# Download a single file curl http://path.to.the/file # Download a file and specify a new filename curl http://example.com/file.zip -o new_file.zip # Download multiple files curl -O URLOfFirstFile -O URLOfSecondFile # Download all sequentially numbered files (1-24) curl http://example.com/pic[1-24].jpg # Download a file and pass HTTP Authentication curl -u username:password URL # Download a file with a Proxy curl -x proxysever.server.com:PORT http://addressiwantto.access # Download a file from FTP curl -u username:password -O ftp://example.com/pub/file.zip # Get an FTP directory listing curl ftp://username:password@example.com # Resume a previously failed download curl -C - -o partial_file.zip http://example.com/file.zip # Fetch only the HTTP headers from a response curl -I http://example.com # Fetch your external IP and network info as JSON curl http://ifconfig.me/all/json # Limit the rate of a download curl --limit-rate 1000B -O http://path.to.the/file # POST to a form curl -F "name=user" -F "password=test" http://example.com # POST JSON Data curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"user":"bob","pass":"123"}' http://example.com # POST data from the standard in / share data on sprunge.us curl -F 'sprunge=<-' sprunge.us