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# lvcreate
# Creates a logical volume in an existing volume group.
# A volume group is a collection of logical and physical volumes.
# Create a logical volume of 10 gigabytes in the volume group vg1:
lvcreate -L 10G vg1
# Create a 1500 megabyte linear logical volume named mylv in the volume group vg1:
lvcreate -L 1500 -n mylv vg1
# Create a logical volume called mylv that uses 60% of the total space in volume group vg1:
lvcreate -l 60%VG -n mylv vg1
# Create a logical volume called mylv that uses all of the unallocated space in the volume group vg1:
lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n mylv vg1
# Create a snapshot (lvsnap) from a logical volume (/dev/vgA/lv1);
# snapshot size = 10G (total size of the changes)
lvcreate -L 10G -s -n lvsnap /dev/vgA/lv1