# perl # The Perl 5 language interpreter. # Parse and execute a Perl script: perl script.pl # Check syntax errors on a Perl script: perl -c script.pl # Parse and execute a perl statement: perl -e perl_statement # Import module before execution of a perl statement: perl -Mmodule -e perl_statement # Run a Perl script in debug mode, using perldebug: perl -d script.pl # Loo[p] over all lines of a file, editing them [i]n-place using a find/replace [e]xpression: perl -p -i -e 's/find/replace/g' filename # Run a find/replace expression on a file, saving the original file with a given extension: perl -p -i'.old' -e 's/find/replace/g' filename # See also: # Perl language cheat sheets at /perl/ # list of pages: /perl/:list # learn perl: /perl/:learn # perl one-liners: /perl/1line # search in pages: /perl/~keyword # Perl method of listing out the environment variables, sans values. perl -e 'print("$_\n") foreach keys(%ENV)' # Output the columns and lines of the current terminal. perl -e 'use Term::ReadKey "GetTerminalSize"; my ($Cols, $Lines) = GetTerminalSize(); print("${Cols}x$Lines\n")' # List out all of the aliases within the provided file. This works by iterating # over each line of the file, displaying only those lines matching the REGEX. # Before printing out the relevant lines, all tabs are removed. perl -ne '/^[[:space:]]+alias/ and print(tr/\t//dr)' "$HOME/.bash_aliases" # Alternative logic approach: perl -ne 'print(tr/\t//dr) if /^[[:space:]]+alias/' "$HOME/.bash_aliases" # See if the current user has a non-empty password value. This may not work for # systems set up with shadow passwords, however. perl -ne '/^$ARGV[0]::$