You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

213 lines
5.5 KiB

7 years ago
// Copyright 2014 The gocui Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gocui
import (
7 years ago
type escapeInterpreter struct {
state escapeState
curch rune
csiParam []string
curStyle tcell.Style
// mode OutputMode
7 years ago
type escapeState int
const (
stateNone escapeState = iota
var (
errNotCSI = errors.New("Not a CSI escape sequence")
errCSIParseError = errors.New("CSI escape sequence parsing error")
errCSITooLong = errors.New("CSI escape sequence is too long")
// runes in case of error will output the non-parsed runes as a string.
func (ei *escapeInterpreter) runes() []rune {
switch ei.state {
case stateNone:
return []rune{0x1b}
case stateEscape:
return []rune{0x1b, ei.curch}
case stateCSI:
return []rune{0x1b, '[', ei.curch}
case stateParams:
ret := []rune{0x1b, '['}
for _, s := range ei.csiParam {
ret = append(ret, []rune(s)...)
ret = append(ret, ';')
return append(ret, ei.curch)
return nil
// newEscapeInterpreter returns an escapeInterpreter that will be able to parse
// terminal escape sequences.
func newEscapeInterpreter() *escapeInterpreter {
7 years ago
ei := &escapeInterpreter{
state: stateNone,
curStyle: tcell.StyleDefault,
// mode: mode,
7 years ago
return ei
// reset sets the escapeInterpreter in initial state.
func (ei *escapeInterpreter) reset() {
ei.state = stateNone
ei.curStyle = tcell.StyleDefault
7 years ago
ei.csiParam = nil
// parseOne parses a rune. If isEscape is true, it means that the rune is part
// of an escape sequence, and as such should not be printed verbatim. Otherwise,
// it's not an escape sequence.
func (ei *escapeInterpreter) parseOne(ch rune) (isEscape bool, err error) {
// Sanity checks
if len(ei.csiParam) > 20 {
return false, errCSITooLong
if len(ei.csiParam) > 0 && len(ei.csiParam[len(ei.csiParam)-1]) > 255 {
return false, errCSITooLong
ei.curch = ch
switch ei.state {
case stateNone:
if ch == 0x1b {
ei.state = stateEscape
return true, nil
return false, nil
case stateEscape:
if ch == '[' {
ei.state = stateCSI
return true, nil
return false, errNotCSI
case stateCSI:
switch {
case ch >= '0' && ch <= '9':
ei.csiParam = append(ei.csiParam, "")
case ch == 'm':
ei.csiParam = append(ei.csiParam, "0")
return false, errCSIParseError
ei.state = stateParams
case stateParams:
switch {
case ch >= '0' && ch <= '9':
ei.csiParam[len(ei.csiParam)-1] += string(ch)
return true, nil
case ch == ';':
ei.csiParam = append(ei.csiParam, "")
return true, nil
case ch == 'm':
var err error
err = ei.parseEscapeParams()
// switch ei.mode {
// case OutputNormal:
// err = ei.outputNormal()
// case Output256:
// err = ei.output256()
// }
7 years ago
if err != nil {
return false, errCSIParseError
ei.state = stateNone
ei.csiParam = nil
return true, nil
return false, errCSIParseError
return false, nil
// parseEscapeParams interprets an escape sequence as a style modifier
// allows you to leverage the 256-colors terminal mode:
// 0x01 - 0x08: the 8 colors as in OutputNormal (black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white)
// 0x09 - 0x10: Color* | AttrBold
// 0x11 - 0xe8: 216 different colors
// 0xe9 - 0x1ff: 24 different shades of grey
// see
// see
// 256-colors: ESC[ 38;5;${ID}m # foreground
// 256-colors: ESC[ 48;5;${ID}m # background
// 24-bit ESC[ 38;2;⟨r⟩;⟨g⟩;⟨b⟩ m Select RGB foreground color
// 24-bit ESC[ 48;2;⟨r⟩;⟨g⟩;⟨b⟩ m Select RGB background color
func (ei *escapeInterpreter) parseEscapeParams() error {
// TODO: cache escape -> Style
// convert params to int
params := make([]int, len(ei.csiParam))
for i, param := range ei.csiParam {
if p, err := strconv.Atoi(param); err == nil {
params[i] = p
} else {
7 years ago
return errCSIParseError
7 years ago
// consume elements of params until done
pos := 0
for ok := true; ok; ok = pos < len(params) {
p := params[pos]
7 years ago
switch {
case p >= 30 && p <= 37:
ei.curStyle = ei.curStyle.Foreground(tcell.PaletteColor(p - 30))
7 years ago
case p == 39:
ei.curStyle = ei.curStyle.Foreground(tcell.ColorDefault)
7 years ago
case p >= 40 && p <= 47:
ei.curStyle = ei.curStyle.Background(tcell.PaletteColor(p - 40))
7 years ago
case p == 49:
ei.curStyle = ei.curStyle.Background(tcell.ColorDefault)
7 years ago
case p == 1:
ei.curStyle = ei.curStyle.Bold(true)
7 years ago
case p == 4:
ei.curStyle = ei.curStyle.Underline(true)
7 years ago
case p == 7:
ei.curStyle = ei.curStyle.Reverse(true)
7 years ago
case p == 0:
ei.curStyle = tcell.StyleDefault
case p == 38 || p == 48: // 256-color or 24-bit
// parse mode and additional params to generate a color
mode := params[pos+1] // second param - 2 or 5
var x tcell.Color
if mode == 5 { // 256 color
x = tcell.PaletteColor(params[pos+2] + 1)
pos += 2 // two additional (5+index)
} else if mode == 2 { // 24-bit
x = tcell.NewRGBColor(int32(params[pos+2]), int32(params[pos+3]), int32(params[pos+4]))
pos += 4 // four additional (2+r/g/b)
} else {
return errCSIParseError // invalid mode
7 years ago
if p == 38 {
ei.curStyle = ei.curStyle.Foreground(x)
} else {
ei.curStyle = ei.curStyle.Background(x)
7 years ago
pos += 1 // move along 1 by default
7 years ago
return nil