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Paulo": "folha.uol.com.br", "Foreign Policy": "foreignpolicy.com", "Fortune": "fortune.com", "Glassdoor": "glassdoor.com", "Gold Coast Bulletin": "goldcoastbulletin.com.au", "Groene Amsterdammer": "groene.nl", "Haaretz English": "haaretz.com", "Haaretz": "haaretz.co.il", "Handelsblatt": "handelsblatt.com", "Harper's Magazine": "harpers.org", "Hartford Courant": "courant.com", "Harvard Business Review": "hbr.org", "Harvard Business Review Taiwan": "hbrtaiwan.com", "Herald Sun": "heraldsun.com.au", "Inc.com": "inc.com", "Kleine Zeitung": "kleinezeitung.at", "L'Écho": "lecho.be", "La Nación": "lanacion.com.ar", "La Repubblica": "repubblica.it", "La Stampa": "lastampa.it", "La Tercera": "latercera.com", "Le Devoir": "ledevoir.com", "Le Journal du Dimanche": "lejdd.fr", "Le Monde": "lemonde.fr", "Le Parisien": "leparisien.fr", "Les Échos": "lesechos.fr", "Libération (free articles only)": "liberation.fr", "Loeb Classical Library": "loebclassics.com", "London Review of Books": "lrb.co.uk", "Los Angeles Business Journal": "labusinessjournal.com", "Los Angeles Times": "latimes.com", "Medium (all sites)": "medium.com", "Mexico News Daily": "mexiconewsdaily.com", "Miami Herald": "miamiherald.com", "MIT Sloan Management Review": "sloanreview.mit.edu", "MIT Technology Review": "technologyreview.com", "Modern Healthcare": "modernhealthcare.com", "Mountain View Voice": "mv-voice.com", "National Post": "nationalpost.com", "National Review": "nationalreview.com", "New York Magazine": "nymag.com", "New Zealand Herald": "nzherald.co.nz", "Newcastle Herald": "newcastleherald.com.au", "Nikkei Asian Review": "asia.nikkei.com", "NK News": "nknews.org", "Northern Territory News": "ntnews.com.au", "NRC Handelsblad": "nrc.nl", "O Estado de S. Paulo": "estadao.com.br", "O Globo": "globo.com", "Orange County Register": "ocregister.com", "Orlando Sentinel": "orlandosentinel.com", "Palo Alto Online": "paloaltoonline.com", "Parool": "parool.nl", "Pittsburgh Post Gazette": "post-gazette.com", "Quartz": "qz.com", "Quora": "quora.com", "San Diego Union Tribune": "sandiegouniontribune.com", "San Francisco Chronicle": "sfchronicle.com", "Scientific American (free articles only)": "scientificamerican.com", "Scribd (documents only)": "scribd.com", "SOFREP": "sofrep.com", "Statista": "statista.com", "SunSentinel": "sun-sentinel.com", "Tech in Asia": "techinasia.com", "Telegraaf": "telegraaf.nl", "The Advertiser": "adelaidenow.com.au", "The Advocate": "theadvocate.com.au", "The Age": "theage.com.au", "The American Interest": "the-american-interest.com", "The Athletic": "theathletic.com", "The Atlantic": "theatlantic.com", "The Australian Financial Review": "afr.com", "The Australian": "theaustralian.com.au", "The Boston Globe": "bostonglobe.com", "The Business Journals": "bizjournals.com", "The Canberra Times": "canberratimes.com.au", "The Christian Science Monitor": "csmonitor.com", "The Courier-Mail": "couriermail.com.au", "The Daily Beast (free articles only)": "thedailybeast.com", "The Daily Telegraph": "dailytelegraph.com.au", "The Denver Post": "denverpost.com", "The Diplomat": "thediplomat.com", "The Economist": "economist.com", "The Examiner": "examiner.com.au", "The Globe and Mail": "theglobeandmail.com", "The Hindu": "thehindu.com", "The Irish Times (free articles only)": "irishtimes.com", "The Japan Times": "japantimes.co.jp", "The Marker": "themarker.com", "The Mercury News": "mercurynews.com", "The Mercury Tasmania": "themercury.com.au", "The Morning Call": "mcall.com", "The Nation": "thenation.com", "The New Statesman": "newstatesman.com", "The New York Times": "nytimes.com", "The New Yorker": "newyorker.com", "The News-Gazette": "news-gazette.com", "The Philadelphia Inquirer": "inquirer.com", "The Sacramento Bee (free articles only)": "sacbee.com", "The Saturday Paper": "thesaturdaypaper.com.au", "The Seattle Times": "seattletimes.com", "The Spectator": "spectator.co.uk", "The Sydney Morning Herald": "smh.com.au", "The Telegraph": "telegraph.co.uk", "The Times": "thetimes.co.uk", "The Times Literary Supplement": "the-tls.co.uk", "The Toronto Star": "thestar.com", "The Wall Street Journal": "wsj.com", "The Washington Post": "washingtonpost.com", "The Weekly Times": "weeklytimesnow.com.au", "Towards Data Science": "towardsdatascience.com", "Townsville Bulletin": "townsvillebulletin.com.au", "Trouw": "trouw.nl", "Valeurs Actuelles": "valeursactuelles.com", "Vanity Fair": "vanityfair.com", "Volkskrant": "volkskrant.nl", "Vrij Nederland": "vn.nl", "Winston-Salem Journal": "journalnow.com", "Wired": "wired.com", "World Politics Review": "worldpoliticsreview.com", "——— Block Paywall-scripts ———": "###", "Outbrain": "outbrain.com", "Poool.fr": "poool.fr", "TinyPass": "tinypass.com", "Piano.io": "piano.io" }