# Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file BGREWRITEAOF # Asynchronously save the dataset to disk BGSAVE # Kill the connection of a client CLIENT KILL [ip:port] [ID client-id] [TYPE normal|master|slave|pubsub] [ADDR ip:port] [SKIPME yes/no] # Get the list of client connections CLIENT LIST # Get the current connection name CLIENT GETNAME # Stop processing commands from clients for some time CLIENT PAUSE timeout # Instruct the server whether to reply to commands CLIENT REPLY ON|OFF|SKIP # Set the current connection name CLIENT SETNAME connection-name # Get array of Redis command details COMMAND # Get total number of Redis commands COMMAND COUNT # Extract keys given a full Redis command COMMAND GETKEYS # Get array of specific Redis command details COMMAND INFO command-name [command-name ...] # Get the value of a configuration parameter CONFIG GET parameter # Rewrite the configuration file with the in memory configuration CONFIG REWRITE # Set a configuration parameter to the given value CONFIG SET parameter value # Reset the stats returned by INFO CONFIG RESETSTAT # Return the number of keys in the selected database DBSIZE # Get debugging information about a key DEBUG OBJECT key # Make the server crash DEBUG SEGFAULT # Remove all keys from all databases FLUSHALL [ASYNC] # Remove all keys from the current database FLUSHDB [ASYNC] # Get information and statistics about the server INFO [section] # Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk LASTSAVE # Listen for all requests received by the server in real time MONITOR # Return the role of the instance in the context of replication ROLE # Synchronously save the dataset to disk SAVE # Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down the server SHUTDOWN [NOSAVE|SAVE] # Make the server a slave of another instance, or promote it as master SLAVEOF host port # Manages the Redis slow queries log SLOWLOG subcommand [argument] # Internal command used for replication SYNC # Return the current server time TIME