#!/usr/bin/env bash VERSION="0.0.1" if ! type -f bpkg-utils &>/dev/null; then echo "error: bpkg-utils not found, aborting" exit 1 else # shellcheck disable=SC2230 # shellcheck source=lib/utils/utils.sh source "$(which bpkg-utils)" fi bpkg_initrc usage () { echo "bpkg-list [-h|--help] [-V|--version] [-d|--details]" echo echo "List all known bash packages from the repo. You first must run \`bpkg update' to sync the repo locally." echo "Options:" echo " --help|-h Print this help dialogue" echo " --version|-V Print version and exit" echo " --details|-d More verbose output" } bpkg_list () { local verbose=0 for opt in "${@}"; do case "$opt" in -V|--version) echo "${VERSION}" return 0 ;; -h|--help) usage return 0 ;; -d|--details) verbose=1 ;; *) if [ "${opt:0:1}" == "-" ]; then bpkg_error "unknown option: $opt" return 1 fi esac done local i=0 for remote in "${BPKG_REMOTES[@]}"; do local git_remote="${BPKG_GIT_REMOTES[$i]}" bpkg_select_remote "$remote" "$git_remote" if [ ! -f "$BPKG_REMOTE_INDEX_FILE" ]; then bpkg_warn "no index file found for remote: ${remote}" bpkg_warn "You should run \`bpkg update' before running this command." continue fi OLDIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' for line in $(cat "$BPKG_REMOTE_INDEX_FILE"); do local name=$(echo "$line" | cut -d\| -f1 | tr -d ' ') local desc=$(echo "$line" | cut -d\| -f2) local host=$BPKG_REMOTE_HOST if [ "$verbose" == "1" ]; then echo "$name [$host] - $desc" else echo "$name" fi done < "${BPKG_REMOTE_INDEX_FILE}" IFS="$OLDIFS" i=$((i+1)) done } if [[ ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} != "$0" ]]; then export -f bpkg_list elif bpkg_validate; then bpkg_list "${@}" fi