# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of the Calibre-Web (https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web) # Copyright (C) 2021 OzzieIsaacs # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import datetime import json import re from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from urllib.parse import quote import requests from dateutil import parser from html2text import HTML2Text from lxml.html import HtmlElement, fromstring, tostring from markdown2 import Markdown from cps.services.Metadata import MetaRecord, Metadata SYMBOLS_TO_TRANSLATE = ( "öÖüÜóÓőŐúÚéÉáÁűŰíÍąĄćĆęĘłŁńŃóÓśŚźŹżŻ", "oOuUoOoOuUeEaAuUiIaAcCeElLnNoOsSzZzZ", ) SYMBOL_TRANSLATION_MAP = dict( [(ord(a), ord(b)) for (a, b) in zip(*SYMBOLS_TO_TRANSLATE)] ) def get_int_or_float(value: str) -> Union[int, float]: number_as_float = float(value) number_as_int = int(number_as_float) return number_as_int if number_as_float == number_as_int else number_as_float def strip_accents(s: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: return s.translate(SYMBOL_TRANSLATION_MAP) if s is not None else s def sanitize_comments_html(html: str) -> str: text = html2text(html) md = Markdown() html = md.convert(text) return html def html2text(html: str) -> str: # replace tags with as becomes emphasis in html2text if isinstance(html, bytes): html = html.decode("utf-8") html = re.sub( r"<\s*(?P/?)\s*[uU]\b(?P[^>]*)>", r"<\gspan\g>", html, ) h2t = HTML2Text() h2t.body_width = 0 h2t.single_line_break = True h2t.emphasis_mark = "*" return h2t.handle(html) class LubimyCzytac(Metadata): __name__ = "LubimyCzytac.pl" __id__ = "lubimyczytac" BASE_URL = "https://lubimyczytac.pl" BOOK_SEARCH_RESULT_XPATH = ( "*//div[@class='listSearch']//div[@class='authorAllBooks__single']" ) SINGLE_BOOK_RESULT_XPATH = ".//div[contains(@class,'authorAllBooks__singleText')]" TITLE_PATH = "/div/a[contains(@class,'authorAllBooks__singleTextTitle')]" TITLE_TEXT_PATH = f"{TITLE_PATH}//text()" URL_PATH = f"{TITLE_PATH}/@href" AUTHORS_PATH = "/div/a[contains(@href,'autor')]//text()" SIBLINGS = "/following-sibling::dd" CONTAINER = "//section[@class='container book']" PUBLISHER = f"{CONTAINER}//dt[contains(text(),'Wydawnictwo:')]{SIBLINGS}/a/text()" LANGUAGES = f"{CONTAINER}//dt[contains(text(),'Język:')]{SIBLINGS}/text()" DESCRIPTION = f"{CONTAINER}//div[@class='collapse-content']" SERIES = f"{CONTAINER}//span/a[contains(@href,'/cykl/')]/text()" DETAILS = "//div[@id='book-details']" PUBLISH_DATE = "//dt[contains(@title,'Data pierwszego wydania" FIRST_PUBLISH_DATE = f"{DETAILS}{PUBLISH_DATE} oryginalnego')]{SIBLINGS}[1]/text()" FIRST_PUBLISH_DATE_PL = f"{DETAILS}{PUBLISH_DATE} polskiego')]{SIBLINGS}[1]/text()" TAGS = "//nav[@aria-label='breadcrumb']//a[contains(@href,'/ksiazki/k/')]/text()" RATING = "//meta[@property='books:rating:value']/@content" COVER = "//meta[@property='og:image']/@content" ISBN = "//meta[@property='books:isbn']/@content" META_TITLE = "//meta[@property='og:description']/@content" SUMMARY = "//script[@type='application/ld+json']//text()" def search(self, query: str, generic_cover: str = "") -> Optional[List]: if self.active: result = requests.get(self._prepare_query(title=query)) root = fromstring(result.text) lc_parser = LubimyCzytacParser(root=root, metadata=self) matches = lc_parser.parse_search_results() if matches: with ThreadPool(processes=10) as pool: final_matches = pool.starmap( lc_parser.parse_single_book, [ (match, generic_cover) for match in matches ], ) return final_matches return matches def _prepare_query(self, title: str) -> str: query = "" characters_to_remove = "\?()\/" pattern = "[" + characters_to_remove + "]" title = re.sub(pattern, "", title) title = title.replace("_", " ") if '"' in title or ",," in title: title = title.split('"')[0].split(",,")[0] if "/" in title: title_tokens = [ token for token in title.lower().split(" ") if len(token) > 1 ] else: title_tokens = list(self.get_title_tokens(title, strip_joiners=False)) if title_tokens: tokens = [quote(t.encode("utf-8")) for t in title_tokens] query = query + "%20".join(tokens) if not query: return "" return f"{LubimyCzytac.BASE_URL}/szukaj/ksiazki?phrase={query}" class LubimyCzytacParser: PAGES_TEMPLATE = "

Książka ma {0} stron(y).


Data pierwszego wydania: {0}


Data pierwszego wydania w Polsce: {0}

" ) def __init__(self, root: HtmlElement, metadata: Metadata) -> None: self.root = root self.metadata = metadata def parse_search_results(self) -> List[Dict]: matches = [] results = self.root.xpath(LubimyCzytac.BOOK_SEARCH_RESULT_XPATH) for result in results: title = self._parse_xpath_node( root=result, xpath=f"{LubimyCzytac.SINGLE_BOOK_RESULT_XPATH}" f"{LubimyCzytac.TITLE_TEXT_PATH}", ) book_url = self._parse_xpath_node( root=result, xpath=f"{LubimyCzytac.SINGLE_BOOK_RESULT_XPATH}" f"{LubimyCzytac.URL_PATH}", ) authors = self._parse_xpath_node( root=result, xpath=f"{LubimyCzytac.SINGLE_BOOK_RESULT_XPATH}" f"{LubimyCzytac.AUTHORS_PATH}", take_first=False, ) if not all([title, book_url, authors]): continue matches.append( { "id": book_url.replace(f"/ksiazka/", "").split("/")[0], "title": title, "authors": [strip_accents(author) for author in authors], "url": LubimyCzytac.BASE_URL + book_url, } ) return matches def parse_single_book( self, match: Dict, generic_cover: str ) -> MetaRecord: response = requests.get(match.get("url")) self.root = fromstring(response.text) match["series"], match["series_index"] = self._parse_series() match["tags"] = self._parse_tags() match["publisher"] = self._parse_publisher() match["publishedDate"] = self._parse_from_summary( attribute_name="datePublished" ) match["rating"] = self._parse_rating() match["description"] = self._parse_description() match["cover"] = self._parse_cover(generic_cover=generic_cover) match["source"] = { "id": self.metadata.__id__, "description": self.metadata.__name__, "link": LubimyCzytac.BASE_URL, } match["languages"] = self._parse_languages() match["identifiers"] = { "isbn": self._parse_isbn(), "lubimyczytac": match["id"], } return match def _parse_xpath_node( self, xpath: str, root: HtmlElement = None, take_first: bool = True, strip_element: bool = True, ) -> Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]: root = root if root is not None else self.root node = root.xpath(xpath) if not node: return None return ( (node[0].strip() if strip_element else node[0]) if take_first else [x.strip() for x in node] ) def _parse_cover(self, generic_cover) -> Optional[str]: return ( self._parse_xpath_node(xpath=LubimyCzytac.COVER, take_first=True) or generic_cover ) def _parse_publisher(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._parse_xpath_node(xpath=LubimyCzytac.PUBLISHER, take_first=True) def _parse_languages(self) -> List[str]: languages = list() lang = self._parse_xpath_node(xpath=LubimyCzytac.LANGUAGES, take_first=True) if lang: if "polski" in lang: languages.append("Polish") if "angielski" in lang: languages.append("English") return languages def _parse_series(self) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[Union[float, int]]]: series_index = 0 series = self._parse_xpath_node(xpath=LubimyCzytac.SERIES, take_first=True) if series: if "tom " in series: series_name, series_info = series.split(" (tom ", 1) series_info = series_info.replace(" ", "").replace(")", "") # Check if book is not a bundle, i.e. chapter 1-3 if "-" in series_info: series_info = series_info.split("-", 1)[0] if series_info.replace(".", "").isdigit() is True: series_index = get_int_or_float(series_info) return series_name, series_index return None, None def _parse_tags(self) -> List[str]: tags = self._parse_xpath_node(xpath=LubimyCzytac.TAGS, take_first=False) return [ strip_accents(w.replace(", itd.", " itd.")) for w in tags if isinstance(w, str) ] def _parse_from_summary(self, attribute_name: str) -> Optional[str]: value = None summary_text = self._parse_xpath_node(xpath=LubimyCzytac.SUMMARY) if summary_text: data = json.loads(summary_text) value = data.get(attribute_name) return value.strip() if value is not None else value def _parse_rating(self) -> Optional[str]: rating = self._parse_xpath_node(xpath=LubimyCzytac.RATING) return round(float(rating.replace(",", ".")) / 2) if rating else rating def _parse_date(self, xpath="first_publish") -> Optional[datetime.datetime]: options = { "first_publish": LubimyCzytac.FIRST_PUBLISH_DATE, "first_publish_pl": LubimyCzytac.FIRST_PUBLISH_DATE_PL, } date = self._parse_xpath_node(xpath=options.get(xpath)) return parser.parse(date) if date else None def _parse_isbn(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._parse_xpath_node(xpath=LubimyCzytac.ISBN) def _parse_description(self) -> str: description = "" description_node = self._parse_xpath_node( xpath=LubimyCzytac.DESCRIPTION, strip_element=False ) if description_node is not None: for source in self.root.xpath('//p[@class="source"]'): source.getparent().remove(source) description = tostring(description_node, method="html") description = sanitize_comments_html(description) else: description_node = self._parse_xpath_node(xpath=LubimyCzytac.META_TITLE) if description_node is not None: description = description_node description = sanitize_comments_html(description) description = self._add_extra_info_to_description(description=description) return description def _add_extra_info_to_description(self, description: str) -> str: pages = self._parse_from_summary(attribute_name="numberOfPages") if pages: description += LubimyCzytacParser.PAGES_TEMPLATE.format(pages) first_publish_date = self._parse_date() if first_publish_date: description += LubimyCzytacParser.PUBLISH_DATE_TEMPLATE.format( first_publish_date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y") ) first_publish_date_pl = self._parse_date(xpath="first_publish_pl") if first_publish_date_pl: description += LubimyCzytacParser.PUBLISH_DATE_PL_TEMPLATE.format( first_publish_date_pl.strftime("%d.%m.%Y") ) return description