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package cointop
import (
6 years ago
6 years ago
types ""
log ""
6 years ago
var coinslock sync.Mutex
6 years ago
var updatecoinsmux sync.Mutex
6 years ago
4 years ago
// UpdateCoins updates coins view
func (ct *Cointop) UpdateCoins() error {
6 years ago
defer coinslock.Unlock()
cachekey := ct.CacheKey("allCoinsSlugMap")
6 years ago
var err error
5 years ago
var allCoinsSlugMap map[string]types.Coin
cached, found := ct.cache.Get(cachekey)
if found {
// cache hit
5 years ago
allCoinsSlugMap, _ = cached.(map[string]types.Coin)
log.Debug("UpdateCoins() soft cache hit")
// cache miss
5 years ago
if allCoinsSlugMap == nil {
log.Debug("UpdateCoins() cache miss")
ch := make(chan []types.Coin)
5 years ago
err = ct.api.GetAllCoinData(ct.State.currencyConversion, ch)
if err != nil {
return err
6 years ago
for coins := range ch {
go ct.processCoins(coins)
} else {
5 years ago
return nil
4 years ago
// ProcessCoinsMap processes coins map
func (ct *Cointop) processCoinsMap(coinsMap map[string]types.Coin) {
var coins []types.Coin
for _, v := range coinsMap {
coins = append(coins, v)
4 years ago
// ProcessCoins processes coins list
func (ct *Cointop) processCoins(coins []types.Coin) {
6 years ago
defer updatecoinsmux.Unlock()
for _, v := range coins {
k := v.Name
// Fix for
// some APIs returns rank 0 for new coins
4 years ago
// or coins with low market cap data so we need to put them
// at the end of the list
if v.Rank == 0 {
v.Rank = 10000
ilast, _ := ct.State.allCoinsSlugMap.Load(k)
ct.State.allCoinsSlugMap.Store(k, &Coin{
ID: v.ID,
Name: v.Name,
Symbol: v.Symbol,
Rank: v.Rank,
6 years ago
Price: v.Price,
Volume24H: v.Volume24H,
MarketCap: v.MarketCap,
AvailableSupply: v.AvailableSupply,
TotalSupply: v.TotalSupply,
PercentChange1H: v.PercentChange1H,
PercentChange24H: v.PercentChange24H,
PercentChange7D: v.PercentChange7D,
PercentChange30D: v.PercentChange30D,
PercentChange1Y: v.PercentChange1Y,
LastUpdated: v.LastUpdated,
if ilast != nil {
last, _ := ilast.(*Coin)
if last != nil {
ivalue, _ := ct.State.allCoinsSlugMap.Load(k)
l, _ := ivalue.(*Coin)
l.Favorite = last.Favorite
ct.State.allCoinsSlugMap.Store(k, l)
size := 0
// NOTE: there's no Len method on sync.Map so need to manually count
ct.State.allCoinsSlugMap.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
return true
if len(ct.State.allCoins) < size {
list := []*Coin{}
for _, v := range coins {
k := v.Name
icoin, _ := ct.State.allCoinsSlugMap.Load(k)
coin, _ := icoin.(*Coin)
6 years ago
list = append(list, coin)
5 years ago
ct.State.allCoins = append(ct.State.allCoins, list...)
6 years ago
} else {
// update list in place without changing order
ct.State.allCoinsSlugMap.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
cm, _ := value.(*Coin)
5 years ago
for k := range ct.State.allCoins {
c := ct.State.allCoins[k]
if c.ID == cm.ID {
// TODO: improve this
c.ID = cm.ID
c.Name = cm.Name
c.Symbol = cm.Symbol
c.Rank = cm.Rank
6 years ago
c.Price = cm.Price
c.Volume24H = cm.Volume24H
c.MarketCap = cm.MarketCap
c.AvailableSupply = cm.AvailableSupply
c.TotalSupply = cm.TotalSupply
c.PercentChange1H = cm.PercentChange1H
c.PercentChange24H = cm.PercentChange24H
c.PercentChange7D = cm.PercentChange7D
c.PercentChange30D = cm.PercentChange30D
c.PercentChange1Y = cm.PercentChange1Y
c.LastUpdated = cm.LastUpdated
c.Favorite = cm.Favorite
return true
6 years ago
time.AfterFunc(10*time.Millisecond, func() {
4 years ago
ct.Sort(ct.State.sortBy, ct.State.sortDesc, ct.State.coins, true)
6 years ago
4 years ago
// GetListCount returns count of coins list
func (ct *Cointop) GetListCount() int {
if ct.IsFavoritesVisible() {
return len(ct.State.favorites)
} else if ct.IsPortfolioVisible() {
return len(ct.State.portfolio.Entries)
} else {
return len(ct.State.allCoins)