# -*- coding: utf8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals from lxml.etree import tounicode from lxml.html import document_fromstring from lxml.html import fragment_fromstring from readability._compat import to_unicode from readability.readable import Article from readability.readable import get_class_weight from readability.readable import get_link_density from readability.readable import is_bad_link from readability.readable import score_candidates from readability.readable import leaf_div_elements_into_paragraphs from readability.scoring import ScoredNode from .compat import unittest from .utils import load_snippet, load_article class TestReadableDocument(unittest.TestCase): """Verify we can process html into a document to work off of.""" def test_load_doc(self): """We get back an element tree from our original doc""" doc = Article(load_snippet('document_min.html')) # We get back the document as a div tag currently by default. self.assertEqual(doc.readable_dom.tag, 'div') def test_doc_no_scripts_styles(self): """Step #1 remove all scripts from the document""" doc = Article(load_snippet('document_scripts.html')) readable = doc.readable_dom self.assertEqual(readable.findall(".//script"), []) self.assertEqual(readable.findall(".//style"), []) self.assertEqual(readable.findall(".//link"), []) def test_find_body_exists(self): """If the document has a body, we store that as the readable html No sense processing anything other than the body content. """ doc = Article(load_snippet('document_min.html')) self.assertEqual(doc.readable_dom.tag, 'div') self.assertEqual(doc.readable_dom.get('id'), 'readabilityBody') def test_body_doesnt_exist(self): """If we can't find a body, then we create one. We build our doc around the rest of the html we parsed. """ doc = Article(load_snippet('document_no_body.html')) self.assertEqual(doc.readable_dom.tag, 'div') self.assertEqual(doc.readable_dom.get('id'), 'readabilityBody') def test_bare_content(self): """If the document is just pure content, no html tags we should be ok We build our doc around the rest of the html we parsed. """ doc = Article(load_snippet('document_only_content.html')) self.assertEqual(doc.readable_dom.tag, 'div') self.assertEqual(doc.readable_dom.get('id'), 'readabilityBody') def test_no_content(self): """Without content we supply an empty unparsed doc.""" doc = Article('') self.assertEqual(doc.readable_dom.tag, 'div') self.assertEqual(doc.readable_dom.get('id'), 'readabilityBody') self.assertEqual(doc.readable_dom.get('class'), 'parsing-error') class TestCleaning(unittest.TestCase): """Test out our cleaning processing we do.""" def test_unlikely_hits(self): """Verify we wipe out things from our unlikely list.""" doc = Article(load_snippet('test_readable_unlikely.html')) readable = doc.readable_dom must_not_appear = ['comment', 'community', 'disqus', 'extra', 'foot', 'header', 'menu', 'remark', 'rss', 'shoutbox', 'sidebar', 'sponsor', 'ad-break', 'agegate', 'pagination' '', 'pager', 'popup', 'tweet', 'twitter', 'imgBlogpostPermalink'] want_to_appear = ['and', 'article', 'body', 'column', 'main', 'shadow'] for i in must_not_appear: # we cannot find any class or id with this value by_class = readable.find_class(i) for test in by_class: # if it's here it cannot have the must not class without the # want to appear class found = False for cls in test.get('class').split(): if cls in want_to_appear: found = True self.assertTrue(found) by_ids = readable.get_element_by_id(i, False) if by_ids is not False: found = False for ids in test.get('id').split(): if ids in want_to_appear: found = True self.assertTrue(found) def test_misused_divs_transform(self): """Verify we replace leaf node divs with p's They should have the same content, just be a p vs a div """ test_html = "
" test_doc = document_fromstring(test_html) self.assertEqual( tounicode( leaf_div_elements_into_paragraphs(test_doc)), to_unicode("


") ) test_html2 = ('
simplelink' '
') test_doc2 = document_fromstring(test_html2) self.assertEqual( tounicode( leaf_div_elements_into_paragraphs(test_doc2)), to_unicode('


') ) def test_dont_transform_div_with_div(self): """Verify that only child
element is replaced by

.""" dom = document_fromstring( "

") self.assertEqual( tounicode(leaf_div_elements_into_paragraphs(dom)), to_unicode("


") ) def test_bad_links(self): """Some links should just not belong.""" bad_links = [ ' ', 'permalink', 'permalink' ] for l in bad_links: link = fragment_fromstring(l) self.assertTrue(is_bad_link(link)) class TestCandidateNodes(unittest.TestCase): """Candidate nodes are scoring containers we use.""" def test_candidate_scores(self): """We should be getting back objects with some scores.""" fives = ['
'] threes = ['
', '', '
'] neg_threes = ['
', '
    '] neg_fives = ['

    ', '

    ', '

    ', '

    '] for n in fives: doc = fragment_fromstring(n) self.assertEqual(ScoredNode(doc).content_score, 5) for n in threes: doc = fragment_fromstring(n) self.assertEqual(ScoredNode(doc).content_score, 3) for n in neg_threes: doc = fragment_fromstring(n) self.assertEqual(ScoredNode(doc).content_score, -3) for n in neg_fives: doc = fragment_fromstring(n) self.assertEqual(ScoredNode(doc).content_score, -5) def test_article_enables_candidate_access(self): """Candidates are accessible after document processing.""" doc = Article(load_article('ars.001.html')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(doc, 'candidates')) class TestClassWeights(unittest.TestCase): """Certain ids and classes get us bonus points.""" def test_positive_class(self): """Some classes get us bonus points.""" node = fragment_fromstring('

    ') self.assertEqual(get_class_weight(node), 25) def test_positive_ids(self): """Some ids get us bonus points.""" node = fragment_fromstring('

    ') self.assertEqual(get_class_weight(node), 25) def test_negative_class(self): """Some classes get us negative points.""" node = fragment_fromstring('

    ') self.assertEqual(get_class_weight(node), -25) def test_negative_ids(self): """Some ids get us negative points.""" node = fragment_fromstring('

    ') self.assertEqual(get_class_weight(node), -25) class TestScoringNodes(unittest.TestCase): """We take out list of potential nodes and score them up.""" def test_we_get_candidates(self): """Processing candidates should get us a list of nodes to try out.""" doc = document_fromstring(load_article("ars.001.html")) test_nodes = tuple(doc.iter("p", "td", "pre")) candidates = score_candidates(test_nodes) # this might change as we tweak our algorithm, but if it does, # it signifies we need to look at what we changed. self.assertEqual(len(candidates.keys()), 37) # one of these should have a decent score scores = sorted(c.content_score for c in candidates.values()) self.assertTrue(scores[-1] > 100) def test_bonus_score_per_100_chars_in_p(self): """Nodes get 1 point per 100 characters up to max. 3 points.""" def build_candidates(length): html = "


    " % ("c" * length) node = fragment_fromstring(html) return [node] test_nodes = build_candidates(50) candidates = score_candidates(test_nodes) pscore_50 = max(c.content_score for c in candidates.values()) test_nodes = build_candidates(100) candidates = score_candidates(test_nodes) pscore_100 = max(c.content_score for c in candidates.values()) test_nodes = build_candidates(300) candidates = score_candidates(test_nodes) pscore_300 = max(c.content_score for c in candidates.values()) test_nodes = build_candidates(400) candidates = score_candidates(test_nodes) pscore_400 = max(c.content_score for c in candidates.values()) self.assertAlmostEqual(pscore_50 + 0.5, pscore_100) self.assertAlmostEqual(pscore_100 + 2.0, pscore_300) self.assertAlmostEqual(pscore_300, pscore_400) class TestLinkDensityScoring(unittest.TestCase): """Link density will adjust out candidate scoresself.""" def test_link_density(self): """Test that we get a link density""" doc = document_fromstring(load_article('ars.001.html')) for node in doc.iter('p', 'td', 'pre'): density = get_link_density(node) # the density must be between 0, 1 self.assertTrue(density >= 0.0 and density <= 1.0) class TestSiblings(unittest.TestCase): """Siblings will be included if their content is related.""" @unittest.skip("Not implemented yet.") def test_bad_siblings_not_counted(self): raise NotImplementedError() @unittest.skip("Not implemented yet.") def test_good_siblings_counted(self): raise NotImplementedError() class TestMainText(unittest.TestCase): def test_empty(self): article = Article("") annotated_text = article.main_text self.assertEqual(annotated_text, []) def test_no_annotations(self): article = Article("

    This is text with no annotations

    ") annotated_text = article.main_text self.assertEqual(annotated_text, [(("This is text with no annotations", None),)]) def test_one_annotation(self): article = Article("

    This is text\r\twith no annotations

    ") annotated_text = article.main_text expected = [( ("This is text\nwith", None), ("no", ("del",)), ("annotations", None), )] self.assertEqual(annotated_text, expected) def test_simple_snippet(self): snippet = Article(load_snippet("annotated_1.html")) annotated_text = snippet.main_text expected = [ ( ("Paragraph is more", None), ("better", ("em",)), (".\nThis text is very", None), ("pretty", ("strong",)), ("'cause she's girl.", None), ), ( ("This is not", None), ("crap", ("big",)), ("so", None), ("readability", ("dfn",)), ("me :)", None), ) ] self.assertEqual(annotated_text, expected)