--- title: "Shortcuts" date: 2020-01-01T00:00:00-00:00 draft: false --- # Shortcuts List of default shortcut keys: Key|Action ----|------| |Move up |Move down |Go to next page |Go to previous page Page Up|Jump page up Page Down|Jump page down Home|Go to first line of page End|Go to last line of page Enter|Toggle chart for highlighted coin Esc|Quit view Space|Toggle coin as favorite Tab|Move down or next page Ctrl+c|Quit application Ctrl+d|Jump page down (vim inspired) Ctrl+f|Search Ctrl+n|Go to next page Ctrl+p|Go to previous page Ctrl+r|Force refresh data Ctrl+s|Save config Ctrl+u|Jump page up (vim inspired) Ctrl+j|Increase chart height Ctrl+k|Decrease chart height Alt+|Sort current column in ascending order Alt+|Sort current column in descending order Alt+|Sort column to the left Alt+|Sort column to the right F1|Show help| F5|Force refresh data| 0|Go to first page (vim inspired) 1|Sort table by *[1] hour change* 2|Sort table by *[2]4 hour change* 7|Sort table by *[7] day change* a|Sort table by *[a]vailable supply* b|Sort table by *[b]alance* c|Show currency convert menu C|Show currency convert menu e|Show portfolio edit holdings menu E (Shift+e)|Show portfolio edit holdings menu f|Toggle coin as favorite F (Shift+f)|Toggle show favorites g|Go to first line of page (vim inspired) G (Shift+g)|Go to last line of page (vim inspired) h|Go to previous page (vim inspired) h|Sort table by *[h]oldings* (portfolio view only) H (Shift+h)|Go to top of table window (vim inspired) j|Move down (vim inspired) k|Move up (vim inspired) l|Go to next page (vim inspired) L (Shift+l)|Go to last line of visible table window (vim inspired) m|Sort table by *[m]arket cap* M (Shift+m)|Go to middle of visible table window (vim inspired) n|Sort table by *[n]ame* o|[o]pen link to highlighted coin (visits the API's coin page) p|Sort table by *[p]rice* P (Shift+p)|Toggle show portfolio r|Sort table by *[r]ank* s|Sort table by *[s]ymbol* t|Sort table by *[t]otal supply* u|Sort table by *last [u]pdated* v|Sort table by *24 hour [v]olume* %|Sort table by *[%]holdings* q|Quit view $|Go to last page (vim inspired) ?|Show help| /|Search (vim inspired)| ]|Next chart date range| [|Previous chart date range| }|Last chart date range| {|First chart date range| \>|Go to next page| \<|Go to previous page| \\|Toggle table fullscreen|