INSTALLATION: ============ Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing cmdtypist and all it's files. -In the directory, run the command ./ to install the program. Enter password to complete installation. Alternatively, you can use cmdtypist without running the ./ script. You will need to navigate to the program directory each time you want to run it. helps you run it from any directory. RUNNING: ======= If you successfully executed the script, then you can run cmdtypist using the command begin; cmdtypist argument1 argument2 argument3 where argument is a valid cmdtypist argument, to know all valid arguments run the cmdtypist help command. Note that the begin command must be followed by a comma. begin helps you navigate to cmdtypist directory. Alternative, you can first run begin alone and then run cmdtypist. If running cmdtypist produces a "Fatal error: some files are missing error" then you probably did not run with begin; cmdtypist is installed in home directory