'use strict'; var defaultSites = { 'Algemeen Dagblad': 'ad.nl', 'Baltimore Sun': 'baltimoresun.com', 'Barron\'s': 'barrons.com', 'Bloomberg': 'bloomberg.com', 'Bloomberg Quint': 'bloombergquint.com', 'Business Insider': 'businessinsider.com', 'Caixin Global': 'caixinglobal.com', 'Chemical & Engineering News': 'cen.acs.org', 'Chicago Tribune': 'chicagotribune.com', 'Central Western Daily': 'centralwesterndaily.com.au', 'Crain\'s Chicago Business': 'chicagobusiness.com', 'Corriere Della Sera': 'corriere.it', 'Daily Press': 'dailypress.com', 'DeMorgen': 'demorgen.be', 'Denver Post': 'denverpost.com', 'De Tijd': 'tijd.be', 'De Groene Amsterdammer': 'groene.nl', 'de Volkskrant': 'volkskrant.nl', 'ET Prime': 'prime.economictimes.indiatimes.com', 'The Economist': 'economist.com', 'Eindhovens Dagblad': 'ed.nl', 'Financial Times': 'ft.com', 'Foreign Policy': 'foreignpolicy.com', 'Glassdoor': 'glassdoor.com', 'Haaretz': 'haaretz.co.il', 'Haaretz English': 'haaretz.com', 'Handelsblatt': 'handelsblatt.com', 'Harper\'s Magazine': 'harpers.org', 'Hartford Courant': 'courant.com', 'Harvard Business Review': 'hbr.org', 'Inc.com': 'inc.com', 'Investors Chronicle': 'investorschronicle.co.uk', 'L\'Echo': 'lecho.be', 'La Repubblica': 'repubblica.it', 'Le Monde': 'lemonde.fr', 'Le Parisien': 'leparisien.fr', 'Le Temps': 'letemps.ch', 'Les Echos': 'lesechos.fr', 'London Review of Books': 'lrb.co.uk', 'Los Angeles Times': 'latimes.com', 'Medium': 'medium.com', 'Medscape': 'medscape.com', 'MIT Technology Review': 'technologyreview.com', 'Mountain View Voice': 'mv-voice.com', 'National Post': 'nationalpost.com', 'New Statesman': 'newstatesman.com', 'New York Magazine': 'nymag.com', 'New Zealand Herald': 'nzherald.co.nz', 'Newcastle Herald': 'newcastleherald.com.au', 'Nikkei Asian Review': 'asia.nikkei.com', 'NK News': 'nknews.org', 'NRC': 'nrc.nl', 'Orange County Register': 'ocregister.com', 'Orlando Sentinel': 'orlandosentinel.com', 'Palo Alto Online': 'paloaltoonline.com', 'Parool': 'parool.nl', 'Quartz': 'qz.com', 'Quora': 'quora.com', 'Scientific American': 'scientificamerican.com', 'Scribd': 'scribd.com', 'Statista': 'statista.com', 'SunSentinel': 'sun-sentinel.com', 'Tech in Asia': 'techinasia.com', 'Telegraaf': 'telegraaf.nl', 'The Advocate': 'theadvocate.com.au', 'The Age': 'theage.com.au', 'The Athletic': 'theathletic.com', 'The Atlantic': 'theatlantic.com', 'The Australian': 'theaustralian.com.au', 'The Australian Financial Review': 'afr.com', 'The Boston Globe': 'bostonglobe.com', 'The Business Journals': 'bizjournals.com', 'The Diplomat': 'thediplomat.com', 'The Examiner': 'examiner.com.au', 'The Globe and Mail': 'theglobeandmail.com', 'The Herald': 'theherald.com.au', 'The Hindu': 'thehindu.com', 'The Japan Times': 'japantimes.co.jp', 'TheMarker': 'themarker.com', 'The Mercury Tasmania': 'themercury.com.au', 'The Mercury News': 'mercurynews.com', 'The Morning Call': 'mcall.com', 'The Nation': 'thenation.com', 'The New York Times': 'nytimes.com', 'The New Yorker': 'newyorker.com', 'The News-Gazette': 'news-gazette.com', 'The Philadelphia Inquirer': 'inquirer.com', 'The Saturday Paper': 'thesaturdaypaper.com.au', 'The Spectator': 'spectator.co.uk', 'The Seattle Times': 'seattletimes.com', 'The Sydney Morning Herald': 'smh.com.au', 'The Telegraph': 'telegraph.co.uk', 'The Times': 'thetimes.co.uk', 'The Toronto Star': 'thestar.com', 'The Washington Post': 'washingtonpost.com', 'The Wall Street Journal': 'wsj.com', 'Times Literary Supplement': 'the-tls.co.uk', 'Towards Data Science': 'towardsdatascience.com', 'Trouw': 'trouw.nl', 'Vanity Fair': 'vanityfair.com', 'Vrij Nederland': 'vn.nl', 'Wired': 'wired.com', }; const restrictions = { 'barrons.com': /.+barrons\.com\/articles\/.+/, 'prime.economictimes.indiatimes.com': /.+prime\.economictimes\.indiatimes\.com\/news\/[0-9]{8}\/.+/, 'wsj.com': /.+wsj\.com\/articles\/.+/ } // Don't remove cookies before page load const allow_cookies = [ 'ad.nl', 'asia.nikkei.com', 'barrons.com', 'bostonglobe.com', 'caixinglobal.com', 'cen.acs.org', 'chicagobusiness.com', 'demorgen.be', 'denverpost.com', 'economist.com', 'ed.nl', 'examiner.com.au', 'ft.com', 'haaretz.co.il', 'haaretz.com', 'hacked.com', 'harpers.org', 'hbr.org', 'lecho.be', 'lemonde.fr', 'lesechos.fr', 'letemps.ch', 'medium.com', 'mercurynews.com', 'newstatesman.com', 'nymag.com', 'nytimes.com', 'ocregister.com', 'parool.nl', 'quora.com', 'qz.com', 'scientificamerican.com', 'scribd.com', 'spectator.co.uk', 'telegraaf.nl', 'telegraph.co.uk', 'theadvocate.com.au', 'theage.com.au', 'theathletic.com', 'theatlantic.com', 'theaustralian.com.au', 'thediplomat.com', 'themarker.com', 'themercury.com.au', 'thestar.com', 'thetimes.co.uk', 'towardsdatascience.com', 'trouw.nl', 'vn.nl', 'volkskrant.nl', 'washingtonpost.com', 'wsj.com', ] // Removes cookies after page load const remove_cookies = [ 'ad.nl', 'asia.nikkei.com', 'bloombergquint.com', 'bostonglobe.com', 'caixinglobal.com', 'cen.acs.org', 'chicagobusiness.com', 'demorgen.be', 'denverpost.com', 'economist.com', 'ed.nl', 'examiner.com.au', 'ft.com', 'hacked.com', 'harpers.org', 'hbr.org', 'lecho.be', 'lesechos.fr', 'letemps.ch', 'medium.com', 'mercurynews.com', 'newstatesman.com', 'nymag.com', 'ocregister.com', 'qz.com', 'scientificamerican.com', 'spectator.co.uk', 'telegraaf.nl', 'theadvocate.com.au', 'theage.com.au', 'theatlantic.com', 'thediplomat.com', 'thestar.com', 'towardsdatascience.com', 'vn.nl', 'washingtonpost.com', ] // select specific cookie(s) to hold from remove_cookies domains const remove_cookies_select_hold = { 'washingtonpost.com': ['wp_gdpr'], 'qz.com': ['gdpr'] } // select only specific cookie(s) to drop from remove_cookies domains const remove_cookies_select_drop = { 'ad.nl': ['temptationTrackingId'], 'bostonglobe.com': ['FMPaywall'], 'caixinglobal.com': ['CAIXINGLB_LOGIN_UUID'], 'demorgen.be': ['TID_ID'], 'economist.com': ['rvuuid'], 'ed.nl': ['temptationTrackingId'], 'nrc.nl': ['counter'] } // Override User-Agent with Googlebot const use_google_bot = [ 'barrons.com', 'haaretz.co.il', 'haaretz.com', 'lemonde.fr', 'nknews.org', 'nytimes.com', 'prime.economictimes.indiatimes.com', 'quora.com', 'telegraph.co.uk', 'theathletic.com', 'theaustralian.com.au', 'themarker.com', 'themercury.com.au', 'thetimes.co.uk', 'wsj.com', ] function setDefaultOptions() { browser.storage.sync.set({ sites: defaultSites }, function() { browser.runtime.openOptionsPage(); 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