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Richard Harding c2f935bf51 Remove code we didn't need 12 years ago
src/breadability Remove code we didn't need 12 years ago
.gitignore Bonus per 100 chars logic was incorrect 13 years ago
.travis.yml Fix typo in travis config 13 years ago Initial bootstrap of modern package template 13 years ago
Makefile Start to add makefile for running life 13 years ago
NEWS.txt Prep for 0.1.2 release 13 years ago
README.rst Garden readme 13 years ago
requirements.txt Start to add items to get travis ci builds working 13 years ago Prep for 0.1.2 release 13 years ago


breadability - another readability Python port
I've tried to work with the various forks of some ancient codebase that ported
`readability`_ to Python. The lack of tests, unused regex's, and commented out
sections of code in other Python ports just drove me nuts.

I put forth an effort to bring in several of the better forks into one
codebase, but they've diverged so much that I just can't work with it.

So what's any sane person to do? Re-port it with my own repo, add some tests,
infrastructure, and try to make this port better. OSS FTW (and yea, NIH FML,
but oh well I did try)

This is a pretty straight port of the JS here:


This does depend on lxml so you'll need some C headers in order to install
things from pip so that it can compile.


    sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
    pip install breadability


cmd line


    $ breadability


  - b will write out the parsed content to a temp file and open it in a
    browser for viewing.
  - f will override the default behaviour of getting an html fragment (<div>)
    and give you back a full <html> document.
  - v will output in verbose debug mode and help let you know why it parsed
    how it did.

Using from Python


    from breadability.readable import Article
    readable_article = Article(html_text, url=url_came_from)
    print readable_article

Work to be done
Yep, I've got some catching up to do. I don't do pagination, I've got a lot of
custom tweaks I need to get going, there are some articles that fail to parse.
I also have more tests to write on a lot of the cleaning helpers, but
hopefully things are setup in a way that those can/will be added.

Fortunately, I need this library for my tools:


so I really need this to be an active and improving project.

Off the top of my heads todo list:

  - Support metadata from parsed article [url, confidence scores, all
    candidates we thought about?]
  - More tests, more thorough tests
  - More sample articles we need to test against in the test_articles
  - Tests that run through and check for regressions of the test_articles
  - Tidy'ing the HTML that comes out, might help with regression tests ^^
  - Multiple page articles
  - Performance tuning, we do a lot of looping and re-drop some nodes that
    should be skipped. We should have a set of regression tests for this so
    that if we implement a change that blows up performance we know it right
  - Get up on pypi along with the rest of the ports
  - More docs for things, but sphinx docs and in code comments to help
    understand wtf we're doing and why. That's the biggest hurdle to some of
    this stuff.

Helping out
If you want to help, shoot me a pull request, an issue report with broken
urls, etc.

You can ping me on irc, I'm always in the `#bookie` channel in freenode.

Important Links

- `Builds`_ are done on `TravisCI`_


- `python-readability`_
- `decruft`_
- `readability`_

.. _readability:
.. _Builds:!/mitechie/breadability
.. _TravisCI:
.. _decruft:
.. _python-readability: