""" author: deadc0de6 (https://github.com/deadc0de6) Copyright (c) 2017, deadc0de6 Helpers for the unittests """ import os import string import random import tempfile import shutil import subprocess TMPSUFFIX = '.catcli' ############################################################ # generic helpers ############################################################ def get_rnd_string(length): '''Get a random string of specific length ''' alpha = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits return ''.join(random.choice(alpha) for _ in range(length)) def clean(path): '''Delete file or folder.''' if not os.path.exists(path): return if os.path.islink(path): os.remove(path) elif os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) else: os.remove(path) def edit_file(path, newcontent): if not os.path.exists(path): write_to_file(path, newcontent) else: write_to_file(path, newcontent) def unix_tree(path): if not os.path.exists(path): return # cmd = ['tree', path] cmd = ['ls', '-R', path] subprocess.call(cmd) ############################################################ # catcli specific ############################################################ def create_tree(): ''' create a random tree of files and directories ''' dirpath = get_tempdir() # create 3 files create_rnd_file(dirpath, get_rnd_string(5)) create_rnd_file(dirpath, get_rnd_string(5)) create_rnd_file(dirpath, get_rnd_string(5)) # create 2 directories d1 = create_dir(dirpath, get_rnd_string(3)) d2 = create_dir(dirpath, get_rnd_string(3)) # fill directories create_rnd_file(d1, get_rnd_string(4)) create_rnd_file(d1, get_rnd_string(4)) create_rnd_file(d2, get_rnd_string(6)) return dirpath ############################################################ # files and directories ############################################################ def get_tempdir(): '''Get a temporary directory ''' return tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=TMPSUFFIX) def create_dir(path, dirname): '''Create a directory ''' fpath = os.path.join(path, dirname) if not os.path.exists(fpath): os.mkdir(fpath) return fpath def create_rnd_file(path, filename, content=None): '''Create the file filename in path with random content if None ''' if not content: content = get_rnd_string(100) fpath = os.path.join(path, filename) return write_to_file(fpath, content) def remove(path): '''Delete file or directory.''' if not os.path.exists(path): return if os.path.islink(path): os.remove(path) elif os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) else: os.remove(path) def write_to_file(path, content): with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(content) return path def read_from_file(path): if not os.path.exists(path): return '' with open(path, 'r') as f: content = f.read() return content ############################################################ # fake tree in json ############################################################ FAKECATALOG = ''' { "children": [ { "attr": null, "children": [ { "md5": null, "name": "7544G", "relpath": "tmpj5602ih7.catcli/7544G", "size": 100, "type": "file" }, { "md5": null, "name": "KF2ZC", "relpath": "tmpj5602ih7.catcli/KF2ZC", "size": 100, "type": "file" }, { "md5": null, "name": "Z9OII", "relpath": "tmpj5602ih7.catcli/Z9OII", "size": 100, "type": "file" }, { "children": [ { "md5": null, "name": "M592O9", "relpath": "tmpj5602ih7.catcli/VNN/M592O9", "size": 100, "type": "file" } ], "md5": null, "name": "VNN", "relpath": "VNN", "size": 100, "type": "dir" }, { "children": [ { "md5": null, "name": "X37H", "relpath": "tmpj5602ih7.catcli/P4C/X37H", "size": 100, "type": "file" }, { "md5": null, "name": "I566", "relpath": "tmpj5602ih7.catcli/P4C/I566", "size": 100, "type": "file" } ], "md5": null, "name": "P4C", "relpath": "P4C", "size": 200, "type": "dir" } ], "free": 100000000000, "name": "tmpdir", "size": 0, "total": 200000000000, "ts": 1500000000.0000000, "type": "storage" } ], "name": "top", "type": "top" } ''' def get_fakecatalog(): # catalog constructed through test_index return FAKECATALOG