# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of the Calibre-Web (https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web) # Copyright (C) 2018 idalin, OzzieIsaacs # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import json import shutil import chardet import ssl from flask import Response, stream_with_context from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy import Column, UniqueConstraint from sqlalchemy import String, Integer from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session try: # Compatibility with sqlalchemy 2.0 from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base except ImportError: from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError, InvalidRequestError, IntegrityError from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import StaleDataError try: from httplib2 import __version__ as httplib2_version except ImportError: httplib2_version = "not installed" try: from apiclient import errors from httplib2 import ServerNotFoundError importError = None gdrive_support = True except ImportError as e: importError = e gdrive_support = False try: from pydrive2.auth import GoogleAuth from pydrive2.drive import GoogleDrive from pydrive2.auth import RefreshError from pydrive2.files import ApiRequestError except ImportError as err: try: from pydrive.auth import GoogleAuth from pydrive.drive import GoogleDrive from pydrive.auth import RefreshError from pydrive.files import ApiRequestError except ImportError as err: importError = err gdrive_support = False from . import logger, cli_param, config from .constants import CONFIG_DIR as _CONFIG_DIR SETTINGS_YAML = os.path.join(_CONFIG_DIR, 'settings.yaml') CREDENTIALS = os.path.join(_CONFIG_DIR, 'gdrive_credentials') CLIENT_SECRETS = os.path.join(_CONFIG_DIR, 'client_secrets.json') log = logger.create() if gdrive_support: logger.get('googleapiclient.discovery_cache').setLevel(logger.logging.ERROR) if not logger.is_debug_enabled(): logger.get('googleapiclient.discovery').setLevel(logger.logging.ERROR) else: log.debug("Cannot import pydrive, httplib2, using gdrive will not work: {}".format(importError)) class Singleton: """ A non-thread-safe helper class to ease implementing singletons. This should be used as a decorator -- not a metaclass -- to the class that should be a singleton. The decorated class can define one `__init__` function that takes only the `self` argument. Also, the decorated class cannot be inherited from. Other than that, there are no restrictions that apply to the decorated class. To get the singleton instance, use the `Instance` method. Trying to use `__call__` will result in a `TypeError` being raised. """ def __init__(self, decorated): self._decorated = decorated def Instance(self): """ Returns the singleton instance. Upon its first call, it creates a new instance of the decorated class and calls its `__init__` method. On all subsequent calls, the already created instance is returned. """ try: return self._instance except AttributeError: self._instance = self._decorated() return self._instance except (ImportError, NameError) as e: log.debug(e) return None def __call__(self): raise TypeError('Singletons must be accessed through `Instance()`.') def __instancecheck__(self, inst): return isinstance(inst, self._decorated) @Singleton class Gauth: def __init__(self): try: self.auth = GoogleAuth(settings_file=SETTINGS_YAML) except NameError as error: log.error(error) self.auth = None @Singleton class Gdrive: def __init__(self): self.drive = getDrive(gauth=Gauth.Instance().auth) def is_gdrive_ready(): return os.path.exists(SETTINGS_YAML) and os.path.exists(CREDENTIALS) engine = create_engine('sqlite:///{0}'.format(cli_param.gd_path), echo=False) Base = declarative_base() # Open session for database connection Session = sessionmaker(autoflush=False) Session.configure(bind=engine) session = scoped_session(Session) class GdriveId(Base): __tablename__ = 'gdrive_ids' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) gdrive_id = Column(Integer, unique=True) path = Column(String) __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('gdrive_id', 'path', name='_gdrive_path_uc'),) def __repr__(self): return str(self.path) class PermissionAdded(Base): __tablename__ = 'permissions_added' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) gdrive_id = Column(Integer, unique=True) def __repr__(self): return str(self.gdrive_id) if not os.path.exists(cli_param.gd_path): try: Base.metadata.create_all(engine) except Exception as ex: log.error("Error connect to database: {} - {}".format(cli_param.gd_path, ex)) raise def getDrive(drive=None, gauth=None): if not drive: if not gauth: gauth = GoogleAuth(settings_file=SETTINGS_YAML) # Try to load saved client credentials gauth.LoadCredentialsFile(CREDENTIALS) if gauth.access_token_expired: # Refresh them if expired try: gauth.Refresh() except RefreshError as e: log.error("Google Drive error: {}".format(e)) except Exception as ex: log.error_or_exception(ex) else: # Initialize the saved creds gauth.Authorize() # Save the current credentials to a file return GoogleDrive(gauth) if drive.auth.access_token_expired: try: drive.auth.Refresh() except RefreshError as e: log.error("Google Drive error: {}".format(e)) return drive def listRootFolders(): try: drive = getDrive(Gdrive.Instance().drive) folder = "'root' in parents and mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and trashed = false" fileList = drive.ListFile({'q': folder}).GetList() except (ServerNotFoundError, ssl.SSLError, RefreshError) as e: log.info("GDrive Error {}".format(e)) fileList = [] return fileList def getEbooksFolder(drive): return getFolderInFolder('root', config.config_google_drive_folder, drive) def getFolderInFolder(parentId, folderName, drive): # drive = getDrive(drive) query = "" if folderName: query = "title = '%s' and " % folderName.replace("'", r"\'") folder = query + "'%s' in parents and mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder'" \ " and trashed = false" % parentId fileList = drive.ListFile({'q': folder}).GetList() if fileList.__len__() == 0: return None else: return fileList[0] # Search for id of root folder in gdrive database, if not found request from gdrive and store in internal database def getEbooksFolderId(drive=None): storedPathName = session.query(GdriveId).filter(GdriveId.path == '/').first() if storedPathName: return storedPathName.gdrive_id else: gDriveId = GdriveId() try: gDriveId.gdrive_id = getEbooksFolder(drive)['id'] except Exception: log.error('Error gDrive, root ID not found') gDriveId.path = '/' session.merge(gDriveId) try: session.commit() except OperationalError as ex: log.error_or_exception('Database error: {}'.format(ex)) session.rollback() return gDriveId.gdrive_id def getFile(pathId, fileName, drive): metaDataFile = "'%s' in parents and trashed = false and title = '%s'" % (pathId, fileName.replace("'", r"\'")) fileList = drive.ListFile({'q': metaDataFile}).GetList() if fileList.__len__() == 0: return None else: return fileList[0] def getFolderId(path, drive): # drive = getDrive(drive) currentFolderId = None try: currentFolderId = getEbooksFolderId(drive) sqlCheckPath = path if path[-1] == '/' else path + '/' storedPathName = session.query(GdriveId).filter(GdriveId.path == sqlCheckPath).first() if not storedPathName: dbChange = False s = path.split('/') for i, x in enumerate(s): if len(x) > 0: currentPath = "/".join(s[:i+1]) if currentPath[-1] != '/': currentPath = currentPath + '/' storedPathName = session.query(GdriveId).filter(GdriveId.path == currentPath).first() if storedPathName: currentFolderId = storedPathName.gdrive_id else: currentFolder = getFolderInFolder(currentFolderId, x, drive) if currentFolder: gDriveId = GdriveId() gDriveId.gdrive_id = currentFolder['id'] gDriveId.path = currentPath session.merge(gDriveId) dbChange = True currentFolderId = currentFolder['id'] else: currentFolderId = None break if dbChange: session.commit() else: currentFolderId = storedPathName.gdrive_id except (OperationalError, IntegrityError, StaleDataError) as ex: log.error_or_exception('Database error: {}'.format(ex)) session.rollback() except ApiRequestError as ex: log.error('{} {}'.format(ex.error['message'], path)) session.rollback() except RefreshError as ex: log.error(ex) return currentFolderId def getFileFromEbooksFolder(path, fileName): drive = getDrive(Gdrive.Instance().drive) if path: # sqlCheckPath=path if path[-1] =='/' else path + '/' folderId = getFolderId(path, drive) else: folderId = getEbooksFolderId(drive) if folderId: return getFile(folderId, fileName, drive) else: return None def moveGdriveFileRemote(origin_file_id, new_title): origin_file_id['title'] = new_title origin_file_id.Upload() # Download metadata.db from gdrive def downloadFile(path, filename, output): f = getFileFromEbooksFolder(path, filename) f.GetContentFile(output) def moveGdriveFolderRemote(origin_file, target_folder): drive = getDrive(Gdrive.Instance().drive) previous_parents = ",".join([parent["id"] for parent in origin_file.get('parents')]) children = drive.auth.service.children().list(folderId=previous_parents).execute() gFileTargetDir = getFileFromEbooksFolder(None, target_folder) if not gFileTargetDir: gFileTargetDir = drive.CreateFile( {'title': target_folder, 'parents': [{"kind": "drive#fileLink", 'id': getEbooksFolderId()}], "mimeType": "application/vnd.google-apps.folder"}) gFileTargetDir.Upload() # Move the file to the new folder drive.auth.service.files().update(fileId=origin_file['id'], addParents=gFileTargetDir['id'], removeParents=previous_parents, fields='id, parents').execute() elif gFileTargetDir['title'] != target_folder: # Folder is not existing, create, and move folder drive.auth.service.files().patch(fileId=origin_file['id'], body={'title': target_folder}, fields='title').execute() else: # Move the file to the new folder drive.auth.service.files().update(fileId=origin_file['id'], addParents=gFileTargetDir['id'], removeParents=previous_parents, fields='id, parents').execute() # if previous_parents has no children anymore, delete original fileparent if len(children['items']) == 1: deleteDatabaseEntry(previous_parents) drive.auth.service.files().delete(fileId=previous_parents).execute() def copyToDrive(drive, uploadFile, createRoot, replaceFiles, ignoreFiles=None, parent=None, prevDir=''): ignoreFiles = ignoreFiles or [] drive = getDrive(drive) isInitial = not bool(parent) if not parent: parent = getEbooksFolder(drive) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(prevDir, uploadFile)): existingFolder = drive.ListFile({'q': "title = '%s' and '%s' in parents and trashed = false" % (os.path.basename(uploadFile).replace("'", r"\'"), parent['id'])}).GetList() if len(existingFolder) == 0 and (not isInitial or createRoot): parent = drive.CreateFile({'title': os.path.basename(uploadFile), 'parents': [{"kind": "drive#fileLink", 'id': parent['id']}], "mimeType": "application/vnd.google-apps.folder"}) parent.Upload() else: if (not isInitial or createRoot) and len(existingFolder) > 0: parent = existingFolder[0] for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(prevDir, uploadFile)): if f not in ignoreFiles: copyToDrive(drive, f, True, replaceFiles, ignoreFiles, parent, os.path.join(prevDir, uploadFile)) else: if os.path.basename(uploadFile) not in ignoreFiles: existingFiles = drive.ListFile({'q': "title = '%s' and '%s' in parents and trashed = false" % (os.path.basename(uploadFile).replace("'", r"\'"), parent['id'])}).GetList() if len(existingFiles) > 0: driveFile = existingFiles[0] else: driveFile = drive.CreateFile({'title': os.path.basename(uploadFile).replace("'", r"\'"), 'parents': [{"kind": "drive#fileLink", 'id': parent['id']}], }) driveFile.SetContentFile(os.path.join(prevDir, uploadFile)) driveFile.Upload() def uploadFileToEbooksFolder(destFile, f, string=False): drive = getDrive(Gdrive.Instance().drive) parent = getEbooksFolder(drive) splitDir = destFile.split('/') for i, x in enumerate(splitDir): if i == len(splitDir)-1: existing_Files = drive.ListFile({'q': "title = '%s' and '%s' in parents and trashed = false" % (x.replace("'", r"\'"), parent['id'])}).GetList() if len(existing_Files) > 0: driveFile = existing_Files[0] else: driveFile = drive.CreateFile({'title': x, 'parents': [{"kind": "drive#fileLink", 'id': parent['id']}], }) if not string: driveFile.SetContentFile(f) else: driveFile.SetContentString(f) driveFile.Upload() else: existing_Folder = drive.ListFile({'q': "title = '%s' and '%s' in parents and trashed = false" % (x.replace("'", r"\'"), parent['id'])}).GetList() if len(existing_Folder) == 0: parent = drive.CreateFile({'title': x, 'parents': [{"kind": "drive#fileLink", 'id': parent['id']}], "mimeType": "application/vnd.google-apps.folder"}) parent.Upload() else: parent = existing_Folder[0] def watchChange(drive, channel_id, channel_type, channel_address, channel_token=None, expiration=None): # Watch for all changes to a user's Drive. # Args: # service: Drive API service instance. # channel_id: Unique string that identifies this channel. # channel_type: Type of delivery mechanism used for this channel. # channel_address: Address where notifications are delivered. # channel_token: An arbitrary string delivered to the target address with # each notification delivered over this channel. Optional. # channel_address: Address where notifications are delivered. Optional. # Returns: # The created channel if successful # Raises: # apiclient.errors.HttpError: if http request to create channel fails. body = { 'id': channel_id, 'type': channel_type, 'address': channel_address } if channel_token: body['token'] = channel_token if expiration: body['expiration'] = expiration return drive.auth.service.changes().watch(body=body).execute() def watchFile(drive, file_id, channel_id, channel_type, channel_address, channel_token=None, expiration=None): """Watch for any changes to a specific file. Args: service: Drive API service instance. file_id: ID of the file to watch. channel_id: Unique string that identifies this channel. channel_type: Type of delivery mechanism used for this channel. channel_address: Address where notifications are delivered. channel_token: An arbitrary string delivered to the target address with each notification delivered over this channel. Optional. channel_address: Address where notifications are delivered. Optional. Returns: The created channel if successful Raises: apiclient.errors.HttpError: if http request to create channel fails. """ body = { 'id': channel_id, 'type': channel_type, 'address': channel_address } if channel_token: body['token'] = channel_token if expiration: body['expiration'] = expiration return drive.auth.service.files().watch(fileId=file_id, body=body).execute() def stopChannel(drive, channel_id, resource_id): """Stop watching to a specific channel. Args: service: Drive API service instance. channel_id: ID of the channel to stop. resource_id: Resource ID of the channel to stop. Raises: apiclient.errors.HttpError: if http request to create channel fails. """ body = { 'id': channel_id, 'resourceId': resource_id } return drive.auth.service.channels().stop(body=body).execute() def getChangeById(drive, change_id): # Print a single Change resource information. # # Args: # service: Drive API service instance. # change_id: ID of the Change resource to retrieve. try: change = drive.auth.service.changes().get(changeId=change_id).execute() return change except (errors.HttpError) as error: log.error(error) return None except Exception as ex: log.error(ex) return None # Deletes the local hashes database to force search for new folder names def deleteDatabaseOnChange(): try: session.query(GdriveId).delete() session.commit() except (OperationalError, InvalidRequestError) as ex: session.rollback() log.error_or_exception('Database error: {}'.format(ex)) session.rollback() def updateGdriveCalibreFromLocal(): copyToDrive(Gdrive.Instance().drive, config.config_calibre_dir, False, True) for x in os.listdir(config.config_calibre_dir): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(config.config_calibre_dir, x)): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(config.config_calibre_dir, x)) # update gdrive.db on edit of books title def updateDatabaseOnEdit(ID, newPath): sqlCheckPath = newPath if newPath[-1] == '/' else newPath + '/' storedPathName = session.query(GdriveId).filter(GdriveId.gdrive_id == ID).first() if storedPathName: storedPathName.path = sqlCheckPath try: session.commit() except OperationalError as ex: log.error_or_exception('Database error: {}'.format(ex)) session.rollback() # Deletes the hashes in database of deleted book def deleteDatabaseEntry(ID): session.query(GdriveId).filter(GdriveId.gdrive_id == ID).delete() try: session.commit() except OperationalError as ex: log.error_or_exception('Database error: {}'.format(ex)) session.rollback() # Gets cover file from gdrive # ToDo: Check is this right everyone get read permissions on cover files? def get_cover_via_gdrive(cover_path): df = getFileFromEbooksFolder(cover_path, 'cover.jpg') if df: if not session.query(PermissionAdded).filter(PermissionAdded.gdrive_id == df['id']).first(): df.GetPermissions() df.InsertPermission({ 'type': 'anyone', 'value': 'anyone', 'role': 'reader', 'withLink': True}) permissionAdded = PermissionAdded() permissionAdded.gdrive_id = df['id'] session.add(permissionAdded) try: session.commit() except (OperationalError, IntegrityError) as ex: log.error_or_exception('Database error: {}'.format(ex)) session.rollback() return df.metadata.get('webContentLink') else: return None # Gets cover file from gdrive def get_metadata_backup_via_gdrive(metadata_path): df = getFileFromEbooksFolder(metadata_path, 'metadata.opf') if df: if not session.query(PermissionAdded).filter(PermissionAdded.gdrive_id == df['id']).first(): df.GetPermissions() df.InsertPermission({ 'type': 'anyone', 'value': 'anyone', 'role': 'writer', # ToDo needs write access 'withLink': True}) permissionAdded = PermissionAdded() permissionAdded.gdrive_id = df['id'] session.add(permissionAdded) try: session.commit() except OperationalError as ex: log.error_or_exception('Database error: {}'.format(ex)) session.rollback() return df.metadata.get('webContentLink') else: return None # Creates chunks for downloading big files def partial(total_byte_len, part_size_limit): s = [] for p in range(0, total_byte_len, part_size_limit): last = min(total_byte_len - 1, p + part_size_limit - 1) s.append([p, last]) return s # downloads files in chunks from gdrive def do_gdrive_download(df, headers, convert_encoding=False): total_size = int(df.metadata.get('fileSize')) download_url = df.metadata.get('downloadUrl') s = partial(total_size, 1024 * 1024) # I'm downloading BIG files, so 100M chunk size is fine for me def stream(convert_encoding): for byte in s: headers = {"Range": 'bytes={}-{}'.format(byte[0], byte[1])} resp, content = df.auth.Get_Http_Object().request(download_url, headers=headers) if resp.status == 206: if convert_encoding: result = chardet.detect(content) content = content.decode(result['encoding']).encode('utf-8') yield content else: log.warning('An error occurred: {}'.format(resp)) return return Response(stream_with_context(stream(convert_encoding)), headers=headers) _SETTINGS_YAML_TEMPLATE = """ client_config_backend: settings client_config_file: %(client_file)s client_config: client_id: %(client_id)s client_secret: %(client_secret)s redirect_uri: %(redirect_uri)s save_credentials: True save_credentials_backend: file save_credentials_file: %(credential)s get_refresh_token: True oauth_scope: - https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive """ def update_settings(client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri): if redirect_uri.endswith('/'): redirect_uri = redirect_uri[:-1] config_params = { 'client_file': CLIENT_SECRETS, 'client_id': client_id, 'client_secret': client_secret, 'redirect_uri': redirect_uri, 'credential': CREDENTIALS } with open(SETTINGS_YAML, 'w') as f: f.write(_SETTINGS_YAML_TEMPLATE % config_params) def get_error_text(client_secrets=None): if not gdrive_support: return 'Import of optional Google Drive requirements missing' if not os.path.isfile(CLIENT_SECRETS): return 'client_secrets.json is missing or not readable' try: with open(CLIENT_SECRETS, 'r') as settings: filedata = json.load(settings) except PermissionError: return 'client_secrets.json is missing or not readable' if 'web' not in filedata: return 'client_secrets.json is not configured for web application' if 'redirect_uris' not in filedata['web']: return 'Callback url (redirect url) is missing in client_secrets.json' if client_secrets: client_secrets.update(filedata['web'])