You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

81 lines
2.0 KiB

# Send a mail with a subject, cc, and an attachment
mutt -s "Site Backup" -a backup.tar -c
# Send a mail with a blind carbon copy (bcc)
mutt -s "hello" -b
# Select (tag) messages: shift+t (T)
= (string)
~ (expression)
~b expr (message with expr in body)
[B]whole message
[C]c'ed or to
~m from-to (range)
~d from-to (date range)
~N (new messages)
~U (unread messages)
~R (read messages)
~A (all messages)
~D (deleted messages)
~p (message to you)
~P (message from you)
~= (duplicated messages)
~$ (unref messages)
# Logical operators:
AND = ~P ~N (new messages from you)
OR = ~P | ~N (new messages of messages from you)
() = (~= ~$) | ~N
~d 20/1/95-31/10/95 (from 20/01/95 to 31/10/95)
~d -31/10/95 (before 31/10/95)
~d 20/1/95- (after 20/01/95)
~d 20/1/95 (only 20/01/95)
~d 20/1/95*2w (two weeks around 20/01/95)
can use *(around), +(after) or -(before)
~d <1m (messages newer than 1 month)
~d >1y (messages older than 1 year)
~d =1d (exact one day)
# Keys
shift+d (D) : delete messages using pattern
shift+t (T) : select messages using pattern
shift+u (U) : undelete messages using pattern
ctrl+t : un-selected messages using pattern
d : delete message
N : mark as new
C : copy message to another folder(mailbox)
o, O : change sort, reverse sort
ctrl+ D, U : Deleted, Undelete a thread
ctrl+R : mark current thread as read
esc+t : select thread
esc+ v, V : collapse thread, collapse all threads
w,W : add, remove flags
T ~U ;WN ctrl+t .
mark unread msgs, remove its new flag, unselect them