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11 years ago
yo, so it's a json parser written in bash
pipe json to it, and it traverses the json objects and prints out the
path to the current object (as a JSON array) and then the object, without whitespace.
``` bash
$ json_parse < package.json
["name"] ""
["version"] "0.0.0"
["description"] ""
["homepage"] ""
["repository","type"] "git"
["repository","url"] ""
["repository"] {"type":"git","url":""}
["bin","json_parse"] "./"
["bin"] {"json_parse":"./"}
["dependencies"] {}
# ... etc
a more complex example:
``` bash
curl | ./ | egrep '\["versions","[^"]*"\]'
... try it and see
## Options
> Brief output. Combines 'Leaf only' and 'Prune empty' options.
> Leaf only. Only show leaf nodes, which stops data duplication.
> Prune empty. Exclude fields with empty values.
> Show help text.
## Cool Links
* [step-/JSON.awk]( ported to awk
* [kristopolous/TickTick]( Object Oriented BASH
* [archan937/](
## Examples
If you have any examples with, streaming twitter, github, or whatever!
please issue a pull request and i will include them.
## Installation
install via npm or from AUR on archlinux
* `npm install -g`
* `yaourt -Sy json-sh`
([json-sh on aur](
thanks to [kremlin-](
## License
This software is available under the following licenses:
* Apache 2