title: "Getting started"
date: 2020-01-01T00:00:00-00:00
draft: false
# Getting started
After [installing](/install), run the `cointop` command to get started:
$ cointop
To see all the available commands and options run `help` flag:
$ cointop --help
### Navigation
- Easiest way to navigate up and down is using the arrow keys ↑ and ↓, respectively
- To go the next and previous pages, use → and ←, respectively
- To go to the top and bottom of the page, use g and G (Shift+g), respectively
- Check out the rest of [shortcut](/shortcuts) keys for vim-inspired navigation
### Favorites
- To toggle a coin as a favorite, press Space on the highlighted coin
- To view all your favorite coins, press F (Shift+f)
- To exit out of the favorites view, press F (Shift+f) again or q
### Portfolio
- To add a coin to your portfolio, press e on the highlighted coin
- To edit the holdings of coin in your portfolio, press e on the highlighted coin
- To view your portfolio, press P (Shift+p)
- To exit out of the portfolio view press, P (Shift+p) again or q
### Search
- To search for coins, press / then enter the search query and hit Enter
### Base Currency
- To change the currency, press c then enter the character next to the desired currency
### Help Menu
- To view the help menu, press ?