# Note: most i3 keybindings use ⊞ mod key. This is `Alt` key by default, # but is frequently swapped with Meta (windows) key. # Open new terminal ⊞ + Enter # Open application launcher ⊞ + d # Change where new window is opened: # Horizontal split ⊞ + h # Vertical split ⊞ + v # Movement # (like in vim, but one key to right) ^ l < j ; > k V # Switch focus around windows in workspace ⊞ + # Move windows around workspace ⊞ + Shift + # Workspaces # i3 has by default 10 workspaces, labeled 1,2,...,9,0 # Each opened window resides in one of the workspaces # Change workspace ⊞ + 0-9 # Send focused window to workspace ⊞ + Shift + 0-9 # Toggle fullscreen ⊞ + f # Enter resize mode (resize with movement/arrow keys, exit with Esc) ⊞ + r # Change container layout # default: next to each other ⊞ + e # stacked: all windows but one are minimized ⊞ + s # tabbed: like browser tabs ⊞ + w # floating window (drag with ⊞ + LeftClick): ⊞ + Shift + Space