# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of the Calibre-Web (https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web) # Copyright (C) 2018-2019 OzzieIsaacs, cervinko, jkrehm, bodybybuddha, ok11, # andy29485, idalin, Kyosfonica, wuqi, Kennyl, lemmsh, # falgh1, grunjol, csitko, ytils, xybydy, trasba, vrabe, # ruben-herold, marblepebble, JackED42, SiphonSquirrel, # apetresc, nanu-c, mutschler # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals import os from datetime import datetime import json from shutil import copyfile from uuid import uuid4 from babel import Locale as LC from flask import Blueprint, request, flash, redirect, url_for, abort, Markup, Response from flask_babel import gettext as _ from flask_login import current_user, login_required from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError from . import constants, logger, isoLanguages, gdriveutils, uploader, helper from . import config, get_locale, ub, worker, db from . import calibre_db from .web import login_required_if_no_ano, render_title_template, edit_required, upload_required editbook = Blueprint('editbook', __name__) log = logger.create() # Modifies different Database objects, first check if elements have to be added to database, than check # if elements have to be deleted, because they are no longer used def modify_database_object(input_elements, db_book_object, db_object, db_session, db_type): # passing input_elements not as a list may lead to undesired results if not isinstance(input_elements, list): raise TypeError(str(input_elements) + " should be passed as a list") changed = False input_elements = [x for x in input_elements if x != ''] # we have all input element (authors, series, tags) names now # 1. search for elements to remove del_elements = [] for c_elements in db_book_object: found = False if db_type == 'languages': type_elements = c_elements.lang_code elif db_type == 'custom': type_elements = c_elements.value else: type_elements = c_elements.name for inp_element in input_elements: if inp_element.lower() == type_elements.lower(): # if inp_element == type_elements: found = True break # if the element was not found in the new list, add it to remove list if not found: del_elements.append(c_elements) # 2. search for elements that need to be added add_elements = [] for inp_element in input_elements: found = False for c_elements in db_book_object: if db_type == 'languages': type_elements = c_elements.lang_code elif db_type == 'custom': type_elements = c_elements.value else: type_elements = c_elements.name if inp_element == type_elements: found = True break if not found: add_elements.append(inp_element) # if there are elements to remove, we remove them now if len(del_elements) > 0: for del_element in del_elements: db_book_object.remove(del_element) changed = True if len(del_element.books) == 0: db_session.delete(del_element) # if there are elements to add, we add them now! if len(add_elements) > 0: if db_type == 'languages': db_filter = db_object.lang_code elif db_type == 'custom': db_filter = db_object.value else: db_filter = db_object.name for add_element in add_elements: # check if a element with that name exists db_element = db_session.query(db_object).filter(db_filter == add_element).first() # if no element is found add it # if new_element is None: if db_type == 'author': new_element = db_object(add_element, helper.get_sorted_author(add_element.replace('|', ',')), "") elif db_type == 'series': new_element = db_object(add_element, add_element) elif db_type == 'custom': new_element = db_object(value=add_element) elif db_type == 'publisher': new_element = db_object(add_element, None) else: # db_type should be tag or language new_element = db_object(add_element) if db_element is None: changed = True db_session.add(new_element) db_book_object.append(new_element) else: if db_type == 'custom': if db_element.value != add_element: new_element.value = add_element elif db_type == 'languages': if db_element.lang_code != add_element: db_element.lang_code = add_element elif db_type == 'series': if db_element.name != add_element: db_element.name = add_element db_element.sort = add_element elif db_type == 'author': if db_element.name != add_element: db_element.name = add_element db_element.sort = add_element.replace('|', ',') elif db_type == 'publisher': if db_element.name != add_element: db_element.name = add_element db_element.sort = None elif db_element.name != add_element: db_element.name = add_element # add element to book changed = True db_book_object.append(db_element) return changed def modify_identifiers(input_identifiers, db_identifiers, db_session): """Modify Identifiers to match input information. input_identifiers is a list of read-to-persist Identifiers objects. db_identifiers is a list of already persisted list of Identifiers objects.""" changed = False input_dict = dict([ (identifier.type.lower(), identifier) for identifier in input_identifiers ]) db_dict = dict([ (identifier.type.lower(), identifier) for identifier in db_identifiers ]) # delete db identifiers not present in input or modify them with input val for identifier_type, identifier in db_dict.items(): if identifier_type not in input_dict.keys(): db_session.delete(identifier) changed = True else: input_identifier = input_dict[identifier_type] identifier.type = input_identifier.type identifier.val = input_identifier.val # add input identifiers not present in db for identifier_type, identifier in input_dict.items(): if identifier_type not in db_dict.keys(): db_session.add(identifier) changed = True return changed @editbook.route("/delete//", defaults={'book_format': ""}) @editbook.route("/delete///") @login_required def delete_book(book_id, book_format): if current_user.role_delete_books(): book = calibre_db.get_book(book_id) if book: try: result, error = helper.delete_book(book, config.config_calibre_dir, book_format=book_format.upper()) if not result: flash(error, category="error") return redirect(url_for('editbook.edit_book', book_id=book_id)) if error: flash(error, category="warning") if not book_format: # delete book from Shelfs, Downloads, Read list ub.session.query(ub.BookShelf).filter(ub.BookShelf.book_id == book_id).delete() ub.session.query(ub.ReadBook).filter(ub.ReadBook.book_id == book_id).delete() ub.delete_download(book_id) ub.session.commit() # check if only this book links to: # author, language, series, tags, custom columns modify_database_object([u''], book.authors, db.Authors, calibre_db.session, 'author') modify_database_object([u''], book.tags, db.Tags, calibre_db.session, 'tags') modify_database_object([u''], book.series, db.Series, calibre_db.session, 'series') modify_database_object([u''], book.languages, db.Languages, calibre_db.session, 'languages') modify_database_object([u''], book.publishers, db.Publishers, calibre_db.session, 'publishers') cc = calibre_db.session.query(db.Custom_Columns).\ filter(db.Custom_Columns.datatype.notin_(db.cc_exceptions)).all() for c in cc: cc_string = "custom_column_" + str(c.id) if not c.is_multiple: if len(getattr(book, cc_string)) > 0: if c.datatype == 'bool' or c.datatype == 'integer' or c.datatype == 'float': del_cc = getattr(book, cc_string)[0] getattr(book, cc_string).remove(del_cc) log.debug('remove ' + str(c.id)) calibre_db.session.delete(del_cc) calibre_db.session.commit() elif c.datatype == 'rating': del_cc = getattr(book, cc_string)[0] getattr(book, cc_string).remove(del_cc) if len(del_cc.books) == 0: log.debug('remove ' + str(c.id)) calibre_db.session.delete(del_cc) calibre_db.session.commit() else: del_cc = getattr(book, cc_string)[0] getattr(book, cc_string).remove(del_cc) log.debug('remove ' + str(c.id)) calibre_db.session.delete(del_cc) calibre_db.session.commit() else: modify_database_object([u''], getattr(book, cc_string), db.cc_classes[c.id], calibre_db.session, 'custom') calibre_db.session.query(db.Books).filter(db.Books.id == book_id).delete() else: calibre_db.session.query(db.Data).filter(db.Data.book == book.id).\ filter(db.Data.format == book_format).delete() calibre_db.session.commit() except Exception as e: log.debug(e) calibre_db.session.rollback() else: # book not found log.error('Book with id "%s" could not be deleted: not found', book_id) if book_format: flash(_('Book Format Successfully Deleted'), category="success") return redirect(url_for('editbook.edit_book', book_id=book_id)) else: flash(_('Book Successfully Deleted'), category="success") return redirect(url_for('web.index')) def render_edit_book(book_id): calibre_db.update_title_sort(config) cc = calibre_db.session.query(db.Custom_Columns).filter(db.Custom_Columns.datatype.notin_(db.cc_exceptions)).all() book = calibre_db.get_filtered_book(book_id) if not book: flash(_(u"Error opening eBook. File does not exist or file is not accessible"), category="error") return redirect(url_for("web.index")) for lang in book.languages: lang.language_name = isoLanguages.get_language_name(get_locale(), lang.lang_code) book = calibre_db.order_authors(book) author_names = [] for authr in book.authors: author_names.append(authr.name.replace('|', ',')) # Option for showing convertbook button valid_source_formats=list() allowed_conversion_formats = list() kepub_possible=None if config.config_converterpath: for file in book.data: if file.format.lower() in constants.EXTENSIONS_CONVERT: valid_source_formats.append(file.format.lower()) if config.config_kepubifypath and 'epub' in [file.format.lower() for file in book.data]: kepub_possible = True if not config.config_converterpath: valid_source_formats.append('epub') # Determine what formats don't already exist if config.config_converterpath: allowed_conversion_formats = constants.EXTENSIONS_CONVERT[:] for file in book.data: if file.format.lower() in allowed_conversion_formats: allowed_conversion_formats.remove(file.format.lower()) if kepub_possible: allowed_conversion_formats.append('kepub') return render_title_template('book_edit.html', book=book, authors=author_names, cc=cc, title=_(u"edit metadata"), page="editbook", conversion_formats=allowed_conversion_formats, config=config, source_formats=valid_source_formats) def edit_book_ratings(to_save, book): changed = False if to_save["rating"].strip(): old_rating = False if len(book.ratings) > 0: old_rating = book.ratings[0].rating ratingx2 = int(float(to_save["rating"]) * 2) if ratingx2 != old_rating: changed = True is_rating = calibre_db.session.query(db.Ratings).filter(db.Ratings.rating == ratingx2).first() if is_rating: book.ratings.append(is_rating) else: new_rating = db.Ratings(rating=ratingx2) book.ratings.append(new_rating) if old_rating: book.ratings.remove(book.ratings[0]) else: if len(book.ratings) > 0: book.ratings.remove(book.ratings[0]) changed = True return changed def edit_book_tags(tags, book): input_tags = tags.split(',') input_tags = list(map(lambda it: it.strip(), input_tags)) # if input_tags[0] !="": ?? return modify_database_object(input_tags, book.tags, db.Tags, calibre_db.session, 'tags') def edit_book_series(series, book): input_series = [series.strip()] input_series = [x for x in input_series if x != ''] return modify_database_object(input_series, book.series, db.Series, calibre_db.session, 'series') def edit_book_series_index(series_index, book): # Add default series_index to book modif_date = False series_index = series_index or '1' #if series_index == '': # series_index = '1' if book.series_index != series_index: book.series_index = series_index modif_date = True return modif_date # Handle book comments/description def edit_book_comments(comments, book): modif_date = False if len(book.comments): if book.comments[0].text != comments: book.comments[0].text = comments modif_date = True else: if comments: book.comments.append(db.Comments(text=comments, book=book.id)) modif_date = True return modif_date def edit_book_languages(languages, book, upload=False): input_languages = languages.split(',') unknown_languages = [] input_l = isoLanguages.get_language_codes(get_locale(), input_languages, unknown_languages) for l in unknown_languages: log.error('%s is not a valid language', l) flash(_(u"%(langname)s is not a valid language", langname=l), category="warning") # ToDo: Not working correct if upload and len(input_l) == 1: # If the language of the file is excluded from the users view, it's not imported, to allow the user to view # the book it's language is set to the filter language if input_l[0] != current_user.filter_language() and current_user.filter_language() != "all": input_l[0] = calibre_db.session.query(db.Languages). \ filter(db.Languages.lang_code == current_user.filter_language()).first() return modify_database_object(input_l, book.languages, db.Languages, calibre_db.session, 'languages') def edit_book_publisher(to_save, book): changed = False if to_save["publisher"]: publisher = to_save["publisher"].rstrip().strip() if len(book.publishers) == 0 or (len(book.publishers) > 0 and publisher != book.publishers[0].name): changed |= modify_database_object([publisher], book.publishers, db.Publishers, calibre_db.session, 'publisher') elif len(book.publishers): changed |= modify_database_object([], book.publishers, db.Publishers, calibre_db.session, 'publisher') return changed def edit_cc_data(book_id, book, to_save): changed = False cc = calibre_db.session.query(db.Custom_Columns).filter(db.Custom_Columns.datatype.notin_(db.cc_exceptions)).all() for c in cc: cc_string = "custom_column_" + str(c.id) if not c.is_multiple: if len(getattr(book, cc_string)) > 0: cc_db_value = getattr(book, cc_string)[0].value else: cc_db_value = None if to_save[cc_string].strip(): if c.datatype == 'int' or c.datatype == 'bool' or c.datatype == 'float': if to_save[cc_string] == 'None': to_save[cc_string] = None elif c.datatype == 'bool': to_save[cc_string] = 1 if to_save[cc_string] == 'True' else 0 if to_save[cc_string] != cc_db_value: if cc_db_value is not None: if to_save[cc_string] is not None: setattr(getattr(book, cc_string)[0], 'value', to_save[cc_string]) changed = True else: del_cc = getattr(book, cc_string)[0] getattr(book, cc_string).remove(del_cc) calibre_db.session.delete(del_cc) changed = True else: cc_class = db.cc_classes[c.id] new_cc = cc_class(value=to_save[cc_string], book=book_id) calibre_db.session.add(new_cc) changed = True else: if c.datatype == 'rating': to_save[cc_string] = str(int(float(to_save[cc_string]) * 2)) if to_save[cc_string].strip() != cc_db_value: if cc_db_value is not None: # remove old cc_val del_cc = getattr(book, cc_string)[0] getattr(book, cc_string).remove(del_cc) if len(del_cc.books) == 0: calibre_db.session.delete(del_cc) changed = True cc_class = db.cc_classes[c.id] new_cc = calibre_db.session.query(cc_class).filter( cc_class.value == to_save[cc_string].strip()).first() # if no cc val is found add it if new_cc is None: new_cc = cc_class(value=to_save[cc_string].strip()) calibre_db.session.add(new_cc) changed = True calibre_db.session.flush() new_cc = calibre_db.session.query(cc_class).filter( cc_class.value == to_save[cc_string].strip()).first() # add cc value to book getattr(book, cc_string).append(new_cc) else: if cc_db_value is not None: # remove old cc_val del_cc = getattr(book, cc_string)[0] getattr(book, cc_string).remove(del_cc) if not del_cc.books or len(del_cc.books) == 0: calibre_db.session.delete(del_cc) changed = True else: input_tags = to_save[cc_string].split(',') input_tags = list(map(lambda it: it.strip(), input_tags)) changed |= modify_database_object(input_tags, getattr(book, cc_string), db.cc_classes[c.id], calibre_db.session, 'custom') return changed def upload_single_file(request, book, book_id): # Check and handle Uploaded file if 'btn-upload-format' in request.files: requested_file = request.files['btn-upload-format'] # check for empty request if requested_file.filename != '': if '.' in requested_file.filename: file_ext = requested_file.filename.rsplit('.', 1)[-1].lower() if file_ext not in constants.EXTENSIONS_UPLOAD: flash(_("File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server", ext=file_ext), category="error") return redirect(url_for('web.show_book', book_id=book.id)) else: flash(_('File to be uploaded must have an extension'), category="error") return redirect(url_for('web.show_book', book_id=book.id)) file_name = book.path.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] filepath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(config.config_calibre_dir, book.path)) saved_filename = os.path.join(filepath, file_name + '.' + file_ext) # check if file path exists, otherwise create it, copy file to calibre path and delete temp file if not os.path.exists(filepath): try: os.makedirs(filepath) except OSError: flash(_(u"Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied).", path=filepath), category="error") return redirect(url_for('web.show_book', book_id=book.id)) try: requested_file.save(saved_filename) except OSError: flash(_(u"Failed to store file %(file)s.", file=saved_filename), category="error") return redirect(url_for('web.show_book', book_id=book.id)) file_size = os.path.getsize(saved_filename) is_format = calibre_db.get_book_format(book_id, file_ext.upper()) # Format entry already exists, no need to update the database if is_format: log.warning('Book format %s already existing', file_ext.upper()) else: try: db_format = db.Data(book_id, file_ext.upper(), file_size, file_name) calibre_db.session.add(db_format) calibre_db.session.commit() calibre_db.update_title_sort(config) except OperationalError as e: calibre_db.session.rollback() log.error('Database error: %s', e) flash(_(u"Database error: %(error)s.", error=e), category="error") return redirect(url_for('web.show_book', book_id=book.id)) # Queue uploader info uploadText=_(u"File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s", ext=file_ext.upper(), book=book.title) worker.add_upload(current_user.nickname, "" + uploadText + "") return uploader.process( saved_filename, *os.path.splitext(requested_file.filename), rarExecutable=config.config_rarfile_location) def upload_cover(request, book): if 'btn-upload-cover' in request.files: requested_file = request.files['btn-upload-cover'] # check for empty request if requested_file.filename != '': ret, message = helper.save_cover(requested_file, book.path) if ret is True: return True else: flash(message, category="error") return False return None @editbook.route("/admin/book/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required_if_no_ano @edit_required def edit_book(book_id): modif_date = False # Show form if request.method != 'POST': return render_edit_book(book_id) # create the function for sorting... calibre_db.update_title_sort(config) book = calibre_db.get_filtered_book(book_id) # Book not found if not book: flash(_(u"Error opening eBook. File does not exist or file is not accessible"), category="error") return redirect(url_for("web.index")) meta = upload_single_file(request, book, book_id) if upload_cover(request, book) is True: book.has_cover = 1 modif_date = True try: to_save = request.form.to_dict() merge_metadata(to_save, meta) # Update book edited_books_id = None #handle book title if book.title != to_save["book_title"].rstrip().strip(): if to_save["book_title"] == '': to_save["book_title"] = _(u'Unknown') book.title = to_save["book_title"].rstrip().strip() edited_books_id = book.id modif_date = True # handle author(s) input_authors = to_save["author_name"].split('&') input_authors = list(map(lambda it: it.strip().replace(',', '|'), input_authors)) # we have all author names now if input_authors == ['']: input_authors = [_(u'Unknown')] # prevent empty Author modif_date |= modify_database_object(input_authors, book.authors, db.Authors, calibre_db.session, 'author') # Search for each author if author is in database, if not, authorname and sorted authorname is generated new # everything then is assembled for sorted author field in database sort_authors_list = list() for inp in input_authors: stored_author = calibre_db.session.query(db.Authors).filter(db.Authors.name == inp).first() if not stored_author: stored_author = helper.get_sorted_author(inp) else: stored_author = stored_author.sort sort_authors_list.append(helper.get_sorted_author(stored_author)) sort_authors = ' & '.join(sort_authors_list) if book.author_sort != sort_authors: edited_books_id = book.id book.author_sort = sort_authors modif_date = True if config.config_use_google_drive: gdriveutils.updateGdriveCalibreFromLocal() error = False if edited_books_id: error = helper.update_dir_stucture(edited_books_id, config.config_calibre_dir, input_authors[0]) if not error: if to_save["cover_url"]: result, error = helper.save_cover_from_url(to_save["cover_url"], book.path) if result is True: book.has_cover = 1 modif_date = True else: flash(error, category="error") # Add default series_index to book modif_date |= edit_book_series_index(to_save["series_index"], book) # Handle book comments/description modif_date |= edit_book_comments(to_save["description"], book) # Handle identifiers input_identifiers = identifier_list(to_save, book) modif_date |= modify_identifiers(input_identifiers, book.identifiers, calibre_db.session) # Handle book tags modif_date |= edit_book_tags(to_save['tags'], book) # Handle book series modif_date |= edit_book_series(to_save["series"], book) if to_save["pubdate"]: try: book.pubdate = datetime.strptime(to_save["pubdate"], "%Y-%m-%d") except ValueError: book.pubdate = db.Books.DEFAULT_PUBDATE else: book.pubdate = db.Books.DEFAULT_PUBDATE # handle book publisher modif_date |= edit_book_publisher(to_save, book) # handle book languages modif_date |= edit_book_languages(to_save['languages'], book) # handle book ratings modif_date |= edit_book_ratings(to_save, book) # handle cc data modif_date |= edit_cc_data(book_id, book, to_save) if modif_date: book.last_modified = datetime.utcnow() calibre_db.session.commit() if config.config_use_google_drive: gdriveutils.updateGdriveCalibreFromLocal() if "detail_view" in to_save: return redirect(url_for('web.show_book', book_id=book.id)) else: flash(_("Metadata successfully updated"), category="success") return render_edit_book(book_id) else: calibre_db.session.rollback() flash(error, category="error") return render_edit_book(book_id) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) calibre_db.session.rollback() flash(_("Error editing book, please check logfile for details"), category="error") return redirect(url_for('web.show_book', book_id=book.id)) def merge_metadata(to_save, meta): if to_save['author_name'] == _(u'Unknown'): to_save['author_name'] = '' if to_save['book_title'] == _(u'Unknown'): to_save['book_title'] = '' for s_field, m_field in [ ('tags', 'tags'), ('author_name', 'author'), ('series', 'series'), ('series_index', 'series_id'), ('languages', 'languages'), ('book_title', 'title')]: to_save[s_field] = to_save[s_field] or getattr(meta, m_field, '') to_save["description"] = to_save["description"] or Markup( getattr(meta, 'description', '')).unescape() def identifier_list(to_save, book): """Generate a list of Identifiers from form information""" id_type_prefix = 'identifier-type-' id_val_prefix = 'identifier-val-' result = [] for type_key, type_value in to_save.items(): if not type_key.startswith(id_type_prefix): continue val_key = id_val_prefix + type_key[len(id_type_prefix):] if val_key not in to_save.keys(): continue result.append( db.Identifiers(to_save[val_key], type_value, book.id) ) return result @editbook.route("/upload", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @login_required_if_no_ano @upload_required def upload(): if not config.config_uploading: abort(404) if request.method == 'POST' and 'btn-upload' in request.files: for requested_file in request.files.getlist("btn-upload"): try: modif_date = False # create the function for sorting... calibre_db.update_title_sort(config) calibre_db.session.connection().connection.connection.create_function('uuid4', 0, lambda: str(uuid4())) # check if file extension is correct if '.' in requested_file.filename: file_ext = requested_file.filename.rsplit('.', 1)[-1].lower() if file_ext not in constants.EXTENSIONS_UPLOAD: flash( _("File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server", ext=file_ext), category="error") return Response(json.dumps({"location": url_for("web.index")}), mimetype='application/json') else: flash(_('File to be uploaded must have an extension'), category="error") return Response(json.dumps({"location": url_for("web.index")}), mimetype='application/json') # extract metadata from file try: meta = uploader.upload(requested_file, config.config_rarfile_location) except (IOError, OSError): log.error("File %s could not saved to temp dir", requested_file.filename) flash(_(u"File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir", filename= requested_file.filename), category="error") return Response(json.dumps({"location": url_for("web.index")}), mimetype='application/json') title = meta.title authr = meta.author if title != _(u'Unknown') and authr != _(u'Unknown'): entry = calibre_db.check_exists_book(authr, title) if entry: log.info("Uploaded book probably exists in library") flash(_(u"Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: ") + Markup(render_title_template('book_exists_flash.html', entry=entry)), category="warning") # handle authors input_authors = authr.split('&') # handle_authors(input_authors) input_authors = list(map(lambda it: it.strip().replace(',', '|'), input_authors)) # we have all author names now if input_authors == ['']: input_authors = [_(u'Unknown')] # prevent empty Author sort_authors_list=list() db_author = None for inp in input_authors: stored_author = calibre_db.session.query(db.Authors).filter(db.Authors.name == inp).first() if not stored_author: if not db_author: db_author = db.Authors(inp, helper.get_sorted_author(inp), "") calibre_db.session.add(db_author) calibre_db.session.commit() sort_author = helper.get_sorted_author(inp) else: if not db_author: db_author = stored_author sort_author = stored_author.sort sort_authors_list.append(sort_author) # helper.get_sorted_author(sort_author)) sort_authors = ' & '.join(sort_authors_list) title_dir = helper.get_valid_filename(title) author_dir = helper.get_valid_filename(db_author.name) filepath = os.path.join(config.config_calibre_dir, author_dir, title_dir) saved_filename = os.path.join(filepath, title_dir + meta.extension.lower()) # check if file path exists, otherwise create it, copy file to calibre path and delete temp file if not os.path.exists(filepath): try: os.makedirs(filepath) except OSError: log.error("Failed to create path %s (Permission denied)", filepath) flash(_(u"Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied).", path=filepath), category="error") return Response(json.dumps({"location": url_for("web.index")}), mimetype='application/json') try: copyfile(meta.file_path, saved_filename) os.unlink(meta.file_path) except OSError as e: log.error("Failed to move file %s: %s", saved_filename, e) flash(_(u"Failed to Move File %(file)s: %(error)s", file=saved_filename, error=e), category="error") return Response(json.dumps({"location": url_for("web.index")}), mimetype='application/json') if meta.cover is None: has_cover = 0 copyfile(os.path.join(constants.STATIC_DIR, 'generic_cover.jpg'), os.path.join(filepath, "cover.jpg")) else: has_cover = 1 # combine path and normalize path from windows systems path = os.path.join(author_dir, title_dir).replace('\\', '/') # Calibre adds books with utc as timezone db_book = db.Books(title, "", sort_authors, datetime.utcnow(), datetime(101, 1, 1), '1', datetime.utcnow(), path, has_cover, db_author, [], "") modif_date |= modify_database_object(input_authors, db_book.authors, db.Authors, calibre_db.session, 'author') # Add series_index to book modif_date |= edit_book_series_index(meta.series_id, db_book) # add languages modif_date |= edit_book_languages(meta.languages, db_book, upload=True) # handle tags modif_date |= edit_book_tags(meta.tags, db_book) # handle series modif_date |= edit_book_series(meta.series, db_book) # Add file to book file_size = os.path.getsize(saved_filename) db_data = db.Data(db_book, meta.extension.upper()[1:], file_size, title_dir) db_book.data.append(db_data) calibre_db.session.add(db_book) # flush content, get db_book.id available calibre_db.session.flush() # Comments needs book id therfore only possiblw after flush modif_date |= edit_book_comments(Markup(meta.description).unescape(), db_book) book_id = db_book.id title = db_book.title error = helper.update_dir_stucture(book_id, config.config_calibre_dir, input_authors[0]) # move cover to final directory, including book id if has_cover: try: new_coverpath = os.path.join(config.config_calibre_dir, db_book.path, "cover.jpg") copyfile(meta.cover, new_coverpath) os.unlink(meta.cover) except OSError as e: log.error("Failed to move cover file %s: %s", new_coverpath, e) flash(_(u"Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s", file=new_coverpath, error=e), category="error") # save data to database, reread data calibre_db.session.commit() #calibre_db.setup_db(config, ub.app_DB_path) # Reread book. It's important not to filter the result, as it could have language which hide it from # current users view (tags are not stored/extracted from metadata and could also be limited) #book = calibre_db.get_book(book_id) if config.config_use_google_drive: gdriveutils.updateGdriveCalibreFromLocal() if error: flash(error, category="error") uploadText=_(u"File %(file)s uploaded", file=title) worker.add_upload(current_user.nickname, "" + uploadText + "") if len(request.files.getlist("btn-upload")) < 2: if current_user.role_edit() or current_user.role_admin(): resp = {"location": url_for('editbook.edit_book', book_id=book_id)} return Response(json.dumps(resp), mimetype='application/json') else: resp = {"location": url_for('web.show_book', book_id=book_id)} return Response(json.dumps(resp), mimetype='application/json') except OperationalError as e: calibre_db.session.rollback() log.error("Database error: %s", e) flash(_(u"Database error: %(error)s.", error=e), category="error") return Response(json.dumps({"location": url_for("web.index")}), mimetype='application/json') @editbook.route("/admin/book/convert/", methods=['POST']) @login_required_if_no_ano @edit_required def convert_bookformat(book_id): # check to see if we have form fields to work with - if not send user back book_format_from = request.form.get('book_format_from', None) book_format_to = request.form.get('book_format_to', None) if (book_format_from is None) or (book_format_to is None): flash(_(u"Source or destination format for conversion missing"), category="error") return redirect(url_for('editbook.edit_book', book_id=book_id)) log.info('converting: book id: %s from: %s to: %s', book_id, book_format_from, book_format_to) rtn = helper.convert_book_format(book_id, config.config_calibre_dir, book_format_from.upper(), book_format_to.upper(), current_user.nickname) if rtn is None: flash(_(u"Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s", book_format=book_format_to), category="success") else: flash(_(u"There was an error converting this book: %(res)s", res=rtn), category="error") return redirect(url_for('editbook.edit_book', book_id=book_id)) @editbook.route("/ajax/editbooks/", methods=['POST']) @login_required_if_no_ano def edit_list_book(param): vals = request.form.to_dict() # calibre_db.update_title_sort(config) #calibre_db.session.connection().connection.connection.create_function('uuid4', 0, lambda: str(uuid4())) book = calibre_db.get_book(vals['pk']) if param =='series_index': edit_book_series_index(vals['value'], book) elif param =='tags': edit_book_tags(vals['value'], book) elif param =='series': edit_book_series(vals['value'], book) elif param =='publishers': vals['publisher'] = vals['value'] edit_book_publisher(vals, book) elif param =='languages': edit_book_languages(vals['value'], book) elif param =='author_sort': book.author_sort = vals['value'] elif param =='title': book.title = vals['value'] helper.update_dir_stucture(book.id, config.config_calibre_dir) elif param =='sort': book.sort = vals['value'] # ToDo: edit books elif param =='authors': input_authors = vals['value'].split('&') input_authors = list(map(lambda it: it.strip().replace(',', '|'), input_authors)) modify_database_object(input_authors, book.authors, db.Authors, calibre_db.session, 'author') sort_authors_list = list() for inp in input_authors: stored_author = calibre_db.session.query(db.Authors).filter(db.Authors.name == inp).first() if not stored_author: stored_author = helper.get_sorted_author(inp) else: stored_author = stored_author.sort sort_authors_list.append(helper.get_sorted_author(stored_author)) sort_authors = ' & '.join(sort_authors_list) if book.author_sort != sort_authors: book.author_sort = sort_authors helper.update_dir_stucture(book.id, config.config_calibre_dir, input_authors[0]) book.last_modified = datetime.utcnow() calibre_db.session.commit() return "" @editbook.route("/ajax/sort_value//") @login_required def get_sorted_entry(field, bookid): if field == 'title' or field == 'authors': book = calibre_db.get_filtered_book(bookid) if book: if field == 'title': return json.dumps({'sort': book.sort}) elif field == 'authors': return json.dumps({'author_sort': book.author_sort}) return '' @editbook.route("/ajax/deletebooks") @login_required def delete_list_book(): pass @editbook.route("/ajax/mergebooks", methods=['POST']) @login_required def merge_list_book(): vals = request.get_json() return ""