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author: deadc0de6 (
Copyright (c) 2022, deadc0de6
Class for printing nodes
import sys
from typing import TypeVar, Type, Optional, Tuple, List, \
Dict, Any
from catcli.colors import Colors
from catcli.utils import fix_badchars
CLASSTYPE = TypeVar('CLASSTYPE', bound='NodePrinter')
class NodePrinter:
"""a node printer class"""
STORAGE = 'storage'
ARCHIVE = 'archive'
NBFILES = 'nbfiles'
def print_storage_native(cls: Type[CLASSTYPE], pre: str,
name: str, args: str,
attr: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""print a storage node"""
end = ''
if attr:
end = f' {Colors.GRAY}({attr}){Colors.RESET}'
out = f'{pre}{Colors.UND}{cls.STORAGE}{Colors.RESET}:'
out += ' ' + Colors.PURPLE + fix_badchars(name) + \
Colors.RESET + end + '\n'
out += f' {Colors.GRAY}{args}{Colors.RESET}'
def print_file_native(cls: Type[CLASSTYPE], pre: str,
name: str, attr: str) -> None:
"""print a file node"""
nobad = fix_badchars(name)
out = f'{pre}{nobad}'
out += f' {Colors.GRAY}[{attr}]{Colors.RESET}'
def print_dir_native(cls: Type[CLASSTYPE], pre: str,
name: str,
nbchildren: int = 0,
attr: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None) -> None:
"""print a directory node"""
end = []
if nbchildren > 0:
if attr:
end.append(' '.join([f'{x}:{y}' for x, y in attr]))
end_string = ''
if end:
end_string = f' [{", ".join(end)}]'
out = pre + Colors.BLUE + fix_badchars(name) + Colors.RESET
out += f'{Colors.GRAY}{end_string}{Colors.RESET}'
def print_archive_native(cls: Type[CLASSTYPE], pre: str,
name: str, archive: str) -> None:
"""archive to stdout"""
out = pre + Colors.YELLOW + fix_badchars(name) + Colors.RESET
out += f' {Colors.GRAY}[{cls.ARCHIVE}:{archive}]{Colors.RESET}'