# aws # ??? # Install AWS CLI, using a Python package installer. This is available in the # Ubuntu 16.04 repositories, so is probably available in other distributions' # repositories, therefore I'd recommend using that unless otherwise required. pip install awscli # Configure AWS CLI. aws configure # Describe instances in the current account. aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids i-01234567 # List public IP addresses of instances. aws ec2 describe-instances \ --query "Reservations[*].Instances[*].PublicIpAddress" \ --output=text # Start instance with the specified ID. aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids i-12345678c # Copy directory to S3. aws s3 cp ${directory} s3://${bucket}/${directory} --recursive # Sync directory with S3. aws s3 sync ${directory} s3://${bucket}/${directory} --exclude *.tmp # List S3 buckets. aws s3 ls # Remove S3 bucket. aws s3 rb --force s3://${bucket_name} # Get bucket logging. aws s3api get-bucket-logging --bucket ${bucket_name} # AWS cloudformation list stacks. aws cloudformation list-stacks \ --stack-status-filter [ CREATE_COMPLETE | UPDATE_COMPLETE | etc.. ] # Follow the below link for some other useful commands. # https://github.com/toddm92/aws/wiki/AWS-CLI-Cheat-Sheet