bpkg-init ========= Interactively generate a `bpkg.json` for your [bpkg][bp]. Code, format, and instructions based heavily on [jwerle's][jw] [clib-init][cb]. [bp]: https://github.com/bpkg/bpkg/ [jw]: https://github.com/jwerle/ [cb]: https://github.com/jwerle/clib-init/ install ------- With [bpkg](https://github.com/bpkg/bpkg): ```sh $ bpkg install benkogan/bpkg-init ``` From source: ```sh $ git clone git@github.com:benkogan/bpkg-init.git /tmp/bpkg-init $ cd /tmp/bpkg-init $ make install ``` usage ----- Simply invoke `bpkg init` and you wil be prompted with a series of questions about the generation of your `bpkg.json`. Most options have sane defaults. This will walk you through initializing the bpkg `bpkg.json` file. It will prompt you for the bare minimum that is needed and provide defaults. See github.com/bpkg/bpkg for more information on defining the bpkg `bpkg.json` file. You can press `^C` anytime to quit this prompt. The `bpkg.json` file will only be written upon completion. ```sh $ bpkg init This will walk you through initializing the bpkg `bpkg.json` file. It will prompt you for the bare minimum that is needed and provide defaults. See github.com/bpkg/bpkg for more information on defining the bpkg `bpkg.json` file. You can press ^C anytime to quit this prompt. The `bpkg.json` file will only be written upon completion. name: (bpkg-init) ... ``` license ------- MIT