// Nothing is weird here, if you think a littli bit more about it // but it seems to be // Null is an Object typeof null // => 'object' // Despite this, null is not an instance of an Object null instanceof Object // => false // "string" is not an instance of String "string" instanceof String // NaN is a number typeof NaN // -> 'Number' // NaN is not considered equal to itself NaN === NaN // -> false // Array With No Keys == False new Array() == false // -> true // big integer numbers 9999999999999999 // -> 10000000000000000 // []+[] // -> "" []+{} // -> "[object Object]" {}+[] // -> "{}+[]" {}+{} // -> NaN // Comparisons 3>2>1 // -> false // Boolean arithmetic true+true===2 // -> true true-true===0 // -> true true===1 // -> false // Something really strange (!+[]+[]+![]).length // -> 9 // because: // +[] -> 0 // !+[] -> true // !+[]+[] -> 'true' // etc.