#!/usr/bin/env bash ## sets optional variable from environment opt () { eval "if [ -z \"\$$1\" ]; then $1='$2'; fi"; } ## output usage usage () { echo "" echo " usage: bpkg-init [-hV]" echo "" } ## prompt with question and store result in variable prompt () { local var="$1" local q="$2" local value="" { trap "exit -1" SIGINT SIGTERM read -p "$q" -r -e value; value="${value//\"/\'}"; } 2>&1 if [ -n "$value" ]; then eval "$var=\"$value\"" fi } prompt_if () { local mesg="$1" local func="$2" prompt ANSWER "$mesg [y/n]: " case "$ANSWER" in y|Y|yes|YES|Yes) shift shift # shellcheck disable=SC2068 $func $@ return 0 esac return 1 } ## alert user of hint hint () { { echo printf " hint: %s\n" "$@" echo } >&2 } ## output error error () { { printf "error: %s\n" "${@}" } >&2 } ## append line to buffer append () { appendf '%s' "${@}" buf+=$'\n' } ## append formatted string to buffer appendf () { local fmt="$1" shift # shellcheck disable=SC2059 buf+="$(printf "${fmt}" "${@}")" } ## wraps each argument in quotes wrap () { printf '"%s" ' "${@}"; echo ""; } intro () { echo echo "This will walk you through initializing the 'bpkg.json' file." echo "It will prompt you for the bare minimum that is needed and provide" echo "defaults." echo echo "See github.com/bpkg/bpkg for more information on defining the bpkg" echo "'bpkg.json' file." echo echo "You can press ^C anytime to quit this prompt. The 'bpkg.json' file" echo "will only be written upon completion." echo } options () { opt NAME "$(basename "$(pwd)")" opt VERSION "0.1.0" opt DESCRIPTION "" opt GLOBAL "" opt INSTALL "install -b ${NAME}.sh \${PREFIX:-/usr/local}/bin/${NAME}" opt SCRIPTS "${NAME}.sh" } set_global () { # shellcheck disable=SC2034 GLOBAL=1 } prompts () { prompt NAME "name: (${NAME}) " # shellcheck disable=SC2153 prompt VERSION "version: (${VERSION}) " prompt DESCRIPTION "description: " prompt INSTALL "install: (${INSTALL})" prompt SCRIPTS "scripts: (${SCRIPTS}) " prompt USER "Github username: (${USER}) " prompt_if "Force global install?" set_global } ## handle required fields required () { for key in \ "NAME" \ "SCRIPTS" do eval local val="\${${key}}" # shellcheck disable=SC2154 [ -z "${val}" ] && error "Missing \` ${key}' property" done } ## convert scripts to quoted csv csv () { if [ -n "${SCRIPTS}" ]; then RAW_SCRIPTS=${SCRIPTS} { local TMP="" SCRIPTS="${SCRIPTS//,/ }" SCRIPTS="${SCRIPTS//\"/}" SCRIPTS="${SCRIPTS//\'/}" SCRIPTS=($(wrap "${SCRIPTS}")) # shellcheck disable=2219 let len=${#SCRIPTS[@]} for (( i = 0; i < len; i++ )); do word=${SCRIPTS[$i]} if (( i + 1 != len )); then TMP+="${word}, " else TMP+="${word}" fi done SCRIPTS=("${TMP}") } fi } ## delimit object and key-value pairs delimit () { local lowercase append "{" for key in \ "NAME" \ "VERSION" \ "DESCRIPTION" \ "GLOBAL" \ "INSTALL" \ "SCRIPTS" do lowercase="$(echo ${key} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" eval local val="\${${key}}" if [ -n "${val}" ]; then ## swap leading/trailing quotes for brackets in arrays local before="\"" local after="\"" [ "$key" == "SCRIPTS" ] && before="[ " && after=" ]" appendf " \"${lowercase}\": ${before}%s${after}" "${val}" append "," fi done ## remove final trailing newline and comma buf="${buf%?}" buf="${buf%?}" append "" append "}" } ## validate completed contents with user validate () { prompt ANSWER "${buf} Does this look OK? (type 'n' to cancel) " if [ "n" = "${ANSWER:0:1}" ]; then exit 1 fi } ## if package file already exists, ensure user wants to clobber clobber () { if test -f "${file}"; then prompt_if "A 'bpkg.json' already exists. Would you like to replace it?" rm -f "${file}" fi } create_shell_file () { if [ "${NAME}.sh" == "${RAW_SCRIPTS}" ] && [ ! -f "${NAME}.sh" ]; then cat << EOF > "${NAME}.sh" #!/bin/bash VERSION=${VERSION} usage () { echo "${NAME} [-hV]" echo echo "Options:" echo " -h|--help Print this help dialogue and exit" echo " -V|--version Print the current version and exit" } ${NAME} () { for opt in "\${@}"; do case "\${opt}" in -h|--help) usage return 0 ;; -V|--version) echo "\${VERSION}" return 0 ;; esac done ## your code here } if [[ \${BASH_SOURCE[0]} != "\$0" ]]; then export -f ${NAME} else ${NAME} "\${@}" exit $? fi EOF chmod 755 "${NAME}.sh" fi } create_readme () { if [ ! -f "README.md" ]; then { echo "# $NAME" echo echo "$DESCRIPTION" echo echo "# Install" echo echo "Available as a [bpkg](http://www.bpkg.sh/)" echo '```sh' echo "bpkg install [-g] ${USER:-bpkg}/$NAME" echo '```' } > "README.md" fi } create_repo () { if git status &>/dev/null; then echo "Repo already exists" else git init fi } ## main bpkg_init () { local cwd local version="0.1.0" cwd="$(pwd)" local buf="" ## output buffer local file="${cwd}/bpkg.json" ## output file local arg="$1" shift case "${arg}" in ## flags -V|--version) echo "${version}" exit 0 ;; -h|--help) usage exit 0 ;; *) if [ -n "${arg}" ]; then error "Unknown option: \`${arg}'" usage exit 1 fi ;; esac ## set up package file intro options prompts required csv delimit validate clobber ## create and write package file touch "${file}" echo "${buf}" > "${file}" create_shell_file create_readme # initialize a git repo if one does not exist if [ ! -d '.git' ]; then git init fi return 0 } ## export or run if [[ ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} != "$0" ]]; then export -f bpkg_init else bpkg_init "${@}" exit $? fi