Calibre Open Directories Crawler
You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Krazybug 3848c62530 First public version 3 years ago
calishot First public version 3 years ago
.gitignore First public version 3 years ago First public version 3 years ago
poetry.lock First public version 3 years ago
pyproject.toml First public version 3 years ago

CALISHOT Guidelines


You need poetry pre installed. Clone the repository then :

poetry install
poetry shell
mkdir output
cd output 

Then create a list.txt file with all your calibre urls


python ../calishot import list.txt

python ../calishot check

sqlite-utils sites.db 'select url from sites where status="online" ' | jq -r '.[].url' > online.txt

python ../calishot index-site-list online.txt

python ../calishot build-index --english  
mv index.db index-eng.db

python ../calishot build-index --noenglish  
mv index.db index-non-eng.db

# for diplaying global size and total count of formats
python ../calishot get-stats  

python ../calishot index-to-json | jq -r '.  | {title: .title.label, authors, year, language, publisher, series, desc: .title.href, tags, identifiers, formats, format_links: [.links[].href]}' > calibre.json

sqlite-utils index.db 'select uuid, title, authors, year, series, language, formats, publisher, tags, identifiers from summary where instr(formats, "mp3") >0  order by uuid limit 101'


  1. Install poetry, datasette and it's plugins
poetry new calishot
poetry shell
poetry add datasette
poetry add datasette-json-html
poetry add datasette-pretty-json

You can eventually install it with virtualenv/pip if you don't want to use poetry:

python -m venv calishot
. ./calishot/bin/activate
pip install datasette
pip install datasette-json-html
pip install datasette-pretty-json
  1. Prepare the calishot settings:

Download the sqlite db file to the same directory and then

cat <<EOF > metadata.json 
    "databases": {
      "index": {
        "tables": {
            "summary": {
                "sort": "title",
                "searchmode": "raw"

You can now run a local test:

datasette serve index-non-eng.db --config sql_time_limit_ms:50000 --config allow_download:off --config max_returned_rows:2000  --config num_sql_threads:10 --config allow_csv_stream:off  --metadata metadata.json

Open your browser to http://localhost:8001/ and check the result.

  1. Now you're ready to publish :)

Install heroku-cli then :

export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=<your_dir>/calishot/CAall.cer

heroku login -i

datasette publish heroku index-non-eng.db -n calishot-non-eng-1 --install=datasette-json-html --install=datasette-pretty-json --extra-options="--config sql_time_limit_ms:50000 --config allow_download:off --config num_sql_threads:10 --config max_returned_rows:500 --config allow_csv_stream:off" --metadata metadata.json