# CMDTYPIST -- _Where Programmers Type_ #### By _Chiatiah Calson_ ### About _Cmdtypist_ is a programmer oriented typing tutor written in _C_, designed to work on the gnome-terminal, xterm and uxterm and other consoles. It consists true programming lessons, so the user can type and learn at the same time. ![about cmdtypist](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Noslac/cmd_typist/master/about.gif) ### DOWNLOAD You can get cmdtypist by cloning the repo from github git clone https://github.com/Noslac/cmd_typist ### INSTALLATION Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing cmdtypist and all it's files. Navigate to cmdtypist directory called installation and run ./install.sh to install cmdtypist ### RUNNING If _install.sh_ exited with a success message, then you have installed cmdtypist, you can then run the command cmdtypist arg1 arg2 arg3 ... from any directory. _arg1, arg2,..._ are valid cmdtypist arguments, to know all valid arguments, run the cmdtypist help command or consult the help file which comes with the program. If you are a first time user, after installing cmdtypist, you must run the command **_cmdtypist mkuser "username"_** to create a user called username. ### CMDTYPIST ARGUMENTS _cmdtypist_ commands are entered at the terminal with the exception of **_select "lesson-number"_** (_lesson-number is an int corresponding to a valid lesson number_) which is entered at the cmdtypist prompt prior to some other cmdtypist command entered at the terminal. CMDTYPIST Commands | Description ------------ | ------------- **cmtypist --help** | Displays help menu **cmtypist**| Displays lessons and opens the cmdtypist prompt **cmdtypist mkuser "username"** | Creates a new user called username **cmtypist ls** | Lists available lessons, use