--- title: "Update" date: 2020-01-01T00:00:00-00:00 draft: false --- # Update ## Go To update make sure to use the `-u` flag if installed via Go. ```bash go get -u github.com/miguelmota/cointop ``` ## Homebrew (macOS) ```bash brew uninstall cointop && brew install cointop ``` ## Snap (Ubuntu) Use the `refresh` command to update snap. ```bash sudo snap refresh cointop ``` ## Copr (Fedora) ```bash sudo dnf update cointop ``` ## AUR (Arch Linux) ```bash yay -S cointop ``` ## XBPS (Void Linux) ```bash sudo xbps-install -Su cointop ``` ## Flatpak (Linux) ```bash flatpak update com.github.miguelmota.Cointop ``` ## NixOS (Linux) ```bash nix-env -uA nixpkgs.cointop ``` ## AppImage (Linux) Use the same [install](/install/#appimage-linux) instructions to update AppImage.