
} else {
ct.apiKeys.cmc = apiKey
if err := ct.SaveConfig(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if ct.apiChoice == CoinMarketCap {
ct.api = api.NewCMC(ct.apiKeys.cmc)
} else if ct.apiChoice == CoinGecko {
ct.api = api.NewCG(perPage, maxPages)
} else {
return nil, ErrInvalidAPIChoice
allCoinsSlugMap := make(map[string]*Coin)
coinscachekey := ct.CacheKey("allCoinsSlugMap")
if ct.filecache != nil {
ct.filecache.Get(coinscachekey, &allCoinsSlugMap)
// fix for
// can remove this after everyone has cleared their cache
for _, v := range allCoinsSlugMap {
// Some APIs returns rank 0 for new coins
// or coins with low market cap data so we need to put them
// at the end of the list.
if v.Rank == 0 {
v.Rank = 10000
for k, v := range allCoinsSlugMap {
ct.State.allCoinsSlugMap.Store(k, v)
ct.State.allCoinsSlugMap.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
if coin, ok := value.(*Coin); ok {
ct.State.allCoins = append(ct.State.allCoins, coin)
return true
if len(ct.State.allCoins) > 1 {
max := len(ct.State.allCoins)
if max > 100 {
max = 100
ct.Sort(ct.State.sortBy, ct.State.sortDesc, ct.State.allCoins, false)
ct.State.coins = ct.State.allCoins[0:max]
// DEPRECATED: favorites by 'symbol' is deprecated because of collisions. Kept for backward compatibility.
// Here we're doing a lookup based on symbol and setting the favorite to the coin name instead of coin symbol.
ct.State.allCoinsSlugMap.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
if coin, ok := value.(*Coin); ok {
for k := range ct.State.favoritesBySymbol {
if coin.Symbol == k {
ct.State.favorites[coin.Name] = true
delete(ct.State.favoritesBySymbol, k)
return true
var globaldata []float64
chartcachekey := ct.CompositeCacheKey("globaldata", "", "", ct.State.selectedChartRange)
if ct.filecache != nil {
ct.filecache.Get(chartcachekey, &globaldata)
ct.cache.Set(chartcachekey, globaldata, 10*time.Second)
var market types.GlobalMarketData
marketcachekey := ct.CacheKey("market")
if ct.filecache != nil {
ct.filecache.Get(marketcachekey, &market)
ct.cache.Set(marketcachekey, market, 10*time.Second)
// TODO: notify offline status in status bar
if err := ct.api.Ping(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ct, nil
// Run runs cointop
func (ct *Cointop) Run() error {
ui, err := ui.NewUI()
if err != nil {
return err
ct.ui = ui
ct.g = ui.GetGocui()
defer ui.Close()
if err := ct.SetKeybindings(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("keybindings: %v", err)
go ct.PriceAlertWatcher()
ct.State.running = true
if err := ui.MainLoop(); err != nil && err != gocui.ErrQuit {
return fmt.Errorf("main loop: %v", err)
return nil
// IsRunning returns true if cointop is running
func (ct *Cointop) IsRunning() bool {
return ct.State.running
// CleanConfig is the config for the clean function
type CleanConfig struct {
Log bool
CacheDir string
// Clean removes cache files
func (ct *Cointop) Clean(config *CleanConfig) error {
if config == nil {
config = &CleanConfig{}
cacheDir := DefaultCacheDir
if config.CacheDir != "" {
cacheDir = pathutil.NormalizePath(config.CacheDir)
} else if ct.State.cacheDir != "" {
cacheDir = ct.State.cacheDir
cacheCleaned := false
if _, err := os.Stat(cacheDir); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(cacheDir)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, f := range files {
if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name(), "fcache.") {
file := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", cacheDir, f.Name())
if config.Log {
fmt.Printf("removing %s\n", file)
if err := os.Remove(file); err != nil {
return err
cacheCleaned = true
if config.Log {
if cacheCleaned {
fmt.Println("cointop cache has been cleaned")
return nil
// ResetConfig is the config for the reset function
type ResetConfig struct {
Log bool
CacheDir string
// Reset removes configuration and cache files
func (ct *Cointop) Reset(config *ResetConfig) error {
if config == nil {
config = &ResetConfig{}
if err := ct.Clean(&CleanConfig{
CacheDir: config.CacheDir,
Log: config.Log,
}); err != nil {
return err
configDeleted := false
for _, configPath := range PossibleConfigPaths {
normalizedPath := pathutil.NormalizePath(configPath)
if _, err := os.Stat(normalizedPath); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
if config.Log {
fmt.Printf("removing %s\n", normalizedPath)
if err := os.RemoveAll(normalizedPath); err != nil {
return err
configDeleted = true
if config.Log {
if configDeleted {
fmt.Println("cointop has been reset")
return nil
// ColorschemeHelpString ...
func ColorschemeHelpString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("To install standard themes, do:\n\ngit clone %s\n\nSee for more info.", pathutil.NormalizePath(":PREFERRED_CONFIG_HOME:/cointop/colors"))