#! /usr/bin/env bash cd ${0%/*} # make test output TAP compatible # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_Anything_Protocol fails=0 tests=`ls invalid/* -1 | wc -l` echo "1..${tests##* }" for input in invalid/* do i=$((i+1)) if ../JSON.sh < "$input" > /tmp/JSON.sh_outlog 2> /tmp/JSON.sh_errlog then echo "not ok $i - cat $input | ../JSON.sh should fail" #this should be indented with '#' at the start. echo "OUTPUT WAS >>>" cat /tmp/JSON.sh_outlog echo "<<<" fails=$((fails+1)) else echo "ok $i - $input was rejected" echo "#" `cat /tmp/JSON.sh_errlog` fi done echo "$fails test(s) failed" exit $fails