#!/usr/bin/env bash if ! type -f bpkg-realpath &>/dev/null; then echo "error: bpkg-realpath not found, aborting" exit 1 else # shellcheck disable=SC2230 # shellcheck source=lib/realpath/realpath.sh source "$(which bpkg-realpath)" fi BPKG_JSON="$(which bpkg-json)" if [ -z "$BPKG_JSON" ]; then BPKG_JSON="$(bpkg_realpath "$0/../JSON/JSON.sh")" else BPKG_JSON="$(bpkg_realpath "$BPKG_JSON")" fi ## output usage usage () { echo "usage: bpkg-package [-h|--help]" echo " or: bpkg-package [-p|--path]" echo " or: bpkg-package " echo " or: bpkg-package" } expand_grep_args () { local strict_ending=$(echo "$@" | grep '\-\-strict') if [ -n "$strict_ending" ]; then shift fi local n=$# if (( n > 0 )); then printf '\[' fi while (( $# > 0 )); do if [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then printf '%s' "$1" else printf '"%s"' "$1" fi shift if (( $# > 0)); then printf ',' fi done if (( n > 0 )); then if [ -n "$strict_ending" ]; then printf '\]' else printf '\]?' fi fi return 0 } find_file () { local path="$(pwd)" local file="$1" ## check if file exists at given path if test -f "$file"; then realpath "$file" return 0 fi ## check if file exists joined with currrent path (cwd) if test -f "$path/$file"; then realpath "$path/$file" return 0 fi ## check if file exists in paths stopping at $HOME and '/' while [[ "$path" != "$HOME" && "$path" != "/" && "$path" != "" ]]; do if test -f "$path/$file"; then realpath "$path/$file" return 0 fi path="$(dirname "$path")" done return 1 } bpkg_package_path () { local cwd="$(pwd)" ## search up for 'bpkg.json', but only in CWD for 'package.json' local pkgs=("bpkg.json" "$cwd/package.json") for (( i = 0; i < ${#pkgs[@]}; i++ )); do if find_file "${pkgs[$i]}"; then return 0 fi done return 1 } ## Read a package property bpkg_package () { local cwd="$(pwd)" ## search up for 'bpkg.json', but only in CWD for 'package.json' local pkgs=("bpkg.json" "$cwd/package.json") local npkgs="${#pkgs[@]}" local rc=1 ## parse flags case "$1" in -h|--help) usage return 0 ;; -p|--path) bpkg_package_path return $? ;; esac ## attempt to find JSON manifest and query it for (( i = 0; i < npkgs; i++ )); do local pkg="$(find_file "${pkgs[$i]}")" if test -f "$pkg"; then if [ -z "$1" ]; then ## output all propertyies if property ## is ommited cat < "$pkg" | "$BPKG_JSON" -b || return $? rc=0 else ## show value for a specific property ## in 'bpkg.json' or 'package.json' declare -a results declare -a peek # shellcheck disable=SC2068 IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a peek <<< "$(cat < "$pkg" | "$BPKG_JSON" -b | grep -E "$(expand_grep_args --strict "$@")")" # shellcheck disable=SC2068 IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a results <<< "$(cat < "$pkg" | "$BPKG_JSON" -b | grep -E "$(expand_grep_args $@)")" if (( ${#results[@]} == 1 )); then rc=0 if (( ${#peek[@]} > 0 )); then echo -e "${results[@]}" | awk '{ $1=""; print $0 }' | ## print value sed 's/^\s*//g' | ## remove leading whitespace sed 's/\s*$//g' | ## remove trailing whitespace sed 's/^"//g' | ## remove leading quote from JSON value sed 's/"$//g' | ## remove trailing quote from JSON value sed 's/^ *//;s/ *$//' || return $? else echo -e "${results[@]}" fi elif (( ${#results[@]} > 0 )); then rc=0 for (( j = 0; j < ${#results[@]}; j++ )); do echo -e "${results[j]}" done fi shift fi return $rc fi done echo 1>&2 "error: Unable to find \`bpkg.json' or \`package.json' in $cwd" return 1 } if [ -z "$BPKG_JSON" ]; then echo 1>&2 "error: Failed to load 'bpkg-json'" else if [[ ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} != "$0" ]]; then export -f bpkg_package export -f bpkg_package_path else bpkg_package "${@}" exit $? fi fi