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Bookie Weekly Update: April 22nd&nbsp;2012 </h3>
<div class="chronodata">22Apr12</div>
<!-- The following two sections are for a noteworthy plugin currently in alpha. They'll get cleaned up and integrated better -->
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<p>Another week, another few lines of code, and yay for two weeks in a row!</p>
<div class="section" id="bookie">
<h1><a class="reference external" href="">Bookie</a></h1>
<p>Not a ton here, just some CSS updates and updating the backup script for pulling the INI correctly.</p>
<div class="section" id="bookie-parser">
<h1><a class="reference external" href="">Bookie Parser</a></h1>
<p>I spent some time cleaning up the CSS. I did some research on the most readable fonts for screens and surprisingly, it seems that sans serif wins on digital displays. So I updated the CSS and combined with some work on the Bookie main CSS files to make the readable pages a bit nicer. I&#8217;ve still got some more cleanup to do, but it reads a bit nicer now.</p>
<p>I also fixed the html generated to not have the empty body tag. It was due to the way the readable parsing library was giving me a full html document of content. See the updates over there for some bigger updates.</p>
<p>Finally, I added a form on the main page so you can try it out on a url just by entering it. So if you&#8217;re just curious what it does, <a class="reference external" href="">go try it out</a>!</p>
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<h1><a class="reference external" href="">Bookie Api</a></h1>
<p>Just added a <cite>ping</cite> command. It should help make sure that the configuration is correct for new users. It&#8217;s also a nice start to a non-admin specific api command. A little bit of cleanup aside from that, but nothing major.</p>
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<h1><a class="reference external" href="">readability_lxml</a></h1>
<p>Currently, Bookie uses a library called <a class="reference external" href="">decruft</a> for parsing html pages for the actual important article content. The <a class="reference external">bookie_parser</a> project is using a different fork of that called <a class="reference external" href="">readability_lxml</a>. The author is a bit open to merging changes in and actually says she&#8217;s in &#8216;maintenance mode&#8217;. Since I kind of want a really decent library for this, it&#8217;s an important feature, I started hacking on it. In the process, this is where my week of hacking went.</p>
<p>First I updated it to allow me to get back only a partial html document vs an entire <cite>&lt;html&gt;</cite> doc. I then fixed some bugs, started cleaning up the code (adding tests, making the command line client all nice and argepare&#8217;y) etc. In the process I noticed that there&#8217;s a big branch in Github that adds a ton of things like multiple page document support and such. I&#8217;ve started to try to pull his branch into my work and the origin author&#8217;s code. It&#8217;s a LOT of <cite>git cherry-pick</cite> and really a pain since I want to clean up the code as I go. Unfortunately, this just means that Git gets confused on future merges since the code&#8217;s changed between commits. Ugh!</p>
<p>I&#8217;m about half way done though and I hope this will leave us with one solid library to do this parsing. I&#8217;m hoping to kind of take over stewardship of the library as I complete this work. It should hopefully make <a class="reference external" href="">Bookie</a> and <a class="reference external" href="">bookie_parser</a> all the more awesome.</p>
<div class="section" id="the-coming-week">
<h1>The coming week</h1>
<p>I&#8217;m giving a talk on the <a class="reference external" href="">YUI JavaScript library</a> at <a class="reference external" href="">Penguicon</a>. This means my<br />
hacking time will be a bit less since I&#8217;ve got a presentation to prepare for. Next week&#8217;s status report might be a bit light and boring, but hey, maybe I&#8217;ll scrounge up some more beta users of Bookie while at the conference.</p>
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