# cointop > Coin tracking for hackers [![License](http://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/miguelmota/cointop/master/LICENSE.md) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/miguelmota/cointop.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/miguelmota/cointop) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/miguelmota/cointop?)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/miguelmota/cointop) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/miguelmota/cointop?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/miguelmota/cointop) [`cointop`](https://github.com/miguelmota/cointop) is a fast and lightweight interactive terminal based UI application for tracking and monitoring cryptocurrency coin stats in real-time. The interface is inspired by [`htop`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Htop) and shortcut keys are inspired by [`vim`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vim_(text_editor)). Yes, it's fast. ## Table of Contents - [Features](#features) - [Installing](#install) - [Updating](#updating) - [Usage](#usage) - [Shortcuts](#shortcuts) - [Config](#config) - [FAQ](#faq) - [Development](#development) - [License](#license) ## Features - Quick sort shortcuts - Custom key bindings config - Vim inspired shortcut keys - Fast pagination - Charts for coins and global market graphs - Fuzzy searching for finding coins - Save and view favorite coins - Color support - Help menu - Offline cache - Works on macOS, Linux, and Windows ## Installing Make sure to have [go](https://golang.org/) (1.9+) installed, then do: ```bash go get -u github.com/miguelmota/cointop ``` ### Homebrew (macOS) cointop is available via [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/) for macOS: ```bash brew tap cointop/cointop https://github.com/miguelmota/cointop brew install cointop ``` ### Snap (Linux) cointop is also available as a [snap](https://snapcraft.io/cointop) for Linux users. ```bash sudo snap install cointop --stable ``` Running snap: ```bash sudo snap run cointop ``` Note: snaps don't work in Windows WSL. See this [issue thread](https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/windows-subsystem-for-linux/216). ### Windows WSL (Windows) You'll need additional font support for Windows WSL. Please see the [wiki](https://github.com/miguelmota/cointop/wiki/Windows-Command-Prompt-and-WSL-Font-Support) for instructions. ## Updating To update make sure to use the `-u` flag. ```bash go get -u github.com/miguelmota/cointop ``` ### Snap Use the `refresh` command to update snap. ```bash sudo snap refresh cointop --stable ``` ### Homebrew ```bash brew uninstall cointop && brew install cointop ``` ## Usage Just run the `cointop` command to get started: ```bash $ cointop ``` ## Shortcuts List of default shortcut keys: Key|Action ----|------| |Move up |Move down |Go to next page |Go to previous page Page Up|Jump page up Page Down|Jump page down Home|Go to first line of page End|Go to last line of page Enter|Toggle [c]hart for highlighted coin Esc|Quit Space|Toggle coin as favorite Ctrl+c|Alias to quit Ctrl+d|Jump page down (vim inspired) Ctrl+n|Go to next page Ctrl+p|Go to previous page Ctrl+r|Force refresh data Ctrl+s|Save config Ctrl+u|Jump page up (vim inspired) Alt+|Sort current column in ascending order Alt+|Sort current column in descending order Alt+|Sort column to the left Alt+|Sort column to the right F1|Show help| F5|Force refresh data| 0|Go to first page (vim inspired) 1|Sort table by *[1] hour change* 2|Sort table by *[2]4 hour change* 7|Sort table by *[7] day change* a|Sort table by *[a]vailable supply* c|Toggle [c]hart for highlighted coin f|Toggle show favorites g|Go to first line of page (vim inspired) G|Go to last line of page (vim inspired) h|Go to previous page (vim inspired) H|Go to top of table window (vim inspired) j|Move down (vim inspired) k|Move up (vim inspired) l|Go to next page (vim inspired) L|Go to last line of visible table window (vim inspired) m|Sort table by *[m]arket cap* M|Go to middle of visible table window (vim inspired) n|Sort table by *[n]ame* o|[o]pen link to highlighted coin on [CoinMarketCap](https://coinmarketcap.com/) p|Sort table by *[p]rice* r|Sort table by *[r]ank* s|Sort table by *[s]ymbol* t|Sort table by *[t]otal supply* u|Sort table by *last [u]pdated* v|Sort table by *24 hour [v]olume* q|[q]uit $|Go to last page (vim inspired) ?|Show help| /|Search (vim inspired)| ## Config The first time you run cointop, it'll create a config file in: ``` ~/.cointop/config ``` You can then configure the actions you want for each key: (default `~/.cointop/config`) ```toml [shortcuts] "$" = "last_page" 0 = "first_page" 1 = "sort_column_1h_change" 2 = "sort_column_24h_change" 7 = "sort_column_7d_change" "?" = "help" "/" = "open_search" G = "move_to_page_last_row" H = "move_to_page_visible_first_row" L = "move_to_page_visible_last_row" M = "move_to_page_visible_middle_row" a = "sort_column_available_supply" "alt+down" = "sort_column_desc" "alt+left" = "sort_left_column" "alt+right" = "sort_right_column" "alt+up" = "sort_column_asc" down = "move_down" left = "previous_page" right = "next_page" up = "move_up" c = "toggle_row_chart" "ctrl+c" = "quit" "ctrl+d" = "page_down" "ctrl+n" = "next_page" "ctrl+p" = "previous_page" "ctrl+r" = "refresh" "ctrl+s" = "save" "ctrl+u" = "page_up" end = "move_to_page_last_row" enter = "toggle_row_chart" esc = "quit" f = "toggle_show_favorites" F1 = "help" g = "move_to_page_first_row" h = "previous_page" home = "move_to_page_first_row" j = "move_down" k = "move_up" l = "next_page" m = "sort_column_market_cap" n = "sort_column_name" o = "open_link" p = "sort_column_price" pagedown = "page_down" pageup = "page_up" q = "quit" r = "sort_column_rank" s = "sort_column_symbol" space = "toggle_favorite" t = "sort_column_total_supply" u = "sort_column_last_updated" v = "sort_column_24h_volume" ``` ## List of actions Action|Description ----|------| `first_page`|Go to first page `help`|Show help `last_page`|Go to last page `move_to_page_first_row`|Move to first row on page `move_to_page_last_row`|Move to last row on page `move_to_page_visible_first_row`|Move to first visible row on page `move_to_page_visible_last_row`|Move to last visible row on page `move_to_page_visible_middle_row`|Move to middle visible row on page `move_up`|Move one row up `move_down`|Move one row down `next_page`|Go to next page `open_link`|Open row link `open_search`|Open search field `page_down`|Move one row down `page_up`|Scroll one page up `previous_page`|Go to previous page `quit`|Quit application `refresh`|Do a manual refresh on the data `sort_column_1h_change`|Sort table by column *1 hour change* `sort_column_24h_change`|Sort table by column *24 hour change* `sort_column_24h_volume`|Sort table by column *24 hour volume* `sort_column_7d_change`|Sort table by column *7 day change* `sort_column_asc`|Sort highlighted column by ascending order `sort_column_available_supply`|Sort table by column *available supply* `sort_column_desc`|Sort highlighted column by descending order `sort_column_last_updated`|Sort table by column *last updated* `sort_column_market_cap`|Sort table by column *market cap* `sort_column_name`|Sort table by column *name* `sort_column_price`|Sort table by column *price* `sort_column_rank`|Sort table by column *rank* `sort_column_symbol`|Sort table by column *symbol* `sort_column_total_supply`|Sort table by column *total supply* `sort_left_column`|Sort the column to the left of the highlighted column `sort_right_column`|Sort the column to the right of the highlighted column `toggle_row_chart`|Toggle the chart for the highlighted row `toggle_favorite`|Toggle coin as favorite `toggle_show_favorites`|Toggle show favorites `save`|Save config ## FAQ - Q: Where is the data from? - A: The data is from [Coin Market Cap](https://coinmarketcap.com/). - Q: What coins does this support? - A: This supports any coin listed on [Coin Market Cap](https://coinmarketcap.com/). - Q: How often is the data polled? - A: Data gets polled once every minute by default. You can press Ctrl+r to force refresh. - Q: I installed cointop without errors but the command is not found. - A: Make sure your `GOPATH` and `PATH` is set correctly. ```bash export GOPATH=$HOME/go export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin ``` - Q: What is the size of the binary? - A: The executable is only ~1.9MB in size. - Q: How do I search? - A: The default key to open search is /. Type the search query after the `/` in the field and hit Enter. - Q: Does this work on the Raspberry Pi? - A: Yes, cointop works on the Rasperry Pi including the RPi Zero. - Q: How do I add/remove a favorite? - A: Press the space key to toggle a coin as a favorite. - Q: How do I view all my favorites? - A: Press f to toggle view all your favorites. - Q: How do I save my favorites? - A: Press ctrl+s to save your favorites. - Q: I'm getting question marks or weird symbols instead of the correct characters. - A: Make sure that your terminal has the encoding set to UTF-8 and that your terminal font supports UTF-8. You can also try running cointop with the following environment variables: ```bash LANG=en_US.utf8 TERM=xterm-256color cointop ``` If you're on Windows WSL, please see the [wiki](https://github.com/miguelmota/cointop/wiki/Windows-Command-Prompt-and-WSL-Font-Support) for font support instructions. - Q: How do I install Go on Ubuntu? - A: There's instructions on installing Go on Ubuntu in the [wiki](https://github.com/miguelmota/cointop/wiki/Installing-Go-on-Ubuntu). - Q: I'm getting errors installing the snap in Windows WSL. - A: Unfortunately Windows WSL doesn't support `snapd` which is required for snaps to run. See this [issue thread](https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/windows-subsystem-for-linux/216). - Q: How do I show the help menu? - A: Press ? to toggle the help menu. Press q to close help menu. - Q: I'm getting the error: `new gocui: termbox: error while reading terminfo data: EOF` when trying to run. - A: Try setting the environment variable `TERM=screen-256color` ## Development ### Snap Building snap ```bash $ make snap/build ``` ### Homebrew Installing from source ```bash make brew/build ``` ## License Released under the [Apache 2.0](./LICENSE.md) license.