You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

116 lines
3.3 KiB

"""Generate a clean nice starting html document to process for an article."""
import chardet
import re
from lxml.etree import tostring
from lxml.etree import tounicode
from lxml.etree import XMLSyntaxError
from lxml.html import document_fromstring
from lxml.html import HTMLParser
from breadability.logconfig import LOG
from breadability.utils import cached_property
utf8_parser = HTMLParser(encoding='utf-8')
def get_encoding(page):
text = re.sub('</?[^>]*>\s*', ' ', page)
enc = 'utf-8'
if not text.strip() or len(text) < 10:
return enc # can't guess
diff = text.decode(enc, 'ignore').encode(enc)
sizes = len(diff), len(text)
# 99% of utf-8
if abs(len(text) - len(diff)) < max(sizes) * 0.01:
return enc
except UnicodeDecodeError:
res = chardet.detect(text)
enc = res['encoding']
# print '->', enc, "%.2f" % res['confidence']
if enc == 'MacCyrillic':
enc = 'cp1251'
if not enc:
enc = 'utf-8'
return enc
def replace_multi_br_to_paragraphs(html):
"""Convert multiple <br>s into paragraphs"""
LOG.debug('Replacing multiple <br/> to <p>')
rep = re.compile("(<br[^>]*>[ \n\r\t]*){2,}", re.I)
return rep.sub('</p><p>', html)
def build_doc(page):
"""Requires that the `page` not be None"""
if page is None:
LOG.error("Page content is None, can't build_doc")
return ''
if isinstance(page, unicode):
page_unicode = page
enc = get_encoding(page)
page_unicode = page.decode(enc, 'replace')
doc = document_fromstring(
page_unicode.encode('utf-8', 'replace'),
return doc
except XMLSyntaxError, exc:
LOG.error('Failed to parse: ' + str(exc))
raise ValueError('Failed to parse document contents.')
class OriginalDocument(object):
"""The original document to process"""
_base_href = None
def __init__(self, html, url=None):
self.orig_html = html
self.url = url
def __str__(self):
"""Render out our document as a string"""
return tostring(self.html)
def __unicode__(self):
"""Render out our document as a string"""
return tounicode(self.html)
def _parse(self, html):
"""Generate an lxml document from our html."""
html = replace_multi_br_to_paragraphs(html)
doc = build_doc(html)
# doc = html_cleaner.clean_html(doc)
base_href = self.url
if base_href:
LOG.debug('Making links absolute')
doc.make_links_absolute(base_href, resolve_base_href=True)
return doc
def html(self):
"""The parsed html document from the input"""
return self._parse(self.orig_html)
def links(self):
"""Links within the document"""
return self.html.findall(".//a")
def title(self):
"""Pull the title attribute out of the parsed document"""
titleElem = self.html.find('.//title')
if titleElem is None or titleElem.text is None:
return ''
return titleElem.text