import re from lxml.etree import tounicode from lxml.etree import tostring from lxml.html.clean import Cleaner from lxml.html import fragment_fromstring from lxml.html import fromstring from operator import attrgetter from pprint import PrettyPrinter from breadability.document import OriginalDocument from breadability.logconfig import LOG from breadability.logconfig import LNODE from breadability.scoring import score_candidates from breadability.scoring import get_link_density from breadability.scoring import get_class_weight from breadability.scoring import is_unlikely_node from breadability.utils import cached_property html_cleaner = Cleaner(scripts=True, javascript=True, comments=True, style=True, links=True, meta=False, add_nofollow=False, page_structure=False, processing_instructions=True, embedded=False, frames=False, forms=False, annoying_tags=False, remove_tags=None, remove_unknown_tags=False, safe_attrs_only=False) BASE_DOC = """ """ SCORABLE_TAGS = ['div', 'p', 'td', 'pre', 'article'] def drop_tag(doc, *tags): """Helper to just remove any nodes that match this html tag passed in :param *tags: one or more html tag strings to remove e.g. style, script """ for tag in tags: found = doc.iterfind(".//" + tag) for n in found: LNODE.log(n, 1, "Dropping tag") n.drop_tree() return doc def is_bad_link(a_node): """Helper to determine if the link is something to clean out We've hit articles with many multiple links that should be cleaned out because they're just there to pollute the space. See tests for examples. """ if a_node.tag == 'a': name = a_node.get('name') href = a_node.get('href') if name and not href: return True if href: url_bits = href.split('#') if len(url_bits) == 2: if len(url_bits[1]) > 25: return True return False def ok_embedded_video(node): """Check if this embed/video is an ok one to count.""" keep_keywords = ['youtube', '', 'vimeo'] node_str = tounicode(node) for key in keep_keywords: if key in node_str: return True return False def build_base_document(html, fragment=True): """Return a base document with the body as root. :param html: Parsed Element object :param fragment: Should we return a
doc fragment or a full doc. """ if html.tag == 'body': html.tag = 'div' found_body = html else: found_body = html.find('.//body') if found_body is None: frag = fragment_fromstring('
') frag.set('id', 'readabilityBody') frag.append(html) if not fragment: output = fromstring(BASE_DOC) insert_point = output.find('.//body') insert_point.append(frag) else: output = frag else: found_body.tag = 'div' found_body.set('id', 'readabilityBody') if not fragment: output = fromstring(BASE_DOC) insert_point = output.find('.//body') insert_point.append(found_body) else: output = found_body output.doctype = "" return output def build_error_document(html, fragment=True): """Return an empty erorr document with the body as root. :param fragment: Should we return a
doc fragment or a full doc. """ frag = fragment_fromstring('
') frag.set('id', 'readabilityBody') frag.set('class', 'parsing-error') if not fragment: output = fromstring(BASE_DOC) insert_point = output.find('.//body') insert_point.append(frag) else: output = frag output.doctype = "" return output def transform_misused_divs_into_paragraphs(doc): """Turn all divs that don't have children block level elements into p's Since we can't change the tree as we iterate over it, we must do this before we process our document. The idea is that we process all divs and if the div does not contain another list of divs, then we replace it with a p tag instead appending it's contents/children to it. """ for elem in doc.iter(tag='div'): child_tags = [n.tag for n in elem.getchildren()] if 'div' not in child_tags: # if there is no div inside of this div...then it's a leaf # node in a sense. # We need to create a

and put all it's contents in there # We'll just stringify it, then regex replace the first/last # div bits to turn them into


. LNODE.log(elem, 1, 'Turning leaf

') orig = tounicode(elem).strip() started = re.sub(r'^<\s*div', '$', 'p>', started) elem.getparent().replace(elem, fromstring(ended)) return doc def check_siblings(candidate_node, candidate_list): """Look through siblings for content that might also be related. Things like preambles, content split by ads that we removed, etc. """ candidate_css = candidate_node.node.get('class') potential_target = candidate_node.content_score * 0.2 sibling_target_score = potential_target if potential_target > 10 else 10 parent = candidate_node.node.getparent() siblings = parent.getchildren() if parent is not None else [] for sibling in siblings: append = False content_bonus = 0 if sibling is candidate_node.node: LNODE.log(sibling, 1, 'Sibling is the node so append') append = True # Give a bonus if sibling nodes and top candidates have the example # same class name if candidate_css and sibling.get('class') == candidate_css: content_bonus += candidate_node.content_score * 0.2 if sibling in candidate_list: adjusted_score = candidate_list[sibling].content_score + \ content_bonus if adjusted_score >= sibling_target_score: append = True if sibling.tag == 'p': link_density = get_link_density(sibling) content = sibling.text_content() content_length = len(content) if content_length > 80 and link_density < 0.25: append = True elif content_length < 80 and link_density == 0: if ". " in content: append = True if append: LNODE.log(sibling, 1, 'Sibling being appended') if sibling.tag not in ['div', 'p']: # We have a node that isn't a common block level element, like # a form or td tag. Turn it into a div so it doesn't get # filtered out later by accident. sibling.tag = 'div' if candidate_node.node != sibling: candidate_node.node.append(sibling) return candidate_node def clean_document(node): """Clean up the final document we return as the readable article""" if node is None or len(node) == 0: return LNODE.log(node, 2, "Processing doc") clean_list = ['object', 'h1'] to_drop = [] # If there is only one h2, they are probably using it as a header and # not a subheader, so remove it since we already have a header. if len(node.findall('.//h2')) == 1: LOG.debug('Adding H2 to list of nodes to clean.') clean_list.append('h2') for n in node.iter(): LNODE.log(n, 2, "Cleaning iter node") # clean out any in-line style properties if 'style' in n.attrib: n.set('style', '') # remove all of the following tags # Clean a node of all elements of type "tag". # (Unless it's a youtube/vimeo video. People love movies.) is_embed = True if n.tag in ['object', 'embed'] else False if n.tag in clean_list: allow = False # Allow youtube and vimeo videos through as people usually # want to see those. if is_embed: if ok_embedded_video(n): allow = True if not allow: LNODE.log(n, 2, "Dropping Node") to_drop.append(n) if n.tag in ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4']: # clean headings # if the heading has no css weight or a high link density, # remove it if get_class_weight(n) < 0 or get_link_density(n) > .33: LNODE.log(n, 2, "Dropping , it's insignificant") to_drop.append(n) # clean out extra

if n.tag == 'p': # if the p has no children and has no content...well then down # with it. if not n.getchildren() and len(n.text_content()) < 5: LNODE.log(n, 2, 'Dropping extra

') to_drop.append(n) # finally try out the conditional cleaning of the target node if clean_conditionally(n): to_drop.append(n) [n.drop_tree() for n in to_drop if n.getparent() is not None] return node def clean_conditionally(node): """Remove the clean_el if it looks like bad content based on rules.""" target_tags = ['form', 'table', 'ul', 'div', 'p'] LNODE.log(node, 2, 'Cleaning conditionally node.') if node.tag not in target_tags: # this is not the tag you're looking for LNODE.log(node, 2, 'Node cleared.') return weight = get_class_weight(node) # content_score = LOOK up the content score for this node we found # before else default to 0 content_score = 0 if (weight + content_score < 0): LNODE.log(node, 2, 'Dropping conditional node') LNODE.log(node, 2, 'Weight + score < 0') return True if node.text_content().count(',') < 10: LOG.debug("There aren't 10 ,s so we're processing more") # If there are not very many commas, and the number of # non-paragraph elements is more than paragraphs or other ominous # signs, remove the element. p = len(node.findall('.//p')) img = len(node.findall('.//img')) li = len(node.findall('.//li')) - 100 inputs = len(node.findall('.//input')) embed = 0 embeds = node.findall('.//embed') for e in embeds: if ok_embedded_video(e): embed += 1 link_density = get_link_density(node) content_length = len(node.text_content()) remove_node = False if li > p and node.tag != 'ul' and node.tag != 'ol': LNODE.log(node, 2, 'Conditional drop: li > p and not ul/ol') remove_node = True elif inputs > p / 3.0: LNODE.log(node, 2, 'Conditional drop: inputs > p/3.0') remove_node = True elif content_length < 25 and (img == 0 or img > 2): LNODE.log(node, 2, 'Conditional drop: len < 25 and 0/>2 images') remove_node = True elif weight < 25 and link_density > 0.2: LNODE.log(node, 2, 'Conditional drop: weight small and link is dense') remove_node = True elif weight >= 25 and link_density > 0.5: LNODE.log(node, 2, 'Conditional drop: weight big but link heavy') remove_node = True elif (embed == 1 and content_length < 75) or embed > 1: LNODE.log(node, 2, 'Conditional drop: embed w/o much content or many embed') remove_node = True if remove_node: LNODE.log(node, 2, 'Node will be removed') else: LNODE.log(node, 2, 'Node cleared') return remove_node # nope, don't remove anything LNODE.log(node, 2, 'Node Cleared final.') return False def prep_article(doc): """Once we've found our target article we want to clean it up. Clean out: - inline styles - forms - strip empty

- extra tags """ doc = clean_document(doc) return doc def find_candidates(doc): """Find cadidate nodes for the readable version of the article. Here's we're going to remove unlikely nodes, find scores on the rest, and clean up and return the final best match. """ scorable_node_tags = SCORABLE_TAGS nodes_to_score = [] should_remove = [] for node in doc.iter(): if is_unlikely_node(node): LOG.debug('We should drop unlikely: ' + str(node)) should_remove.append(node) continue if node.tag == 'a' and is_bad_link(node): LOG.debug('We should drop bad link: ' + str(node)) should_remove.append(node) continue if node.tag in scorable_node_tags and node not in nodes_to_score: nodes_to_score.append(node) return score_candidates(nodes_to_score), should_remove class Article(object): """Parsed readable object""" _should_drop = [] def __init__(self, html, url=None, fragment=True): """Create the Article we're going to use. :param html: The string of html we're going to parse. :param url: The url so we can adjust the links to still work. :param fragment: Should we return a

fragment or a full doc. """ LOG.debug('Url: ' + str(url)) self.orig = OriginalDocument(html, url=url) self.fragment = fragment def __str__(self): return tostring(self._readable) def __unicode__(self): return tounicode(self._readable) @cached_property(ttl=600) def doc(self): """The doc is the parsed xml tree of the given html.""" try: doc = self.orig.html # cleaning doesn't return, just wipes in place html_cleaner(doc) doc = drop_tag(doc, 'noscript', 'iframe') doc = transform_misused_divs_into_paragraphs(doc) return doc except ValueError: return None @cached_property(ttl=600) def candidates(self): """Generate the list of candidates from the doc.""" doc = self.doc if doc is not None and len(doc): candidates, should_drop = find_candidates(doc) self._should_drop = should_drop return candidates else: return None @cached_property(ttl=600) def readable(self): return tounicode(self._readable) @cached_property(ttl=600) def _readable(self): """The readable parsed article""" if self.candidates: LOG.debug('Candidates found:') pp = PrettyPrinter(indent=2) # cleanup by removing the should_drop we spotted. [n.drop_tree() for n in self._should_drop if n.getparent() is not None] # right now we return the highest scoring candidate content by_score = sorted([c for c in self.candidates.values()], key=attrgetter('content_score'), reverse=True) LOG.debug(pp.pformat(by_score)) # since we have several candidates, check the winner's siblings # for extra content winner = by_score[0] LOG.debug('Selected winning node: ' + str(winner)) updated_winner = check_siblings(winner, self.candidates) LOG.debug('Begin final prep of article') updated_winner.node = prep_article(updated_winner.node) if updated_winner.node is not None: doc = build_base_document(updated_winner.node, self.fragment) else: LOG.warning('Had candidates but failed to find a cleaned winning doc.') doc = self._handle_no_candidates() else: LOG.warning('No candidates found: using document.') LOG.debug('Begin final prep of article') doc = self._handle_no_candidates() return doc def _handle_no_candidates(self): """If we fail to find a good candidate we need to find something else.""" # since we've not found a good candidate we're should help this if self.doc is not None and len(self.doc): # cleanup by removing the should_drop we spotted. [n.drop_tree() for n in self._should_drop if n.getparent() is not None] doc = prep_article(self.doc) doc = build_base_document(doc, self.fragment) else: LOG.warning('No document to use.') doc = build_error_document(self.fragment) return doc