- Screen size is currently hardcoded as 1024x768. - [NEW] "update" command is available and automatically running hourly in "crdonly" mode. This upgrades google-chrome-stable, which gets into effect when you exit and relaunch Chrome. Google Chrome via VNC == `docker run -p siomiz/chrome` - Google Chrome, not Chromium, for the ease of Flash plugin management - on Xvfb - served by X11VNC (no password; assuming usage via SSH) Must agree to [Google Chrome ToS][1] to use. Google Chrome via Chrome Remote Desktop == ... so you can use the full Google Chrome with Flash on iPad (with preliminary sound support)! Much faster than VNC thanks to VP8! No "desktop"; session goes straight to a maximized chrome. Prerequisites: Create a Profile Volume -- You need a VNC client for the initial setup. 1. `docker run -d --name chrome-profile siomiz/chrome` (NO password so DO NOT simply use -p 5900:5900 to expose it to the world!) 2. Connect to the container via VNC. Find the container's IP address by `docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' chrome-profile` 3. Install the "Chrome Remote Desktop" Chrome extension via VNC and activate it, authorize it, and My Computers > Enable Remote Connections, then set a PIN. (Google Account required) 4. `docker stop chrome-profile` Usage -- `docker run -d --volumes-from chrome-profile siomiz/chrome /crdonly` (no port needs to be exposed) `/crdonly` command will run chrome-remote-desktop in foreground. On first connection (and after an "unclean" container stop) you will get a "Profile Locked / owned by different process" dialog, which you can just select "Relaunch". Docker ホスト(ヘッドレス可!)で走らせれば、「艦これ」等 Flash ブラウザゲームを iPad/iPhone/Android 等上の Chrome リモート デスクトップ アプリで一応プレイ可能になります。サウンド付き(遅延があります)。 Chrome は英語版ですが、Web ページ用の日本語フォントは含まれています。 Chrome Updates -- It is recommended to `docker pull siomiz/chrome` and restart the container once in a while to update chrome & crd inside (they will not get automatically updated). Optionally you can run `docker exec update` to upgrade only google-chrome-stable from outside the container (exit Chrome inside CRD after upgrading). [1]: https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/privacy/eula_text.html [2]: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=490964