You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

22 lines
797 B

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# run me from the root of the package
source tests-ng/helper
rm -f tests-ng/assets/github.catalog.json
python3 -m catcli.catcli index -c github .github --catalog=tests-ng/assets/github.catalog.json
# edit catalog
clean_catalog "tests-ng/assets/github.catalog.json"
# native
python3 -m catcli.catcli ls -r -s -B --catalog=tests-ng/assets/github.catalog.json | \
sed -e 's/free:.*%/free:0.0%/g' \
-e 's/date:....-..-.. ..:..:../date:2023-03-09 16:20:59/g' \
-e 's#du:[^|]* |#du:0/0 |#g' > tests-ng/assets/github.catalog.native.txt
# csv
python3 -m catcli.catcli ls -r -s -B --catalog=tests-ng/assets/github.catalog.json --format=csv | \
sed -e 's/"3","[^"]*","[^"]*",""/"3","0","0",""/g' | \
sed 's/20..-..-.. ..:..:..//g' > tests-ng/assets/github.catalog.csv.txt