var ext_api = chrome || browser; var useragent_options = ['', 'googlebot', 'bingbot']; var referer_options = ['', 'facebook', 'google', 'twitter']; function capitalize(str) { return (typeof str === 'string') ? str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1) : ''; } function sortJson(json) { return Object.keys(json) .sort().reduce(function (Obj, key) { Obj[key] = json[key]; return Obj; }, {}); } // Saves options to function save_options() { var textareaEl = document.querySelector('#bypass_sites textarea'); var sites_custom = {}; if (textareaEl.value !== '') var sites_custom = JSON.parse(textareaEl.value);{ sites_custom: sites_custom }, function () { // Update status to let user know custom sites were saved. var status = document.getElementById('status'); status.textContent = 'Custom sites saved.'; setTimeout(function () { status.textContent = ''; location.href = 'options.html'; //window.close(); }, 800); }); } // Sort json by key in textarea function sort_options() { var textareaEl = document.querySelector('#bypass_sites textarea'); var sites_custom = {}; if (textareaEl.value !== '') { var sites_custom = JSON.parse(textareaEl.value); var sites_custom_sorted = sortJson(sites_custom); textareaEl.value = JSON.stringify(sites_custom_sorted); } } // Export custom sites to file function export_options() {{ sites_custom: {} }, function (items) { var result = JSON.stringify(items.sites_custom); var a = document.createElement("a"); var file = new Blob([result], {type: "text/plain"}); a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(file); let date = new Date(); let dateStr = new Date(date.getTime() - (date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)).toISOString().split("T")[0]; = 'bypass_paywalls_clean_custom_' + dateStr + '.txt';; }); } // Import custom sites from file function import_options(e) { var files =; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = _imp; reader.readAsText(files[0]); } function _imp() { var result = this.result;{ sites_custom: {} }, function (items) { var sites_custom = items.sites_custom; var sites_custom_new = JSON.parse(result); for (let site in sites_custom_new) sites_custom[site] = sites_custom_new[site];{ sites_custom: sites_custom }, function () { // Update status to let user know custom sites were imported. var status = document.getElementById('status'); status.textContent = 'Custom sites imported.'; setTimeout(function () { //status.textContent = ''; importInput.value = ''; renderOptions(); }, 800); }); }); } // Add custom site to function add_options() { var inputEls = document.querySelectorAll('#add_site input, #add_site select'); var sites_custom = {}; for (let elem of inputEls) { if (elem.dataset.key === 'title') { var title = capitalize(elem.value); if (title === '') break; sites_custom[title] = {}; } else { if (elem.dataset.value) { if (elem.checked) sites_custom[title][elem.dataset.key] = parseInt(elem.dataset.value); } else if (elem.value) sites_custom[title][elem.dataset.key] = elem.value; } } if (title && sites_custom[title]['domain']) { sites_custom[title]['domain'] = sites_custom[title]['domain'].replace(/(http(s)?:\/\/(www\.)?|^www\.|\/$)/g, '').toLowerCase(); // add new site to local storage{ sites_custom: {} }, function (items) { var sites_custom_old = items.sites_custom; for (var key in sites_custom) { sites_custom_old[key] = sites_custom[key]; }{ sites_custom: sites_custom_old }, function () { // Update status to let user know new custom site was added. var status_add = document.getElementById('status_add'); status_add.textContent = 'Site added.'; setTimeout(function () { //status.textContent = ''; renderOptions(); }, 800); }); }); } } // Delete custom site from function delete_options() { var selectEl = document.querySelector('#custom_sites select'); var sites_custom = {}; var remove_key = selectEl.value; // delete site from local storage{ sites_custom: {} }, function (items) { var sites_custom_old = items.sites_custom; delete sites_custom_old[remove_key];{ sites_custom: sites_custom_old }, function () { // Update status to let user know custom site was deleted. var status_delete = document.getElementById('status_delete'); status_delete.textContent = 'Site deleted.'; setTimeout(function () { //status.textContent = ''; renderOptions(); }, 800); }); }); } // Edit custom site (copy to add) function edit_options() { var selectEl = document.querySelector('#custom_sites select'); var sites_custom = {}; var title = selectEl.value; // copy site to add-fields{ sites_custom: {} }, function (items) { sites_custom = items.sites_custom; var edit_site = sites_custom[title]; document.querySelector('input[data-key="title"]').value = title; document.querySelector('input[data-key="domain"]').value = edit_site.domain; document.querySelector('select[data-key="useragent"]').selectedIndex = (edit_site.googlebot > 0) ? 1 : useragent_options.indexOf(edit_site.useragent); document.querySelector('input[data-key="allow_cookies"]').checked = (edit_site.allow_cookies > 0); document.querySelector('input[data-key="block_javascript"]').checked = (edit_site.block_javascript > 0); document.querySelector('input[data-key="block_javascript_ext"]').checked = (edit_site.block_javascript_ext > 0); document.querySelector('input[data-key="block_regex"]').value = edit_site.block_regex ? edit_site.block_regex : ''; document.querySelector('input[data-key="amp_unhide"]').checked = (edit_site.amp_unhide > 0); document.querySelector('select[data-key="referer"]').selectedIndex = referer_options.indexOf(edit_site.referer); }); } // request permissions for custom sites (in list only) function request_permissions() { var perm_custom = document.getElementById('perm-custom'); ext_api.permissions.request({ origins: perm_origins }, function (granted) { if (granted) { perm_custom.innerText = 'YES'; } else { perm_custom.innerText = 'NO'; } }); } // remove permissions for custom sites function remove_permissions() { var perm_custom = document.getElementById('perm-custom'); ext_api.permissions.remove({ origins: perm_origins }, function (removed) { if (removed) { perm_custom.innerText = 'NO'; } }); } var perm_origins; // Restores checkbox input states using the preferences stored in function renderOptions() {{ sites_custom: {}, sites_updated: {} }, function (items) { var sites_custom = items.sites_custom; var sites_updated = items.sites_updated; var sites_updated_domains_new = Object.values(sites_updated).filter(x => (x.domain && !defaultSites_domains.includes(x.domain) || => ? => !defaultSites_domains.includes(y)) : x.domain).flat(); var sitesEl = document.getElementById('bypass_sites'); sitesEl.innerHTML = ''; var labelEl = document.createElement('label'); var textareaEl = document.createElement('textarea'); textareaEl.value = JSON.stringify(sites_custom); textareaEl.rows = 12; textareaEl.cols = 40; labelEl.appendChild(textareaEl); sitesEl.appendChild(labelEl); // add site var add_sitesEl = document.getElementById('add_site'); add_sitesEl.innerHTML = ''; var inputEl; var add_checkboxes = { 'title': 0, 'domain': 0, 'allow_cookies': 1, 'block_javascript': 1, 'block_javascript_ext': 1, 'block_regex': 0, 'amp_unhide': 1 }; for (var key in add_checkboxes) { labelEl = document.createElement('label'); inputEl = document.createElement('input'); inputEl.dataset.key = key; labelEl.appendChild(inputEl); if (add_checkboxes[key]) { inputEl.type = 'checkbox'; inputEl.dataset.value = 1; } else if (key === 'title') { inputEl.placeholder = 'Example'; } else if (key === 'domain') inputEl.placeholder = ''; labelEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ' + key)); add_sitesEl.appendChild(labelEl); } var add_options = { useragent: useragent_options, referer: referer_options }; for (let key in add_options) { labelEl = document.createElement('label'); labelEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(key + ' ')); inputEl = document.createElement('select'); inputEl.dataset.key = key; labelEl.appendChild(inputEl); for (let elem of add_options[key]) { let option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = elem; option.text = elem; inputEl.appendChild(option); } add_sitesEl.appendChild(labelEl); } // list of custom sites var custom_sitesEl = document.getElementById('custom_sites'); custom_sitesEl.innerHTML = ''; labelEl = document.createElement('label'); var selectEl = document.createElement('select'); = 'sites'; selectEl.size = 6; var optionEl; perm_origins = []; for (let key in sites_custom) { optionEl = document.createElement('option'); let domain = sites_custom[key]['domain']; perm_origins.push(domain); let isDefaultSite = defaultSites_domains.includes(domain); optionEl.text = isDefaultSite ? '*' : ''; optionEl.text += key + ': ' + domain + (sites_custom[key]['googlebot'] > 0 ? ' | googlebot' : '') + (sites_custom[key]['allow_cookies'] > 0 ? ' | allow_cookies' : '') + (sites_custom[key]['block_javascript'] > 0 ? ' | block javascript' : '') + (sites_custom[key]['block_javascript_ext'] > 0 ? ' | block javascript ext' : '') + (sites_custom[key]['block_regex'] ? ' | block regex' : '') + (sites_custom[key]['useragent'] ? ' | useragent: ' + sites_custom[key]['useragent'] : '') + (sites_custom[key]['referer'] ? ' | referer: ' + sites_custom[key]['referer'] : '') + (sites_custom[key]['amp_unhide'] > 0 ? ' | amp_unhide' : ''); optionEl.value = key; selectEl.add(optionEl); } labelEl.appendChild(selectEl); custom_sitesEl.appendChild(labelEl); if (sites_updated_domains_new.length > 0) { labelEl = document.createElement('p'); labelEl.appendChild(document.createElement('label')); labelEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Updated sites: ' + sites_updated_domains_new.join())); custom_sitesEl.appendChild(labelEl); } perm_origins = perm_origins.concat(sites_updated_domains_new).map(x => '*://*.' + x + '/*'); var perm_custom = document.getElementById('perm-custom'); ext_api.permissions.contains({ origins: perm_origins }, function (result) { if (result) { perm_custom.innerText = 'YES'; } else { perm_custom.innerText = 'NO'; } }); }); var custom_enabled = document.getElementById('custom-enabled'); ext_api.permissions.contains({ origins: [""] }, function (result) { if (result) { custom_enabled.innerText = 'YES'; } else { custom_enabled.innerText = 'NO'; } }); } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', renderOptions); document.getElementById('save').addEventListener('click', save_options); document.getElementById('sort').addEventListener('click', sort_options); document.getElementById('export').addEventListener('click', export_options); document.getElementById('import').onclick = function () {} document.getElementById('importInput').addEventListener("change", import_options, false); document.getElementById('add').addEventListener('click', add_options); document.getElementById('delete').addEventListener('click', delete_options); document.getElementById('edit').addEventListener('click', edit_options); document.getElementById('perm_request').addEventListener('click', request_permissions); document.getElementById('perm_remove').addEventListener('click', remove_permissions);