package cointop import ( "fmt" "strconv" "time" "" "" ) // SupportedCoinTableHeaders are all the supported coin table header columns var SupportedCoinTableHeaders = []string{ "rank", "name", "symbol", "price", "1h_change", "24h_change", "7d_change", "30d_change", "1y_change", "24h_volume", "market_cap", "available_supply", "total_supply", "last_updated", } // DefaultCoinTableHeaders are the default coin table header columns var DefaultCoinTableHeaders = []string{ "rank", "name", "symbol", "price", "1h_change", "24h_change", "7d_change", "24h_volume", "market_cap", "available_supply", "total_supply", "last_updated", } // ValidCoinsTableHeader returns true if it's a valid table header name func (ct *Cointop) ValidCoinsTableHeader(name string) bool { for _, v := range SupportedCoinTableHeaders { if v == name { return true } } return false } // GetCoinsTableHeaders returns the coins table headers func (ct *Cointop) GetCoinsTableHeaders() []string { return ct.State.coinsTableColumns } // GetCoinsTable returns the table for diplaying the coins func (ct *Cointop) GetCoinsTable() *table.Table { maxX := ct.Width() t := table.NewTable().SetWidth(maxX) var rows [][]*table.RowCell headers := ct.GetCoinsTableHeaders() if ct.IsFavoritesVisible() { headers = ct.GetFavoritesTableHeaders() } ct.ClearSyncMap(&ct.State.tableColumnWidths) ct.ClearSyncMap(&ct.State.tableColumnAlignLeft) for _, coin := range ct.State.coins { if coin == nil { continue } var rowCells []*table.RowCell for _, header := range headers { leftMargin := 1 rightMargin := 1 switch header { case "rank": star := " " rankcolor := ct.colorscheme.TableRow if coin.Favorite { star = ct.State.favoriteChar rankcolor = ct.colorscheme.TableRowFavorite } rank := fmt.Sprintf("%s%6v ", star, coin.Rank) ct.SetTableColumnWidth(header, 8) ct.SetTableColumnAlignLeft(header, false) rowCells = append(rowCells, &table.RowCell{ LeftMargin: leftMargin, RightMargin: rightMargin, LeftAlign: false, Color: rankcolor, Text: rank, }) case "name": name := TruncateString(coin.Name, 16) namecolor := ct.colorscheme.TableRow if coin.Favorite { namecolor = ct.colorscheme.TableRowFavorite } ct.SetTableColumnWidthFromString(header, name) ct.SetTableColumnAlignLeft(header, true) rowCells = append(rowCells, &table.RowCell{ LeftMargin: leftMargin, RightMargin: rightMargin, LeftAlign: true, Color: namecolor, Text: name, }) case "symbol": symbol := TruncateString(coin.Symbol, 6) ct.SetTableColumnWidthFromString(header, symbol) ct.SetTableColumnAlignLeft(header, true) rowCells = append(rowCells, &table.RowCell{ LeftMargin: leftMargin, RightMargin: rightMargin, LeftAlign: true, Color: ct.colorscheme.TableRow, Text: symbol, }) case "price": text := ct.FormatPrice(coin.Price) ct.SetTableColumnWidthFromString(header, text) ct.SetTableColumnAlignLeft(header, false) rowCells = append(rowCells, &table.RowCell{ LeftMargin: leftMargin, RightMargin: rightMargin, LeftAlign: false, Color: ct.colorscheme.TableColumnPrice, Text: text, }) case "24h_volume": text := humanize.Monetaryf(coin.Volume24H, 0) ct.SetTableColumnWidthFromString(header, text) ct.SetTableColumnAlignLeft(header, false) rowCells = append(rowCells, &table.RowCell{ LeftMargin: leftMargin, RightMargin: rightMargin, LeftAlign: false, Color: ct.colorscheme.TableRow, Text: text, }) case "1h_change": color1h := ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChange if coin.PercentChange1H > 0 { color1h = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeUp } if coin.PercentChange1H < 0 { color1h = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeDown } text := fmt.Sprintf("%v%%", humanize.Numericf(coin.PercentChange1H, 2)) ct.SetTableColumnWidthFromString(header, text) ct.SetTableColumnAlignLeft(header, false) rowCells = append(rowCells, &table.RowCell{ LeftMargin: leftMargin, RightMargin: rightMargin, LeftAlign: false, Color: color1h, Text: text, }) case "24h_change": color24h := ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChange if coin.PercentChange24H > 0 { color24h = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeUp } if coin.PercentChange24H < 0 { color24h = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeDown } text := fmt.Sprintf("%v%%", humanize.Numericf(coin.PercentChange24H, 2)) ct.SetTableColumnWidthFromString(header, text) ct.SetTableColumnAlignLeft(header, false) rowCells = append(rowCells, &table.RowCell{ LeftMargin: leftMargin, RightMargin: rightMargin, LeftAlign: false, Color: color24h, Text: text, }) case "7d_change": color7d := ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChange if coin.PercentChange7D > 0 { color7d = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeUp } if coin.PercentChange7D < 0 { color7d = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeDown } text := fmt.Sprintf("%v%%", humanize.Numericf(coin.PercentChange7D, 2)) ct.SetTableColumnWidthFromString(header, text) ct.SetTableColumnAlignLeft(header, false) rowCells = append(rowCells, &table.RowCell{ LeftMargin: leftMargin, RightMargin: rightMargin, LeftAlign: false, Color: color7d, Text: text, }) case "30d_change": color30d := ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChange if coin.PercentChange30D > 0 { color30d = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeUp } if coin.PercentChange30D < 0 { color30d = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeDown } text := fmt.Sprintf("%v%%", humanize.Numericf(coin.PercentChange30D, 2)) ct.SetTableColumnWidthFromString(header, text) ct.SetTableColumnAlignLeft(header, false) rowCells = append(rowCells, &table.RowCell{ LeftMargin: leftMargin, RightMargin: rightMargin, LeftAlign: false, Color: color30d, Text: text, }) case "1y_change": color1y := ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChange if coin.PercentChange1Y > 0 { color1y = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeUp } if coin.PercentChange1Y < 0 { color1y = ct.colorscheme.TableColumnChangeDown } text := fmt.Sprintf("%v%%", humanize.Numericf(coin.PercentChange1Y, 2)) ct.SetTableColumnWidthFromString(header, text) ct.SetTableColumnAlignLeft(header, false) rowCells = append(rowCells, &table.RowCell{ LeftMargin: leftMargin, RightMargin: rightMargin, LeftAlign: false, Color: color1y, Text: text, }) case "market_cap": text := humanize.Monetaryf(coin.MarketCap, 0) ct.SetTableColumnWidthFromString(header, text) ct.SetTableColumnAlignLeft(header, false) rowCells = append(rowCells, &table.RowCell{ LeftMargin: leftMargin, RightMargin: rightMargin, LeftAlign: false, Color: ct.colorscheme.TableRow, Text: text, }) case "total_supply": text := humanize.Numericf(coin.TotalSupply, 0) ct.SetTableColumnWidthFromString(header, text) ct.SetTableColumnAlignLeft(header, false) rowCells = append(rowCells, &table.RowCell{ LeftMargin: leftMargin, RightMargin: rightMargin, LeftAlign: false, Color: ct.colorscheme.TableRow, Text: text, }) case "available_supply": text := humanize.Numericf(coin.AvailableSupply, 0) ct.SetTableColumnWidthFromString(header, text) ct.SetTableColumnAlignLeft(header, false) rowCells = append(rowCells, &table.RowCell{ LeftMargin: leftMargin, RightMargin: rightMargin, LeftAlign: false, Color: ct.colorscheme.TableRow, Text: text, }) case "last_updated": unix, _ := strconv.ParseInt(coin.LastUpdated, 10, 64) lastUpdated := time.Unix(unix, 0).Format("15:04:05 Jan 02") ct.SetTableColumnWidthFromString(header, lastUpdated) ct.SetTableColumnAlignLeft(header, false) rowCells = append(rowCells, &table.RowCell{ LeftMargin: leftMargin, RightMargin: rightMargin, LeftAlign: false, Color: ct.colorscheme.TableRow, Text: lastUpdated, }) } } rows = append(rows, rowCells) } for _, row := range rows { for i, header := range headers { row[i].Width = ct.GetTableColumnWidth(header) } t.AddRowCells(row...) } return t } // TableCoinsLen returns the number of coins in coins table func (ct *Cointop) TableCoinsLen() int { return len(ct.GetTableCoinsSlice()) }