--- title: "Config" date: 2020-01-01T00:00:00-00:00 draft: false --- # Config The first time you run cointop, it'll create a config file in: ``` ~/.config/cointop/config.toml ``` On Unix systems, the default config path is `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cointop/config.toml` On macOS (darwin), the default config path is `$HOME/Library/Application Support/cointop/config.toml` On Windows, the default config path is `%AppData%\cointop\config.toml` _Note: The config directory is determined by [`os.UserConfigDir()`](https://pkg.go.dev/os#UserConfigDir)_ You may specify a different config file to use by using the `--config` flag: ```bash cointop --config="/path/to/config.toml" ``` Alternatively, you can set the config file path via the environment variable `COINTOP_CONFIG` ```bash export COINTOP_CONFIG="/path/to/config.toml" cointop ``` ## Key bindings You can configure the actions you want for each key in `config.toml`: ```toml currency = "USD" default_view = "" api = "coingecko" colorscheme = "cointop" refresh_rate = 60 [shortcuts] "$" = "last_page" 0 = "first_page" 1 = "sort_column_1h_change" 2 = "sort_column_24h_change" 7 = "sort_column_7d_change" "?" = "help" "/" = "open_search" "[" = "previous_chart_range" "\\" = "toggle_table_fullscreen" "]" = "next_chart_range" "{" = "first_chart_range" "}" = "last_chart_range" "<" = "scroll_left" ">" = "scroll_right" C = "show_currency_convert_menu" E = "show_portfolio_edit_menu" G = "move_to_page_last_row" H = "move_to_page_visible_first_row" L = "move_to_page_visible_last_row" M = "move_to_page_visible_middle_row" O = "open_link" P = "toggle_portfolio" a = "sort_column_available_supply" "alt+down" = "sort_column_desc" "alt+left" = "sort_left_column" "alt+right" = "sort_right_column" "alt+up" = "sort_column_asc" down = "move_down" left = "previous_page" right = "next_page" up = "move_up" c = "show_currency_convert_menu" b = "sort_column_balance" "ctrl+c" = "quit" "ctrl+d" = "page_down" "ctrl+f" = "open_search" "ctrl+j" = "enlarge_chart" "ctrl+k" = "shorten_chart" "ctrl+n" = "next_page" "ctrl+p" = "previous_page" "ctrl+r" = "refresh" "ctrl+s" = "save" "ctrl+u" = "page_up" e = "show_portfolio_edit_menu" end = "move_to_page_last_row" enter = "toggle_row_chart" esc = "quit" f = "toggle_favorite" F = "toggle_show_favorites" F1 = "help" g = "move_to_page_first_row" h = "previous_page" home = "move_to_page_first_row" j = "move_down" k = "move_up" l = "next_page" m = "sort_column_market_cap" n = "sort_column_name" o = "open_link" p = "sort_column_price" pagedown = "page_down" pageup = "page_up" q = "quit_view" Q = "quit_view" r = "sort_column_rank" s = "sort_column_symbol" space = "toggle_favorite" tab = "move_down_or_next_page" t = "sort_column_total_supply" u = "sort_column_last_updated" v = "sort_column_24h_volume" [favorites] [portfolio] [coinmarketcap] pro_api_key = "" ``` ## List of actions This are the action keywords you may use in the config file to change what the shortcut keys do: Action|Description ----|------| `first_chart_range`|Select first chart date range (e.g. 24H) `first_page`|Go to first page `enlarge_chart`|Increase chart height `help`|Show help `hide_currency_convert_menu`|Hide currency convert menu `last_chart_range`|Select last chart date range (e.g. All Time) `last_page`|Go to last page `move_to_page_first_row`|Move to first row on page `move_to_page_last_row`|Move to last row on page `move_to_page_visible_first_row`|Move to first visible row on page `move_to_page_visible_last_row`|Move to last visible row on page `move_to_page_visible_middle_row`|Move to middle visible row on page `move_up`|Move one row up `move_down`|Move one row down `move_down_or_next_page`|Move one row down or to next page if at last row `move_up_or_previous_page`|Move one row up or to previous page if at first row `next_chart_range`|Select next chart date range (e.g. 3D → 7D) `next_page`|Go to next page `open_link`|Open row link `open_search`|Open search field `page_down`|Move one row down `page_up`|Scroll one page up `previous_chart_range`|Select previous chart date range (e.g. 7D → 3D) `previous_page`|Go to previous page `quit`|Quit application `quit_view`|Quit view `refresh`|Do a manual refresh on the data `save`|Save config `scroll_left`|Scroll table to the left `scroll_right`|Scroll table to the right `shorten_chart`|Decrease chart height `show_currency_convert_menu`|Show currency convert menu `show_favorites`|Show favorites `sort_column_1h_change`|Sort table by column *1 hour change* `sort_column_24h_change`|Sort table by column *24 hour change* `sort_column_24h_volume`|Sort table by column *24 hour volume* `sort_column_7d_change`|Sort table by column *7 day change* `sort_column_asc`|Sort highlighted column by ascending order `sort_column_available_supply`|Sort table by column *available supply* `sort_column_balance`|Sort table by column *balance* `sort_column_desc`|Sort highlighted column by descending order `sort_column_holdings`|Sort table by column *holdings* `sort_column_last_updated`|Sort table by column *last updated* `sort_column_market_cap`|Sort table by column *market cap* `sort_column_name`|Sort table by column *name* `sort_column_price`|Sort table by column *price* `sort_column_rank`|Sort table by column *rank* `sort_column_symbol`|Sort table by column *symbol* `sort_column_total_supply`|Sort table by column *total supply* `sort_left_column`|Sort the column to the left of the highlighted column `sort_right_column`|Sort the column to the right of the highlighted column `toggle_row_chart`|Toggle the chart for the highlighted row `toggle_favorite`|Toggle coin as favorite `toggle_show_currency_convert_menu`|Toggle show currency convert menu `toggle_show_favorites`|Toggle show favorites `toggle_portfolio`|Toggle portfolio view `toggle_show_portfolio`|Toggle show portfolio view `show_portfolio_edit_menu`|Show portfolio edit holdings menu `toggle_table_fullscreen`|Toggle table fullscreen