# author: deadc0de6 (https://github.com/deadc0de6) # Copyright (c) 2023, deadc0de6 # # file to be sourced from test scripts # declare -a to_be_cleared # add a file/directory to be cleared # on exit # # $1: file path to clear clear_on_exit() { local len="${#to_be_cleared[*]}" # shellcheck disable=SC2004 to_be_cleared[${len}]="$1" if [ "${len}" = "0" ]; then # set trap trap on_exit EXIT fi } # clear files on_exit() { for i in "${to_be_cleared[@]}"; do rm -rf "${i}" done } # osx tricks # brew install coreutils gnu-sed if [[ $OSTYPE == 'darwin'* ]]; then mktemp() { gmktemp "$@" } stat() { gstat "$@" } sed() { gsed "$@" } wc() { gwc "$@" } date() { gdate "$@" } chmod() { gchmod "$@" } readlink() { greadlink "$@" } realpath() { grealpath "$@" } export -f mktemp export -f stat export -f sed export -f wc export -f date export -f chmod export -f readlink export -f realpath fi