Kobo sync token is now also created if accessed from localhost(fixes #1990)

Create kobo sync token button is now "unclicked" after closing dialog
Additional localhost route is catched
If book format is deleted this also deletes the book synced to kobo status
Ozzie Isaacs 2 years ago
parent bbef41290f
commit d759df0df6

@ -1426,14 +1426,14 @@ def _delete_user(content):
for kobo_entry in kobo_entries:
log.info(u"User {} deleted".format(content.name))
return(_(u"User '%(nick)s' deleted", nick=content.name))
log.info("User {} deleted".format(content.name))
return(_("User '%(nick)s' deleted", nick=content.name))
log.warning(_(u"Can't delete Guest User"))
raise Exception(_(u"Can't delete Guest User"))
log.warning(_("Can't delete Guest User"))
raise Exception(_("Can't delete Guest User"))
log.warning(u"No admin user remaining, can't delete user")
raise Exception(_(u"No admin user remaining, can't delete user"))
log.warning("No admin user remaining, can't delete user")
raise Exception(_("No admin user remaining, can't delete user"))
def _handle_edit_user(to_save, content, languages, translations, kobo_support):

@ -341,6 +341,7 @@ def delete_book_from_table(book_id, book_format, jsonResponse):
calibre_db.session.query(db.Data).filter(db.Data.book == book.id).\
filter(db.Data.format == book_format).delete()
kobo_sync_status.remove_synced_book(book.id, True)
except Exception as ex:

@ -118,55 +118,49 @@ kobo_auth = Blueprint("kobo_auth", __name__, url_prefix="/kobo_auth")
def generate_auth_token(user_id):
warning = False
host_list = request.host.rsplit(':')
if len(host_list) == 1:
host = ':'.join(host_list)
host = ':'.join(host_list[0:-1])
if host.startswith('127.') or host.lower() == 'localhost' or host.startswith('[::ffff:7f'):
warning = _('PLease access calibre-web from non localhost to get valid api_endpoint for kobo device')
return render_title_template(
title=_(u"Kobo Setup"),
warning = warning
# Invalidate any prevously generated Kobo Auth token for this user.
auth_token = ub.session.query(ub.RemoteAuthToken).filter(
ub.RemoteAuthToken.user_id == user_id
if not auth_token:
auth_token = ub.RemoteAuthToken()
auth_token.user_id = user_id
auth_token.expiration = datetime.max
auth_token.auth_token = (hexlify(urandom(16))).decode("utf-8")
auth_token.token_type = 1
books = calibre_db.session.query(db.Books).join(db.Data).all()
for book in books:
formats = [data.format for data in book.data]
if not 'KEPUB' in formats and config.config_kepubifypath and 'EPUB' in formats:
helper.convert_book_format(book.id, config.config_calibre_dir, 'EPUB', 'KEPUB', current_user.name)
return render_title_template(
title=_(u"Kobo Setup"),
"kobo.TopLevelEndpoint", auth_token=auth_token.auth_token, _external=True
warning = False
if host.startswith('127.') or host.lower() == 'localhost' or host.startswith('[::ffff:7f') or host == "[::1]":
warning = _('Please access Calibre-Web from non localhost to get valid api_endpoint for kobo device')
# Generate auth token if none is existing for this user
auth_token = ub.session.query(ub.RemoteAuthToken).filter(
ub.RemoteAuthToken.user_id == user_id
if not auth_token:
auth_token = ub.RemoteAuthToken()
auth_token.user_id = user_id
auth_token.expiration = datetime.max
auth_token.auth_token = (hexlify(urandom(16))).decode("utf-8")
auth_token.token_type = 1
books = calibre_db.session.query(db.Books).join(db.Data).all()
for book in books:
formats = [data.format for data in book.data]
if not 'KEPUB' in formats and config.config_kepubifypath and 'EPUB' in formats:
helper.convert_book_format(book.id, config.config_calibre_dir, 'EPUB', 'KEPUB', current_user.name)
return render_title_template(
title=_(u"Kobo Setup"),
warning = warning
@kobo_auth.route("/deleteauthtoken/<int:user_id>", methods=["POST"])
def delete_auth_token(user_id):
# Invalidate any prevously generated Kobo Auth token for this user.
# Invalidate any previously generated Kobo Auth token for this user
ub.session.query(ub.RemoteAuthToken).filter(ub.RemoteAuthToken.user_id == user_id)\

@ -535,6 +535,7 @@ $(function() {
.on("show.bs.modal", function(e) {
$(e.relatedTarget).one('focus', function(e){$(this).blur();});
var $modalBody = $(this).find(".modal-body");
// Prevent static assets from loading multiple times

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
{% extends "fragment.html" %}
{% block body %}
<div class="well">
{{_('Open the .kobo/Kobo eReader.conf file in a text editor and add (or edit):')}}</a>
{% if not warning %}
{{_('Open the .kobo/Kobo eReader.conf file in a text editor and add (or edit):')}}
api_endpoint={{url_for("kobo.TopLevelEndpoint", auth_token=auth_token, _external=True)}}
{% else %}
</p><p>{{_('Kobo Token:')}} {{ auth_token }}
{% endif %}
{% if not warning %}api_endpoint={{kobo_auth_url}}{% else %}{{warning}}{% endif %}</a>
{% endblock %}
